Structures of Jesus-Christ & God's KINGDOM on Earth and Heavens

???? ???Grand Design of God’s Kingdom??

“Vatican + UN + US + Alliances of Nations = Christ NATION (Universal Society)”

????????????????????????????????????????????????????? By: Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U???????????????????????


·???????? Series 2000s ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Highest Level of Understandings:


To be continued studies of “Master, Doctoral (Philosophy and Education) programs and highest level of interpretation about Creations, Religions, National, Regional, Global and Universal Leaderships, a good student, aspirant for searching important things, go to Harvard University for KNOWLEDGE and SYSTEM. Ultimately, if you want to learn and earn more and unlimited understanding both temporal and eternal life based on MIND OF WISDOM and GLORY through Universal Reference Series 2000s (325 titles of book, 1000s of Articles which currently delivered over 20 million WORDS OF WISDOM Worldwide), please search “TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES or sapetin@harvard / https://www.sapetin@harvard, FB Profile and Page Accounts. And for Books----”



Topics to be solved:


1.?????? Holy Nation of GOD THE SON on Earth (Through Virgin Mary) and preparations for HOLY NATION


2.?????? Holy Nation of GOD THE FATHER in Heaven (Through Jesus-Christ) and preparations for the rewards of SATELLITE THRONE


3.?????? Divisions of Time (Heavenly Hour by Judgment, Day by Works and Year by Population and Society)





To believe Jesus who is the CHRIST, a person should be understood a sacred task to be finished in life. it means that FAITH is the key to be part of the chosen FAMILY on earth based on parenthood of Abraham whom chosen as Father of many NATIONS and Virgin Mary whom chosen as Mother of God. And therefore, Jesus-Christ eternal BROTHERHOOD as Holy Family on earth under Virgin Mary’s Motherhood and Queenhood (John 19:26-27, Luke 1:46-48 and Revelation 12:1-5). On part of God the Father NATION, all of heavenly beings (Universal spirits, Angels and Saints) will be judged based on the three divisions of the UNIVERSAL JUDGMENTS. It means that Heavenly Nation are three categories of SAINTS, “Citizen, Son and Elder”. See, below;

a)????? Universal Judgment I for Citizenship: All Souls will be judged after physical death or 1st death. Universal spirits where guardians of the field Universe will be judged also. Angels were designated as guardians of believers and heavenly armies will be judged, all animals and plants will be elected to be part of the heavenly kingdom. And judgment based on BAPTISM and WORK OF HANDS (Human Soul) and DIVINE LAW (Universal spirits and Angels). A span of time from physical death to judgment is 41.67 earth years (1 Soul’s Hour under Soul’s Salvation Year)


b)????? Universal Judgment II for Sonship: Highest Angels and Saints will be part of the second level of judgment for son’s category. And judgment based on DIVINE LAW (Angels) and WORD OF TONGUE (Saints). A span of judgment from Citizenship to sonship is 200 earth years (1 Judgment hour based on SEVENTH BLESSED DAY of Abraham faith journey)


c)????? Universal Judgment III for Eldership: This is selection for Eldership category and both Angels and Saints were chosen will be rewarded the SATELLITE THRONE prior on Jesus-Christ promised mentioned in Book of PROPHECY (Revelation 3:14-22). The judgment is based on THROUGHTRS OF MIND through DIVINE LOVE. A span of judgment from sonship to eldership is 200 earth years or 1 judgment hour based on SEVENTH BLESSED DAY time under Jesus-Christ Kingship (Revelation 22:16)


For the Body’s preparations, it categorizes to two stages as follows;


1.????? Written and Oral Torah: The Book of Judaism refers to OLD TESTAMENT for Jesus visible BODY


2.????? Spirit of God: Story of Jesus of Nazareth refers to NEW TESTAMENT for Jesus Brotherhood and Family


For the Nation’s preparations, it determines by two categories as follows;


1.????? Democratic Government: It will be established through People’s Voice founded by King David’s calling to be KING of Israel and Judah for 40 years


2.????? Universal Society: It will be established in accordance with 57th messaged of the TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES under Jesus-Christ KINGSHIP

1.0: Holy Nation of GOD THE SON on Earth (Through Virgin Mary) and preparations for UNIVERSAL SOCIETY


1.0a) FIRST HALF of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY under CREATION accounts:




It has begun at last hour under Trinity Year which counted as 24th creation hour of the 365th day of Trinity or 6th day of earthly creation. In Soul’s year accounts, the 365th day of Trinity Year with span of 730.5 million earth years, and 365.25 million earth years under Divine Love accounts and part of the preparations of Human power. It means that per hour is 30.5 million earth years. The first half of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY are two categories, “DIVINE LAW accounts by means part of creation journey (Adam to Abraham).


  1. ADAM (Field Worker) – 24.15 million earth years
  2. ENOCH (Righteousness) – 17 million earth years
  3. NOAH (Family savior) – 10 million earth years



Revelation 12:1-5

New International Version


The Woman and the Dragon

12?A great sign?appeared in heaven:?a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars?on her head.?2?She was pregnant and cried out in pain?as she was about to give birth.?3?Then another sign appeared in heaven:?an enormous red dragon?with seven heads?and ten horns?and seven crowns?on its heads.?4?Its tail swept a third?of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.?The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child?the moment he was born.?5?She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a]?And her child was snatched up?to God and to his throne.


Matthew 16:14-20

New International Version

14?They replied, “Some say John the Baptist;?others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15?“But what about you?”?he asked.?“Who do you say I am?”

16?Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17?Jesus replied,?“Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood,?but by my Father in heaven.?18?And I tell you that you are Peter,[a]?and on this rock I will build my church,?and the gates of Hades[b]?will not overcome it.?19?I will give you the keys?of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c]?bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d]?loosed in heaven.”?20?Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone?that he was the Messiah.

Matthew 28:18-20

New International Version

18?Then Jesus came to them and said,?“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.?19?Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,?baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,?20?and teaching?them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you?always, to the very end of the age.”


1.0b) Second HALF of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY under SALVATION accounts, and Structures of BAPTISM prior on HOLY TRINITY


Revelation 12:1-5

New International Version


The Woman and the Dragon

12?A great sign?appeared in heaven:?a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars?on her head.?2?She was pregnant and cried out in pain?as she was about to give birth.?3?Then another sign appeared in heaven:?an enormous red dragon?with seven heads?and ten horns?and seven crowns?on its heads.?4?Its tail swept a third?of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.?The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child?the moment he was born.?5?She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a]?And her child was snatched up?to God and to his throne.


Matthew 16:14-20

New International Version

14?They replied, “Some say John the Baptist;?others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15?“But what about you?”?he asked.?“Who do you say I am?”

16?Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17?Jesus replied,?“Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood,?but by my Father in heaven.?18?And I tell you that you are Peter,[a]?and on this rock I will build my church,?and the gates of Hades[b]?will not overcome it.?19?I will give you the keys?of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c]?bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d]?loosed in heaven.”?20?Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone?that he was the Messiah.

Matthew 28:18-20

New International Version

18?Then Jesus came to them and said,?“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.?19?Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,?baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,?20?and teaching?them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you?always, to the very end of the age.”


Details of the Second half of SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


It is counting at 5 millenniums and 200 earth years per Hour. And 24 Judgment Hours are 4,800 earth years. Presently (2023) is 21st Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY and will be finished on 2400 C.E. (Christendom Era under TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES), Harvard is using different word about C.E. (COMMON ERA). Moreover, a tradition of marrying between family members from Adam to Abraham time were stopped of Moses time based on restrictions of the Ten Commandments. And on the 10th and last COVENANT OF WEEK (Last Supper), Jesus vehemently stands about the marriage life.

Mathew 19:1-9 (NIV)


19?When Jesus had finished saying these things,?he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan.?2?Large crowds followed him, and he healed them?there.

3?Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?for any and every reason?”

4?“Haven’t you read,”?he replied,?“that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a]?5?and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]??6?So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

7?“Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?”

8?Jesus replied,?“Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.?9?I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”


  1. ABRAHAM (Father of many Nations) – 2000 BC-1,200 BC or 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


  1. MOSES (Bearer of Ten Commandments) – 1,200 BC-1000 BC or 5th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


  1. King David (Eternal Throne-ship) - 1000 BC-900 BC or 1st half of 6th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


  1. King Solomon (Temple) - 900 BC-800 BC or 2nd half of the 6th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


  1. Prophetic and King Cyrus II combined journeyed (Restoration of Covenant) - 800 BC-4 BC or 7th to 10th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


  1. Virgin Mary (Bearer of the Son of God) - 4 BC-29 A.D. or 11th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY


Overall, the preparations of Jesus earthly body as WORD OF FATHER based on the 9 Covenants of humankind which will be compared to 9 months in the womb of the mother as word of the father under human love (Romance Love). Practically, Jesus body processed at same period in Virgin Mary’s womb by means annunciation to birth are 9 months. And the WEEK OF COVENANT referred to LAST SUPPER is foundation of soul’s life; and all believers must be part of the HOLY EUCHARISTIC gathering under royal family and brotherhood of Jesus and motherhood of Virgin Mary. It means that outside Virgin Mary’s motherhood is not part of royal family. Instead part of the heavenly Citizenships.


1.????? God the Father Baptism for Citizenship: He renamed Abram to Abraham as father of many NATIONS (Genesis 17:5)


2.????? God the Son Baptims for Sonship: He renamed Simon to Peter as rock of FAITH under Brotherhood of Jesus-Christ (Mathew 16:16-19)


3.????? God the Holy Spirit Baptism for HOLY NATION: Peter stood before the peoples in Jerusalem on Pentecost day, and baptized 3000 gentiles. It means from gentiles nations to Holy Nation of Christ (Acts 2:13-17); and joined together with bread as based on LAST SUPPER instructions (Acts 41:47).





  • HANDS OF WISDOM – This is patterned of King David’s leadership of Israel and Judah for 40 years. God has instilled King David’s eternal Covenant of Throne ship after PEOPLES VOICE were asked for new King and led them to freedom from oppressors. In Jesus-Christ mission, he was born through Joseph clan from Judah (one of the 12 sons of Jacob referred to as Israel). And therefore, his power intended as successor of King David’s eternal Throne under Spiritual Israel and his Kingdom will no end (Luke 1:26-33). A Prophet of God named Samuel whom chosen by God to deliver God’s messaged. And God has appointed David through HEART and not by physical way.


In connection the process, DAVID has three virtual names based on his mission as King of HEART as follows;


1.?????? DAVID – It means BELOVED, he became King by God’s grace and love through HEART

2.?????? D=4 AVI= 6 D=4 - The biblical numbers are 14 which adopted by 14 stations of the cross

3.?????? David’s Throne’s inheritor – Jesus who is begotten son of God which called as BELOVED of God (Heard after Baptism in river of Jordan and transfiguration in mount tabor)

4.?????? Jesus has appointed one of his 12 disciples named John to be his right hand (Loved Apostle) and granted him total understanding about DIVINE LOVE. John the loved Apostle of Jesus received assurance from his master that his life will not be ended (See, conversation between Peter and Jesus at gospel of John). John has multiple sacred tasks, as follows;


a)?????? Companion of Jesus physical mother (Virgin Mary) as image of the mother and son in the family (John 19:26-27)

b)????? Jesus appeared them on the sea of Tiberias after his resurrection, and Peter unknown Jesus. And John has introduced Jesus to Peter (John 21:1-11)

c)?????? Jesus as King has appeared to John in the isolated Island of Patmos (Currently part of Turkey) and John has received WISDOM through LITTLE BOOK from angel of God. It refers as understanding of the HOLY BIBLE based on OUTER MIND OF WISDOM





I – God has introduced his named after Moses. He told Moses to tell Israel that his maned is, “I” (Exodus 3:14)


LOVE – God’s Voice was heard after Jesus baptism of river Jordan and transfiguration on the top of the mount TABOR (He is my beloved son). Gift of FLESH to be given (John 3:16)



YOU – An Angel of the Lord, told Mary (virgin from Nazareth) that God has favored her to be the bearer and mother of the heavenly child (Luke 1:26)



Universal Body


The counting method based on SOULR’S JUDGMENT HOUR by means 41.67 earth years per HOUR. And to be understood very well, “41.67 ey x 24 sh = 1000 earth year called to as JUDGMENT DAY (2 Peter 3:7-8)”. Physical body’s death is just the beginning of the 40 days stay on earth, and after that, a SOUL will be entered to SUFFERING CHURCH or Purgatory (Revelation 20:11-15), which is the beginning of time under 1st Universal Judgment for the 4th Light Heaven’s Citizenship.


LAST SUPPER – Covenant of Spiritual Body’s creation as well as LIFE under Brotherhood/Kingship and Motherhood/Queenhoods of Jesus-Christ and Virgin Mary respectively


a)????? DIVINE LAW - Adam aged 930 + 70 (10 covenants x 7 days or Covenant of Week) = 1000 years which is part of SOUL’S SALVATION YEAR accounts


b)????? DIVINE LOVE – Noah aged 950 years + 50 (7 covenants x 7 days or Covenant of Week) = 49 days + Soul’s Day or Judgment Day = 1000 years (See, Numbers 14:34 under COVENANT DAY and counted 1 solar year per day, and 2 Peter 3:7-8 for Soul’s Day)

1.0c) The Process of Power





Domestic and Global Reference:


Establishing democratic Nation, community, organization and institutional election for good leaderships heading to National election. And like the students, elementary level is first step toward secondary and tertiary as preparations to high level of KNOWLEDGE and POWER respectively. Otherwise, State Leaders, Regional leaders, Global leaders and Universal leaders should be part of the first level of voting process.


All Parents and Teachers are part of the missions (Sacred Task) to establish good foundation of the SOCIETY. A Society involving of baptized Voters (Bearer of God’s Holy Voice) and establishing Holy NATION of Christ on earth. God called and calling us to be trusted servants and BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION (UNIVERSAL SOCIETY). See, below;






? BEARER OF GOD’S HOLY VOICE (VOTER): A child or adult must be baptized by Christ blood to be new spiritual body. In Homily or preaching/reading and listening the gospel, the baptized body or believer will be received the Holy Mind of Christ, and therefore, a combination of baptism of blood and word of God become the new Brother of Christ. And the VOICE of God will be the power of establishing the new Nation of Christ. This is the meaning of baptism of WATER through Holy Eucharist, a water becomes blood by power of consecration of the Priest. This is the meaning of baptism of FIRE, a WORD of God through listening the Homily of Priest or preaching by means receiving the mind of Spirit through Christ. It is indicated that Monarchy, Communisms, Socialism, etc. are no longer to be part of Christ Nation. Only the DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM initiated by AMERICA can be counted. This is the reason why Voter’s must be voted based on Heart and Mind to fulfill God’s everlasting covenant.



Hebrews 10:16 (NIV)


16 “This is the covenant I will make with them

after that time, says the Lord.

I will put my laws in their hearts,

and I will write them on their minds.”[a]



? TAXPAYER: All fruits of hard works under hardships life are considered as blessings of God, and paying taxes are obligation for continue progress as a Nation of God


Mark 12:17 (NIV)

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him.



? DEFENDER OF NATION: A good and trusted Citizen of God under Christ Nation is willing to die in the time of State dictatorships. In a democratic system of government, all citizens must be part of battel against oppressors, against cunning politicians were trying to destroy the state constitution, a constitution created based on the VOICE of God through HOLY VOTES of the baptized Citizens.



1. Vote - Agricultural Worker’s

2. Vote – Industrial Workers

3. Vote - Employers

4. Vote - Educators

5. Vote – Entertainers

6. Vote – Peoples Servants (Experts and Leaders) and

7. Vote – God’s Servants (Theologians, Priests and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES)



Mainly, electoral process involves of State Citizens is for National institution as foundation of the Regional Institution for FREDDOM (American Universal role). A second role under Regional and Global Law; and selection based on State heads or representatives votes for regional and global peace, unity and progress as a whole. This is the process under TEMPORARY POWER. On the part of ETERNAL POWER process, God’s power as foundation of all which adopted from Prophets and Apostles through Spirit of Jesus-Christ who is begotten son of the living God; and creator of all things both heavens and earth.




1.0d) Dogma of UNIVERSAL LAW



“Highest level of recognition to God under BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST is to respect others. This is the secret of God's creation to Man according to His image and standard of work and attitude.

This world has become a favorite thing to say the saying, “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW" and we have seen in Jesu s' time against law experts. My simple answer for that issue is this, "There is no Law is above People’s needs, and the reason why, God created Human being not for Law, and but for life based on Divine Love. If life is risked after evil Law initiated by Rotten, Cunning and Corrupt Politicians, such Law must be changed for benefits of many and Nation and World to fulfill SACRIFICE LOVE. Fundamentally, SACRIFICE LOVE will be completed after fully repentance and continuously PRAYERS founded by our FAITH”.



Furthermore, “Criticizing against servants of the people whether elected or appointed Leaders are part of the mission as STATE CITIZEN and designated BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION on Earth. Your Vote and Taxes and Major Issues participation are three foundations to establish good Nation. It will be guiding the young Voters and Taxpayers by means dignifying your State Citizenship. It will be your perpetual legacy for the future generations. Don’t wasting your time to mislead and pretend the whole Nation, and weaponizing State Law, resolutions and Constitution for your hidden interests. In the end of your life, God will be asked your achievements based on the records of BOOK OF LIFE. Your WORD must be instilled in the hearts and minds of the people as a good Leader of the NATION. And those who aspiring to lead the Nation based on the UNIVERSAL LAW requirements, you have to estimate first the followings;



1.????? Family Background – If you want to change the bad image of your family, then, let be open to the Nation and change to good direction


2.????? Knowledge Capacity – Let open before the Nation your Academic achievements so that electors be understood your level of understanding


3.????? Leadership Capacity – Let open before the Nation your Charism of Leaderships and experiences so that electors be understood and inspiring your ability


4.????? Agenda for the Nation – Let be established good plans in accordance with your level of skills and understanding. Avoid empty promises and tirades against rivals for securing vote’s purposes. Be established your good image which benefiting the future generation. Avoid vote buying, election result’s maneuvering, so that God will not reject you in the time of your Leaderships



5.????? Transparency – A good leader is open to all and the right direction of the Nation (Taxes, Saln, foreign deals and alliance, etc.) and right direction of the future generation. Leadership is not for state direction only, instead personal and family way of life are main mission to be good example of the large family refers to NATION. A counterpart of the state parenthood is the Church based on CATHOLIC baptism and teaching and dogma of life







The World still unknown about the Sacredness of VOTE which was founded by God based on the Prophets (See, King David’s story). In Christ Kingdom, the DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT headed by three UNIVERSAL INSTITUTIONS (VATICAN and AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS) are fulfillment of the UNIVERSAL LAW. A Divine rule that every aspirant must be part of the TEN COMMANDMENTS power of life as foundation of all STATE CONSTITUTIONS. See, below;



Based on FAITH



1.????? You shall have no other God’s before me. – See, Jesus’ commandments about BAPTISM of all Nations (Mathew 16:17-19 and Mathew 28:18-20)


2.????? Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. - See, Story of Israelites after worships Gentile’s gods


3.????? Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. - See, Modern day cults like Quiboloy and Manalo’s organization and thousands of religious cults on earth



Based on ACTION



4.????? Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. - See, Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday morning, which means the worship day is Sunday under Christ Kingdom and Nation


5.????? Honor your father and mother. - See, good Family values both parent and children must be respecting each other


6.????? Thou shalt not kill. — God wants us to protect human life. - See, the value of the UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS which rejected by Authoritarian rules


7.????? Thou shalt not commit adultery. – See, broken families were ignoring the Holiness of MARRIAGE LIFE


8.????? Thou shalt not steal. – See, Leaders and Employers were stealing and cheating Taxes of the people. Cheating salaries of the workers


9.????? Thou shall not bear false witness. - See, politicians were presenting false witnesses against the rivals


10.?? You shall not covet. – See, individual, institution and even corrupts Nation like China under Ideology of communism



LASTLY, in modern day NATION under Democratic System of Government (DSG), the HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, together with other religious institutions always reminding all Candidates to be transparent rather than concealing the nation as cause of wrong direction. It means that all activities or agendas based on Holy tasks for purposes of UNITY and PEACE and PROGRESS as one NATION OF CHRIST. This is the reason why educated Voters were scrutinizing all Candidates before deliver their HOLY VOTE. Otherwise, a Candidate who is LIAR, TAX EVADER and CRIMINAL must be isolated in the race.






After the people’s decisioned and elected a new State Head, the authority of leaderships will be established during inauguration. And there are three vows to be completed in the event, as follows;



? 1st VOW: A LEFT HAND of the new elected head of state must be lain upon the HOLY BIBLE as new Father of the Nation. It is beginning of companionship between Church (owner of the Holy Bible and symbolic Mother of all baptized citizens of State) and State. It is nation’s wedding, and the Father is the elected Head of State, a mother of State (Church) is caretaker of the Children and have power to teach and preach the direction of children based on Spiritual Life. The Father of State is provider of the children needs to continue temporary life. In UNIVERSAL LAW (combination of Divine Law and Divine Love), a mother’s power based on Divine love by means protector of every child’s life. A father’s role based on Divine Law for discipline and right direction as a Nation. In time of punishment, the Divine love must be applied for forgiveness and giving second chance to change life of the sinner. LEFT HAND is representing the POWER of the EAGLE which has revealed in the Book of Revelation chapter 12. It is LEFT WING which referring to EXECUTIVE POWER of AMERICA under UNIVERSAL SOCIETY (Nation of Christ on Earth)



? 2nd VOW: A RIGHT HAND of the new elected head of State virtually connected the RIGHT WING of the EAGLE in the Book of Revelation chapter 12. The RIGHT WING of the EAGLE is the LEGISLATIVE POWER of the UNITED NATIONS. In inauguration event, a Supreme Court Justice will be the witnessed of the State Power. In this task, a head of state swearing before the nation that his authority founded by Universal Human Rights under UNITED NATIONS. A sacred task of UN based on the LEGISLATIVE POWER under UNIVERSAL SOCIETY



? 3rd VOW: A last statement to be established from the heart of the new State head is “SO HELP ME GOD”. This is the authority of VATICAN headed by POPE and Peter as appointed caretaker of the BODY OF CHRIST or UNIVERSAL CHURCH. And therefore, every Nation must be baptized based on Jesus-Christ authority to his apostles (Mathew 28:18-20). Peter received the power after Jesus renamed him from Simon to Peter or Rock. A last Vow therefore is the JUDICIARY POWER of the VATICAN under UNIVERSAL SOCIETY (Nation of Jesus-Christ on earth). Jesus has established his full authority to Peter being the Spiritual servant based on Divine Law and Divine Love (Mathew 16:16-20)




1.0e) Universal Power


Revelation 2:26-29 (NIV)

26?To the one who is victorious?and does my will to the end,?I will give authority over the nations—?27?that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter?and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[a]—just as I have received authority from my Father.?28?I will also give that one the morning star.?29?Whoever has ears, let them hear?what the Spirit says to the churches.


? AMERICA Role on Earth: Executive Power and symbolizing the LEFT WING of the Great EAGLE (Revelation 12:14 and Revelation 2:26-29); and focusing on FREEDOM, Electoral process, Speech, Religion and Navigation and access of all Nations


? United Nations Role on Earth: Legislative Power and symbolizing the RIGHT WING of the Great EAGLE (Revelation 12:14 and Revelation 2:26-29); and focusing on Human Rights, Environmental and Corruptions and Businesses codes of all Nations


? VATICAN Role on Earth: Judiciary Power and symbolizing the BODY of the Great EAGLE (Revelation 12:14); and focusing on Baptism, Preaching and Teaching the good news to all peoples, languages, leaders and Nations (Revelation 12:1-5, Mathew 16:14-20, Mathew 28:18-20 and Romans 1:4-8)



The 57th Message about AMERICA and UN Missions


On December 28, 2011, I have a dreamed about the American and United Nations combines authority under Jesus-Christ Kingships. This is the power related to WINGS of the “Great Eagle” mentioned in BOOK OF PROPHECY chapter 12 as protector and companion of the QUEEN of all God’s children.


The 57th messaged is directly instruction of Jesus in figure of Spirit and received by the Author in the North Corner.


“In a dream, the Author travelled at midnight crossed a highway. He walked to the beneath of the mountain and met St. Anthony of Padua, Virgin Mary and some SAINTS. To continue his travel, asked to one of the saints about the exact location of the second mountain. The saint told him to walk surrounding the first mountain. After the long walked, he saw the LIGHT CROSS in the middle of the LIGHTNING STAR on the top of the high mountain. And continue his journey until reached on the top. Unexpectedly, he met the Jesus-Christ with crowned upon his head. And the light-cross in the middle of the LIGHNING STAR is part of the crowned”.

“Immediately, he huge the King’s waistline, and Jesus called two men wore white robes like Priests. Told them to bring two battles of wine, and on the table, Jesus told him, you have to go to the south corner, where leaders are quarreled because of power. Let settle them for peace and unity”.


“The instructions from the King refers to two levels of tasks, “1. Southeast Asia region, and 2. South America and African Nations. Where some of the Nations in that regions are under dictatorships, and 3. America and European Nations mandate to stop global communism headed by Russia and China.? See, symbols of power;



?? The unity between POWERS as Universal Society can be seen in the history of the Catholicism. For example, in the 4th century A.D., the 57th Emperor of the Roman Empire (Constantine I) has donated the PALACE to Catholic Church known to as Basilica of St. John Lateran. This is the official residence of every Bishop in ROME, while the head of the supreme pontiff or POPE called to as Vicar of Christ on earth as caretaker of the Universal Family, and is residing at Vatican City called St. Peter Basilica. See, the FOUR CORNERS and POWERS;

Divisions and Sharing of MIND OF WISDOM


We are the bearer of the 12 divisions of God’s WISDOM and will be sharing into three processes (Major Gift, Partnership’s gift and Minor Gifts). The 12 divisions of gift representing by 12 bearers and workers of the field within 12 hours. Field Heaven or physical Universe is place of sharing these gifts. We are part of the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST and each part have specific mandate. See, below;




1.?????? Mind – Prophet or TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

2.?????? Left Eye – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

3.?????? Right Eye – Major Scientist for Technology

4.?????? Left Nostril – Major Gift for Medical understandings

5.?????? Right Nostril – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

6.?????? Left Ear – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

7.?????? Right Ear – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

8.?????? Tongue – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?




9.?????? Left hand – Family leaderships

10.?? Right hand – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

11.?? Left foot – Strengths contributors or workers

12.?? Right foot – Knowledge contributors


Bearer and Contributors of WISDOM GIFT


The SEVENTH BLESSED DAY journeys divided into two categories, “Prophetic Mission through MIND OF WISODM under first half or 12 hours worked inside the vicinity of the PROMISED LAND. A second half or 12 hours of the night working on the sea as FISHERS OF MEN. They’re working under the power of TONGUE which descended upon the Apostles on PENTECOST DAY of Jerusalem. See, below;


1.????? INNER MIND under DIVINE LAW - Prophets of Israel way of calling based on VOICE of the ANGEL OF GOD


2.????? INNER VOICE under DIVINE LOVE - Apostleship of Jesus under Priesthood calling based on TONGUE OF FIRE of the SPIRITS OF GOD


On the part of TDS WISDOM VSION OF STUDIES calling, the HEART of David Solomon, Jesus of Nazareth as foundation of understandings. It continuously appeared to loved Apostle of Jesus named JOHN Evangelist or Apostle. Overall, DIVINE LOVE is the virtual power of calling.


1.????? David referred to as BELOVED – God made him an eternal covenant of Throne

2.????? Solomon receiver of WISDOM of Judgment – God made him covenant of Temple

3.????? Jesus BELOVED son of God – Jesus successor of David’s eternal Throne

4.????? John LOVED apostle of Jesus – In DREAM, the spirit brought him to Throne of Heavens


The 77 DREAMS appeared the Author of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES with span of 56 years (1967-2023) has begun on the Book of PROPHECY; a book bestowed through Jesus-Christ as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” in the Island of Patmos. And therefore, on December 28, 2011, the 57th messaged (Dream) unveiled to the author after encountered the King on the top of the mountain in NORTH CORNER. And he received authority to go to SOUTH CORNER related to battle of power of the leaders. It refers to combines mission of AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS, a mission to neutralize the ideology of COMMUNISM headed by CHINA and RUSSIA respectively.


5.????? TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES virtual authority refers to UNIVERSAL WISDOM INTERPRETER or Wi. U which already informed to 44th POTUS (US President Barack Obama). The 57th messaged demanding AMERICA and UN to finish their missions for the World’s unity and peace and progress as one Holy Nation called to as UNIVERSAL SOCIETY





1.????? Major Gift 50%: Mind of Wisdom (No need Study)

2.????? Partner’s gift 20%: Word of Wisdom (Need Study)

3.????? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per Gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



a)?????? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

b)????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

c)?????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

d)????? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

e)?????? Left Ear 3%– Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

f)?????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings ?

g)????? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

h)????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

i)??????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

j)??????? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors





4.????? Major Gift 50%: Word of Wisdom (Need Study)

5.????? Partner’s gift 20%: Mind of Wisdom (Studying Prophetic Revelation)

6.????? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and Experience)



k)????? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

l)??????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

m)??? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

n)????? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

o)????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

p)????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings ??

q)????? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

r)?????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

s)?????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

t)??????? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors




7.????? Major Gift 50%: Left Eye of Wisdom (Need Study)

8.????? Partner’s gift 20%: Right Eye of Wisdom (Need Study)

9.????? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and Experience)



u)????? Mind – 3% Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

v)????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

w)???? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

x)????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

y)????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

z)?????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

aa)?? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

bb)? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

cc)?? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

dd)? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


Scientists ?


10.? Major Gift 50%: Right Eye of Wisdom (No need Study)

11.? Partner’s gift 20%: Left Eye of Wisdom (Need Study)

12.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



ee)?? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

ff)???? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

gg)? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

hh)? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

ii)????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

jj)????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

kk)? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

ll)????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

mm)????????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

nn)? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


Doctors ?


13.? Major Gift 50%: Left Nostril of Wisdom (Need Study)

14.? Partner’s gift 20%: Right Nostril of Wisdom (Need Study)

15.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



oo)? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

pp)? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

qq)? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

rr)???? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

ss)??? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

tt)????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

uu)? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

vv)? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

ww)?????????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

xx)? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors




16.? Major Gift 50%: Right Nostril of Wisdom (Need Study)

17.? Partner’s gift 20%: Left Nostril of Wisdom (Need Study)

18.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



yy)? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

zz)?? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

aaa)??????????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

bbb)?????????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

ccc)??????????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

ddd)?????????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

eee)??????????? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

fff)?? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

ggg)?????????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

hhh)?????????? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


Religious Believers ?


19.? Major Gift 50%: Left Ear of Wisdom (Need Study)

20.? Partner’s gift 20%: Right Ear of Wisdom (Need Study)

21.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



iii)??? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

jjj)??? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

kkk)?????????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

lll)??? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

mmm)???? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

nnn)?????????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

ooo)?????????? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

ppp)?????????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

qqq)?????????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

rrr)?? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


State Citizens


22.? Major Gift 50%: Right Ear of Wisdom (Need Study)

23.? Partner’s gift 20%: Left Ear of Wisdom (Need Study)

24.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



sss) Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

ttt)??? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

uuu)?????????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

vvv)?????????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

www)????? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

xxx)?????????? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

yyy)?????????? Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

zzz)??????????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

aaaa)???????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

bbbb)?????? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors



25.? Major Gift 50%: Left Hand of Wisdom (No Need Study)

26.? Partner’s gift 20%: Right Hand of Wisdom (Need Study)

27.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



cccc)???????? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

dddd)?????? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

eeee)???????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

ffff)??????????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

gggg)?????? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

hhhh)?????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

iiii)? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

jjjj)? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

kkkk)?????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

llll)? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


Religion and State Leaders


28.? Major Gift 50%: Right Hand of Wisdom (Need Study)

29.? Partner’s gift 20%: Left Hand of Wisdom (No Need Study)

30.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



mmmm)?????????????????????? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

nnnn)?????? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

oooo)?????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

pppp)?????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

qqqq)?????? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

rrrr)??????????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

ssss)????????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

tttt)? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW ?

uuuu)?????? Left foot 3% – Strengths contributors or workers

vvvv)?????? Right foot 3% – Knowledge contributors


Agriculture and Industrial Workers


31.? Major Gift 50%: Left Foot of Wisdom (Need Experiences)

32.? Partner’s gift 20%: Right Foot of Wisdom (Need Study)

33.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



wwww) Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

xxxx)?????? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

yyyy)?????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

zzzz)???????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

aaaaa)???? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

bbbbb)?? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

ccccc)???? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

ddddd)?? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW

eeeee)???? ?Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

fffff)????????? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships


Professionals ?


34.? Major Gift 50%: Right Foot of Wisdom (Need Study)

35.? Partner’s gift 20%: Left Foot of Wisdom (Need Experience)

36.? Minor Gifts 30% (3% per gift): Knowledge of Wisdom (Need Study and experience)



ggggg)?? Mind 3% – Prophets and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

hhhhh)?? Left Eye 3% – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

iiiii)??????????? Right Eye 3% – Major Scientist for Technology

jjjjj)??????????? Left Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Medical understandings

kkkkk)?? Right Nostril 3% – Major Gift for Geological understandings?

lllll)??????????? Left Ear 3% – Major gift of spiritual law understandings ?

mmmmm)???????????????? Right Ear 3% – Major gift of Human and Nature’s law understandings

nnnnn)?? Tongue 3% – Priestly Mission under DIVINE LAW

ooooo)?? ?Left hand 3% – Family leaderships

ppppp)?? Right hand 3% – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships










1.0f) Seven Minds of God’s Spirit


In 57 years of journey of my vision being Universal Interpreter, these Seven Minds of God always part of the books and articles respectively. However, this I decided to write the right process about the SEVEN MINDS of God for the entire process of life understandings. Moreover, these Heavenly MINDS always part of every person while on the working process. It is working through daily routine of life. See, below;




To be able understand the process of temporary Body and Place and Soul’s direction of life, a reader, student and researcher must be understood about the system of God through COVENANT OF LAW by means only learned and earned by Jesus-Christ Spirits (John 16:12-13, Revelation 5:6 and Revelation 5:9-10).


1.????? MIND O: Scientists level of Mind for temporary creation and its life. In order to meet the earn the process of Mind, a person should be obtained the followings;



a)????? Condition of Physical body and Brain 50%

b)????? References 50%

c)????? Beneficiaries Humanities

d)????? Daily routine of life (Mind O is power of personal thoughts in nature’s level)



2.????? MIND I: Philosophers level of Mind for temporary Law and its Power. To be continued good comprehension or understanding of life, a person should be obtained the followings;



e)????? Condition of physical body and brain 50%

f)?????? References 50%

g)????? Beneficiaries Humanities

h)????? Daily routine of life (Mind I is power of personal thoughts in Human Law level)


3.????? MIND II: Theologians level of Mind for Soul’s Law and eternal Life. A person with calling of vocation life must be understood the process of the Spiritual dimensions of understandings, as follows;


i)?????? Relationship with God through Christ based on prayers 50%

j)?????? Biblical, Catechistical and Liturgical Formation 20%

k)????? Condition of Physical body and Brains 30%

l)?????? Beneficiaries Humanities

m)?? Daily routine of life (Mind II is working based on personal FAITH)


These three connections of God’s MINDS will be subject to study in school as part of the INDIRECT Level of Gift under present journey of life as UNIVERSAL BODY. The level of heavenly authority is based on Jesus-Christ PRIESTLY MISSION.




4.????? MIND III: Prophetic level of MIND for understanding of Soul’s Judgment and its direction of time and life. To be able to understand the process, a person should know first the Biblical numbers which dictating by DREAMS. It is for the three categories of Judgment under UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT I, “BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE as judgment of all plants and animals, BOOK OF LAW for lower Angels or Universal spirits assigns as guardians of the FIELD HEAVEN or physical Universe. And high level of God’s Angels was assigns to Human race and God’s heavenly Thrones called as ARMIES of Heavens. A person with such gift must be obtained the followings;



n)????? God’s calling based on DREAMS 50%

o)????? References Science 10%

p)????? Philosophy 10%?

q)????? Theology 30%

r)?????? Gradual Sacrifice of personal ambitions (Wealth, Power and Popularity)

s)????? Daily routine of life (Mind III is working through in time of personal understanding about invisible creations and life)


It is noted that this gift is part of the DIRECT category by means no need to study in school; and the Holy Spirit will directly be guiding them (John 16:12-13). And 30% of the MIND III is also part of the MIND IV. The level of Heavenly authority is based on Jesus-Christ KINGSHIP’S MISSION.




5.????? MIND IV: This is part of DIRECT GIFT with level of understanding about Biblical Numbers and Parables as mentioned by Jesus of Nazareth. A level of power of MIND is UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT I & II regarding the BOOK OF LIFE or SOUL’S JUDGMENT for the 4th LIGHT HEAVEN’S CITIZENSHIP. A person with such level of vision should be learned and received the followings;



t)?????? God’s calling based on DREAMS 50%

u)????? Biblical References 50%

v)????? Gradual Sacrifice for the NEIGHBORS and NATION and WORLD

w)??? Daily routine of life (Mind IV is working based on personal DREAMS about Heavenly Judgment)



6.????? MIND V: This is part of DIRECT GIFT with level of understanding about Biblical Numbers and Parables as mentioned by Jesus of Nazareth. A level of power of MIND is UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT II & III regarding the BOOK OF WISDOM or Heaven CITIZEN’S JUDGMENT for the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN’S SONSHIP under ROYAL FAMILY and Christ Brotherhood. A person with such level of vision should be learned and received the followings;



x)????? God’s calling based on DREAMS 60%

y)????? Biblical References 20%

z)????? Theology 10%

aa)? Science 5%

bb)? Philosophy 5%

cc)? Gradual Sacrifice for the NEIGHBORS and NATION and WORLD

dd)? Daily routine of life (Mind V is working based on personal understanding about SOUL’S JUDGMENT)



7.????? MIND VI: This is part of DIRECT GIFT with level of understanding about Biblical Numbers and Parables as mentioned by Jesus of Nazareth. A level of power of MIND is UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT III regarding the BOOK OF GLORY or SON’S JUDGMENT for the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN’S ELDERSHIP. A person with such level of vision should be learned and received the followings;



ee)? God’s calling based on DREAMS 70%

ff)??? Biblical Symbols and Numbers 15%

gg)? Legacies of Saints 10%

hh)? Legacies of State Heroes 5%

ii)???? Gradual Sacrifice for the NEIGHBORS and NATION and WORLD

jj)???? Daily routine of life (Mind VI is working based on personal understanding about Heavenly Glory and Life and Power)

1.1: Holy Nation of GOD THE FATHER in Heaven (Through Jesus-Christ) and preparations for the rewards of SATELLITE THRONE


John 14:2-7

New International Version

2?My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there?to prepare a place for you??3?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back?and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.?4?You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Jesus the Way to the Father

5?Thomas?said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

6?Jesus answered,?“I am?the way?and the truth?and the life.?No one comes to the Father except through me.?7?If you really know me, you will know[a]?my Father as well.?From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”


John 20:16-18

New International Version

16?Jesus said to her,?“Mary.”

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic,?“Rabboni!”?(which means “Teacher”).

17?Jesus said,?“Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers?and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father?and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

18?Mary Magdalene?went to the disciples?with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.




1.1a) SEVEN FOUNDATIONS OF HEAVENLY LIFE (Seven Spirits of Christ)


Seven Spirits *Revelation 5:6): one of the four creatures created based on MIND OF WISDOM; they’re God’s Mind and working with believers based on the SEVEN Levels of DIVINE LAW, as follows;


1.?????? LAW OF SOUL – Designated day (Sunday or 1st day of the week)

2.?????? LAW OF BODY – Designated day (Monday or 2nd day of the week)

3.?????? LAW OF FAMILY – Designated day (Tuesday or 3rd day of the week)

4.?????? LAW OF NEIGHBOR – Designated day (Wednesday or 4th day of the week)

5.?????? LAW OF NATION – Designated day (Thursday or 5th day of the week)

6.?????? LAW OF FREEDOM – Designated day (Friday or 6st day of the week)

7.?????? LAW OF NATURE – Designated day (Saturday or 7st day of the week)


Seven Horns of Spirit: The Power of WORD OF WISDOM under DIVINE LAW as weapon of the Believers to fulfill its mission under Human Law


Seven Eyes of Spirit: The Power of MIND OF WISDOM under DIVINE LOVE as weapon of the believers to fulfill prayers which is the religious activities


Revelation 5:9-10

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

9?They sing a new song:

“You are worthy to take the scroll ????and to open its seals, for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransomed for God ????saints from[a]?every tribe and language and people and nation; 10?you have made them to be a kingdom and priests serving[b]?our God, ????and they will reign on earth.”



1.1b: Invisible Journey to Eternal Life


When God created human beings, there are three virtual journeys to be finished in this temporary World as an IMAGE and LIKENESS after the CREATOR. And the world still unknown about these journeys to life. The author of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES therefore is ardently sharing the messaged prior on the DREAMS. Let us start to study the two processes about humans virtual journey to life, as follows;


State Citizen’s Journey to SAINTHOOD Life


Family Life, “A child birth to 17 years old is beginning of discoveries in life under the guidance of parent. At the age of 18 to 40, it is the beginning of journey of State Citizenship under the guidance of State Leaders. At the age of 41 to death, it is the journey to Righteousness”.


1.???????? Birth of Child to 17 years old with understanding of Life;


a)????? Wisdom 40% by means obeying family rules and enjoyments with friends

b)????? Power 30% observing state law

c)????? 30% observing academic rules

d)????? Rewards of Soul’s life 30%



2.?????? 18 to 40 years old with understanding of life;


e)????? Wisdom 20% involvements of spiritual activities

f)?????? Power 20% involvements of state policies

g)????? Knowledge 40% involvements of personal desire and career

h)????? Rewards of soul’s life 20%



3.?????? 41 years old to physical death


i)?????? Glory 40%

j)?????? Wisdom 3%

k)????? Power 77%


The above-mentioned subjects are interpreting based on the PROPETIC DESIGN by means unchangeable. However, human desires are causes of changes of the grad design. For example, a child will be changed its characters after the situations of place, parent, educators and state leader’s examples. A little child is easily adopting those examples by image, words and actions. It means that causes of stumble of the children from original designs of life to evil way will be punished under spiritual powers and judgment. And some of the peoples or children were unable to finish the time as established through BOOK OF GLORY which resulted of early death of physical body. For God, the BOOK OF GLORY is master list of soul’s life, and everything is under God’s power, everything will be judged prior on works of hands, words of tongue and thoughts of mind. It means that percentages varying the situations and causes of death.?

Overall, completion of the multiple levels of tasks will be brought their souls directly to God, as follows;


1.????? Physical death – Soul will be stayed on earth for 40 days


2.????? Suffering Church (purgatory. Revelation 20:11-15) – Process of Judgment not necessary by means directly ascend to 4th Light Heaven (Triumphant Church) with saints and angels of God were glorifying


Religious Believer’s Journey to SAINTHOOD Life


Spiritual journey of life are 3 categories and each level with 40 years. And these multiple journeys of life counted at 120 years (Genesis 6:3 NIV).


3?Then the?Lord?said, “My Spirit?will not contend with[a]?humans forever,?for they are mortal[b];?their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”



4.?????? Experience of Life (18 to 40 years old)


l)??????? Glory 20% (Heart belong to Christ after baptism)

m)???? Wisdom 20% (Characters/Decisions belong to Christ after Word of God)

n)?????? Power 20% (Works belong to Christ after Human Law)

o)?????? Knowledge 40% (Works belong to Christ after Nature’s Law)



5.?????? Direction of Life (41 to 80 years old)


p)?????? Glory 30% (Majority of Decisions based on soul’s law)

q)?????? Wisdom 20% (Majority of decisions-based sacrifice love)

r)??????? Power 30% (Majority of Decisions-based on Human Law)

s)?????? Knowledge 20% (Majority of Decisions-based on Natures Law)



6.?????? Judgment of Life (81 to physical death)


t)??????? Glory 40% (Prayers for the unity, peace and progress of the world)

u)?????? Wisdom 3% (Memories of good legacy)

v)?????? Power 77% (memories of heroism)


Overall, completion of the multiple levels of tasks will be brought their souls directly to God, as follows;

w)??? Physical death – Soul will be stayed on earth for 40 days


x)????? Suffering Church (purgatory. Revelation 20:11-15) – Process of Judgment not necessary by means directly ascend to 4th Light Heaven (Triumphant Church) with saints and angels of God were glorifying


y)????? Incomplete SAINTHOOD Life’s Preparations – There are two categories to be learned your soul’s judgment after physical death, as follows;


1.????? Soul’s Judgment Hour – your Soul will be stayed in purgatory at 41.67 years before entering to Triumphant Church or 4th Light heaven


2.????? Soul’s Salvation Hour – your Soul will be stayed in purgatory until second coming of the SON OF MAN to be judged. He will be raising first all dead and gathering with all peoples on earth and dividing to two, those righteous on his right hand and evils on his left hand



7.?????? Evil Peoples were living on earth beyond God’s Lw and Love


z)?????? ? Glory 10% (They knew God without responses due to lack of information)

aa)??? ? Wisdom 10% (They were informed about God’s love and law, but unable to fulfill after oppressors)

bb)?? ? Power 20% (They wants to do good, but oppressors brought them to wrong way)

cc)??? ? Knowledge 60% (Evil situation beyond their goal in life, but the situation brought them to evil activities)


Mercy of God will be received and all of them will be part of the salvation to be low category of 4th Light Heaven’s Citizens.


8.?????? Rebellious “Angels, Humans and Universal spirits”



dd)?? ? Glory 5%

ee)??? ? Wisdom 5%

ff)????? ? Power 20%

gg)?? ? Knowledge 70%


They’re part of the plants Kingdom claiming as God servants, in human law, claiming as defender and servant of the peoples. but hidden agendas are part of their hearts and minds. And therefore, on the judgment hour, God will reject them based on BOOK OF LIFE. After physical death their souls will never be allowed to enter the PURGATORY. Instead directly to DARKNESS KINGDOM.



1.1c) The Biblical processes based on two divisions of Prophetical information (ORAL TORAH and Jesus Life). All these things are part of the SOUL’S Life and Judgment after physical death. SUFERRING CHURCH will be the place of all souls while on preparation for the first death judgment as well as first Universal Judgment. As follows;


a)????? 2 Maccabee 12:43-46

b)????? John 14:1-7

c)????? Revelation 20:11-15

d)????? Mathew 27:52-53

e)????? I Thessalonians 4:13-18



2 Maccabees 12:43–45

The New Revised Standard Version

43?He also took up a collection, man by man, to the amount of two thousand drachmas of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. In doing this he acted very well and honorably, taking account of the resurrection.?44?For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead.?45?But if he was looking to the splendid reward that is laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, so that they might be delivered from their sin.



John 14:1-7

New International Version


Jesus Comforts His Disciples

14?“Do not let your hearts be troubled.?You believe?in God[a];?believe also in me.?2?My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there?to prepare a place for you??3?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back?and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.?4?You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Jesus the Way to the Father

5?Thomas?said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

6?Jesus answered,?“I am?the way?and the truth?and the life.?No one comes to the Father except through me.?7?If you really know me, you will know[b]?my Father as well.?From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”


Revelation 20:11-15

New International Version

The Judgment of the Dead

11?Then I saw a great white throne?and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence,?and there was no place for them.?12?And I saw the dead, great and small,?standing before the throne, and books were opened.?Another book was opened, which is the book of life.?The dead were judged?according to what they had done?as recorded in the books.?13?The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades?gave up the dead?that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done.?14?Then death?and Hades?were thrown into the lake of fire.?The lake of fire is the second death.?15?Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life?was thrown into the lake of fire.


Matthew 27:52-53

New International Version

52?and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.?53?They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[a]?went into the holy city?and appeared to many people.


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

New International Version


Believers Who Have Died

13?Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed?about those who sleep in death,?so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.?14?For we believe that Jesus died and rose again,?and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.?15?According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord,?will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.?16?For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,?with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel?and with the trumpet call of God,?and the dead in Christ will rise first.?17?After that, we who are still alive and are left?will be caught up together with them in the clouds?to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord?forever.?18?Therefore encourage one another?with these words.



1.1d) Divisions of Heavenly Kingdom after SEXTUPLE UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT


Jesus SENT by his Father to be GIFT by means in HOLY EUCHARISTIC celebration, the Body will be created and in Homily and listening the Gospel, the new Body will be received the MIND of Christ. And therefore, a believer will be the BEARER of the HOLY VOICE of God and will be delivered through ELECTION DAY based on VOTE. (See, Builder of Christ Nation).


Glory of Life’s Rewards

To the Church in Laodicea

14?“To the angel of the church in Laodicea?write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness,?the ruler of God’s creation.?15?I know your deeds,?that you are neither cold nor hot.?I wish you were either one or the other!?16?So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.?17?You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’?But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.?18?I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,?so you can become rich; and white clothes?to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;?and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

19?Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.?So be earnest and repent.?20?Here I am! I stand at the door?and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,?I will come in?and eat with that person, and they with me.

21?To the one who is victorious,?I will give the right to sit with me on my throne,?just as I was victorious?and sat down with my Father on his throne.?22?Whoever has ears, let them hear?what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Symbol and Interpretation

  • Gold – Life under God’s Love
  • Fire – Sacrifice of Love
  • Rich – Fulfillment of works
  • White cloth – Good Legacy
  • Shameful nakedness – Ungodly activities
  • Eyes – Knowledge from experiences and studies about law and life
  • Repent – calling for humility and change life from corrupts world
  • Stand and knock the door – The people asking for help or God’s calling to change life for his glory
  • Eat with person – The celebration and attending the Holy Eucharist
  • Victorious – A person who completed the works based on faith
  • Sat with him – All people with complete works based on sacrifice for others and nation and world
  • Reward of Throne – It is SATELLITE THRONE as Christ co-leader in the kingdom



KINGDOM OF WISDOM Divisions of Life

The ROYAL KINGDOM of HEAVENS under KINGDOM OF LIGHT comprises of three categories of LIFE, “ELDER and SON and CITIZEN”, only the ELDER is co-inheritor of the SATELLITE THRONE of CHRIST. And like CHRIST who inherited the SATELLITE THRONE of His FATHER which is the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. Other SONS without rewards of SATELLITE THRONE is under the ELDER’S power. The CITIZENS outside the Royal Family level will be part of the SON’S power. KINGDOM GLORIFICATION is nature of Processes of rewards for every level of eternal Happiness and Power and Life, which is counted at 120% BOOK OF GLORY (See, Genesis 6:3) See, below;

? ELDER-SHIP under Blood - The BODY is created by CHRIST BLOOD and FLESH through HOLY EUCHARIST. And the MIND is based on the HOLY BIBLE’S understandings, by means, a combination of ISRAEL and CATHOLIC CHURCH. And the WORKS is based on sharing of every CITIZEN’S needs in daily routine of life. The destiny is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN as head of one of Billions of the inheritance SATELLITE THRONES (BOOK OF GLORY = 91%-120%)

? ELDER-SHIP under LAW - The BODY is created by HOLY EUCHARIST and the LAW by HOLY BIBLE, but the sharing for the CITIZENS is poor, and as results, low category of Satellite Throne (SUB-LOCAL THRONE) will be rewarded under 4th LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF GLORY = 71%-90%)

? SON-SHIP under Blood - The BODY is created by HOLY EUCHARIST and the LAW is HOLY BIBLE with understandings, but the sharing is poor resulted as Citizen of the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF WISDOM = 61%-70%)

? CITIZEN-SHIP under LAW - The BODY is outside the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the LAW is by STATE rules, but rich of sharing of others. It will be a CITIZEN of the 4th LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF LIFE = 51%-60%)

? CITIZEN-SHIP under LAW - All levels of FAITH and LAW including Jews and CATHOLICS with poor percentages of BODY and LAW and SHARING as low category of the 4th LIGHT HEAVEN’S CITIZENS (BOOK OF LIFE = 41%-50%)

All rejected Angels, Souls and Universal spirits under 40% and below percentages of BOOK OF LIFE through SOUL, BOOK OF LAW through ANGEL below 26% and BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE through UNIVERSAL SPIRIT below 22%, and it will be part of the next process after second coming of the SON OF MAN (Approx. time at 61st billion earth years-181st billion earth years). Additionally, out of SEXTUPLE JUDGMENTS for the GLORY OF LIFE, the ELDER-SHIP and DECORATION-SHIP with identical percentage based of BOOK OF GLORY at 120% will be joined together as COMPLETE GLORY OF HAPPINESS in SATELLITE THRONE (See, Revelation 3:18-22).












PROPHETIC DESIGN - It is the overall INTERPRETER of WISDOM with SEVEN MINDS of SPIRIT OF CHRIST. It can be explained both KINGDOM OF LIGHT and KINGDOM OF DARKNESS and all created Beings as well as Activities. In view of these understandings, let read below;


2.?????BOOK OF WISDOM - The 2nd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT based of WORDS OF TONGUE under Universal Spirits and Angels and SAINTS for high level of LIGHT HEAVEN'S CITIZENSHIP and ROYAL FAMILY SONSHIPS. Obtained by POWER OF WISDOM and LOVE

3.?????BOOK OF GLORY - The 3rd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT based of THOUGHTS OF MIND under Royal Family of Heavens as SON-SHIP category to be able to receive SATELLITE THRONESHIP rewards as Christ promised (Revelation 3:18-22). Both SPIRIT of God and SAINTS in ELDER'S category will be Co-Head of Christ in the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. Obtained by combines POWER OF MIND and HEART?



? Personal Prayers - By personal needs using our Minds as relationship with God will be done and determine as "Requesting Prayers"

? Faith Identity - Believers outside the Catholic Church or Catholic Believers without sacrificing for the Neighbors' and Nation and World

? Heavenly Level of Rewards - Low category as unknown Citizen in the Kingdom (See, the present State Citizen which far and nothing to do in the Royal Family and Elder-ship)

? Souls' Judgment refers 1st Universal Judgment - They need Prayers from the Catholic Believers and mostly mentioning in the Holy Mass for the freedom from punishment

? Suffering Church - The place of the Souls' and subject to face in the first Universal Judgment for entering the Triumphant Church in 4th Light Heaven

? Level of Heaven - It is part of the present Universe in the east side (Field Heaven or 6th Universe composes of Galaxies, Stars and Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Meteors, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Etc.

? Space of Judgment - 41.67 earth years' an hour of the Soul in the "Suffering Church or Purgatory (Revelation 20:11-15)

? Venue of Judgment - Eastern part of the Field Heaven or 6th Universe (present Universe under the Kingdom of Darkness)

? Biblical Mathematics - 41.67x24 principles of Religion under the Universal Body of Christ and working through Universal Society = 1000 years refers as 1 Judgment Day (2 peter 3:7-8)



? Attendee/Receiver of the Holy Eucharist or Holy Mass - To communicate with the Holy and Universal Family of Christ, a Holy Communion as ultimate process of Love, which is the Thanksgiving Prayers

? No covenant in the World can be claims as true Divine Law outside the Holy Eucharist was established by Jesus with the 12 Apostles

? Holy Bread and Wine - It is virtually inherited by Abraham blessings as fruits of the vines planted in the Holy Land under the Eternal Covenant between God and Abraham who is the Father of Many Nations and all Families and Nations be blessed by him and Israel (Genesis 22:14-20). If the DNA is the reliable source to determine a blood of the child for the "Wealth, Power and Dignity" inheritance, then, the Royal Blood and Flesh of Christ to be a claimant of Heavenly Family Son-ship will be done only by partaking the Holy Eucharist

? Catholic Believers Obligation - Being Universal Contributors, a believer must observe the followings;

1.?????Forgiver of the enemies

2.?????Protector of Human Rights

3.?????Protector of Life

4.?????Warriors for the Soul’s freedom by means of prayers

5.?????Protector of Human Dignity

6.?????Provider for the Neighbors' and Nation and World through Major and Minor and Partners Wisdom Gift

7.?????Level of Church instituted by Christ - Militant Church with mission of conquering the enemies both Law and Love

8.?????Level of Heaven - Restoration of the Garden of Paradise / Eden (Earth) and to understand the Christ Loved, a believer must recognize the Catholic Church as overall power of Christ Kingdom under the 6th or Field Heaven (Stars as Light of the Kingdom of Darkness). This is the reason why God compared Abraham Sons as numbers of Stars in heaven, and Jesus was revealed to the World after the Star guided the three wise men from the east. United Nations under Vatican partnerships will be received a power of the Morning Star to lead all Nations (Rev.2:26-29), Jesus revealed His King-ship as Morning Star from David's offspring (Rev.22:16)

9.?????Space of judgment - 200 earth years or hour of Spiritual Judgment after the Citizen-ship time

10. Venue of Judgment - Triumphant Church as presently place of the Saints under the 4th Light Heaven

11. Biblical Mathematics - 200x24 judgment hours of the Seventh Blessed Day under Abraham Eternal Covenant = 4,800+Divine Judgment Hour that will be with us as Lord's years at 2832 C.E.-3032 DJH = Universal Society as Christ visible Kingdom on earth or restoration of the broken Garden of Paradise



? Sainthood/Christ Brotherhood/Virgin Mary's Motherhood - The Catholic Church as one of the 3 Universal Churches under the Heavenly Body of Christ within the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY as follows;

1.?????Eternal Elder-ship - Triumphant Church in 4th Light Heaven were both Angels' and Saints' worshipping Christ as King of the Universal Society. Each of them was serving God's Eternal Kingdom by advising with the Believers under the powers of Vatican headed by Pope who is successor of Peter

2.?????Individual Saint and Angel - They were accompanying with the true believers based on the two processing of faith, "Angel, guarding the believers in physical activities and Saints were advising the believers based on their immediate needs, and both of them were under the powers of the Holy Spirit of Christ

3.?????Devotional Relationship - All images and Feasts of every Saint is a process of "Neighborhood Prayers" as respecting of each Elder accompanying the believer one for purposes of sharing of Glory of Life

4.?????Level of Kingdom - 3rd Light Heaven where billions of the Satellite Thrones will be granted to the deserve Saints and Angels

5.?????Space of Judgment - 200 earth years or an hour of the Spiritual judgment under Seventh Blessed Day, which can be done after Son-ship judgment

6.?????Venue of judgment - 3rd Light Heaven as process to receive the Satellite Throne as co-head of Christ before myriads of angels and Saints

7.?????Biblical Mathematics - 200x24 judgment hours of the Seventh Day of Creation known as Blessed Day = years as space of journeyed under Abraham everlasting covenant



? UNIVERSAL SPIRITS created by Winds - Heavenly Beings lower than Angels with mission as caretaker of the NONLIVING THINGS of the 6th or FIELD HEAVEN (present Universe with Galaxies and Stars and Planets and Moons). A designated Kingdom is 5th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE is 33% virtual figures of the Elemental Creations

? ANGEL SPIRITS created by Light - Heavenly Beings lower than SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 4th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF LAW is 40% as virtual figures of the POWERS of LEADERSHIPS



? SOUL created by WORD OF GOD - HUMAN Beings Higher than Angels as SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is TRIUMPHANT CHURCH in 4th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF LIFE (BOL) is as follows;

a)?????CITIZEN-SHIP Category under WORKS OF HANDS @ 41%-46% and 47%-50% high Citizen BOL

God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%

Gift Contributions is 4%


? SAINT passed from SOUL'S judgment or 1st UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT - A combination of Spirit of Power and WISDOM Higher than Eternal CITIZEN as SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF WISDOM (BOW) is as follows;

a)????LOW SON-SHIP Category under WORDS OF TONGUE with 51%-60% BOL and

b)?????HIGH SON-SHIP Category @ 61%-70% BOW


God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%




+ THOUGHTS OF MIND under Eternal ELDER-SHIP - Spirit of Christ's BOOK OF GLORY'S Reports as 3rd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT;

? SAINT passed from SON'S judgment or 2nd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT - A multiple rewards of Spirit of Power and WISDOM and GLORY Higher than Eternal SON as SPIRIT OF ELDER-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT through rewards of Powers of the SATELLITE THRONE as fulfillment of Christ promised in the BOOK OF PROPHECY (Revelation 3:18-22). A ranking of BOOK OF GLORY (BOG) is as follows;

a)?????LOW ELDER-SHIP Category under THOUGHTS OF MIND with 71%-90% BOG and


b)?????HIGH ELDER-SHIP Category with 91%-120% BOG

God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%


Gift CONTRIBUTIONS is 30% to 59%
















1.2: Divisions of Time (Heavenly Hour by Judgment, Day by Works and Year by Population and Society)


Salvation Hour


1.?????? Soul’s Judgment HOUR to be used for 4th Light heaven’s Citizenship is 41.67 earth years

2.?????? 4th Light heaven Citizenship’s judgment HOUR for 3rd Light heaven’s sonship is 200 earth years

3.?????? 3rd Light heaven Son’s judgment HOUR for highest rewards of the SATELLITE THRONE under Elderships is 200 earth years


Creation Hour


4.?????? Glory’s Year – 18pmz per hour (17.79 trillion earth years per hour)

5.?????? Wisdom Year – 958 million earth years per hour (3pmz)

6.?????? Trinity Year – 114 billion earth years per Hour (2pmz)

7.?????? Divine Year – 3.04 billion earth years per hour (2pmz)

8.?????? Angelic Year – 30.5 million earth years per hour (1pmz)

9.?????? Soul’s Year – 30.5 million earth years per hour (1pmz)

10.??? Soul’s Hour – 41.67 earth years x 24 soul’s hours = 1000 earth years or Judgment Day (2 Peter 3:7-8)

11.??? Solar Year Hour – 60 minutes


Mark 13;32 (NIV)


“But about the DAY and HOUR no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father”



Point of Clarifications


1.????? DAY is a time of general Judgment, as follows;


1st Universal Judgment – It is the second coming of SON OF MAN under 60 billion earth years of the Angelic Salvation Year (1 billion earth years per day

2nd Universal Judgment – It will be started on 61st billion to 120th billion earth years (4 Angelic Months)


3rd Universal Judgment – It will be happened on 181st billion earth years (6 Angelic months)



2.?????? HOUR is time of the individual judgment, as follows;

1st Soul’s judgment for 4th Light Heaven’s Citizenship


2nd Citizenship’s judgment for 3rd Light Heaven Sonship’s judgment


3rd Sonship’s judgment for eldership level and inheritor of the SATELLITE THRONE to be co-head of Christ in 3rd Light Heaven (Revelation 3:14-22)







There are EIGHT GLORY'S DAY under GLORY'S YEAR with HEAVEN'S CODE as "GY8D" ended in the WISDOM YEAR. Glory's Day cannot be calculated at the same years of existences and distances of journeys in the succeeding DAY, which converted to title as YEAR. Differences of journey is based on the Nature of Creation, Population, Powers and matters as a whole, as follows;



1. GY8D I - 52,000pmz (Glory of Wisdom)

2. GY8D II - 51,000pmz (Power of Wisdom)

3. GY8D III - 50,000pmz (Kingdom of Wisdom)

4. GY8D IV - 32,000pmz (Power of Mind)

5. GY8D V - 31,000pmz (Power of Word)

6. GY8D VI - 30,000pmz (Power of Eyes)

7. GY8D VII - 26.068pmz (Pre-Wisdom Year)




? TRINITY YEAR 3pmz - 1 quadrillion Solar Year

? DIVINE YEAR 3pmz - 26.6 trillion Solar Year

? ANGELIC YEAR 2pmz - 1 trillion Solar Year

? SOLAR YEAR 2pmz - 4 billion Solar Year

? SOUL'S YEAR 1pmz - 365.25 million Solar Year




IGHT divisions of God’s counting system based on GLORY’S YEAR processes can be determined in two categories, “CREATION and JUDGMENT. And to understand these things HOLY BIBLE can help us to interpret the details as most important way of life. See, below;




I - GLORY OF WISDOM – 52,000pmz (1 numeral followed by 156,000 zeros)

II - POWER OF WISDOM – 51,000pmz


IV - POWER OF MIND – 32,000pmz

V - POWER OF WORD – 31,000pmz

VI - POWER OF EYES – 30,000pmz

VII - PRE-WISDON YEAR – 26,068pmz








I - TRINITY YEAR and 3pmz – 1 quadrillion Solar Year

II - DIVINE YEAR and 3pmz – 26.8 trillion years

III - ANGELIC CREATION YEAR and 2pmz – 266.8 billion years

IV - ANGELIC SALVATION YEAR and 2pmz – 181 billion years (181 Angelic Days)

V - SOUL’S CREATION YEAR and 1pmz – 730.5 million years per Angelic day

VI - SOLAR YEAR – 365.25 Days

VII - SOUL’S JUDGMENT DAY – 1000 Solar year or 41.67 years per hour based on YEAR OF THE LORD (2 Peter 3:7-8)

VIII - SOUL’S SUFFERING DAY – 1 Solar year (See, Numbers 14:34)



DIVINE JUDGMENT HOUR (DJH) is very important to be learned by every believer of Christ. On it, we can be able to understand and clearly comprehend about BOOK OF LIFE and BOOK OF WISDOM and BOOK OF GLORY’S Judgment’s after physical death. See, below;

o?? SIXTH DAY ACCOUNTS – 24 HOURS based of the HUMAN RACE activities (30.5 million years Nature Creation’s per hour


o?? SEVENTH BLESSED DAY ACCOUNTS – 24 JUDGMENT HOURS through Abraham eternal Covenant with God (200 years per hour)





1.?????? Thr1LHfk – Throne of the Heavenly Father and first King of the Holy Trinity of one God in 1st Light Heaven of the Kingdom of Light


2.?????? Thr2LHRsk – Throne of the First Royal son and Elder of Family in 2nd Light Heavens of the Kingdom of Light


3.?????? Supercluster Thrones or GcU1 – This is 3rd Light Heaven and all angels and saints with highest GLORY OF LIFE records will be part of it with SATELLITE THRONE’S rewards (Revelation 3:14-22). On the final Judgment, all angels and saints were part of it as highly sons and Citizens respectively


4.?????? GcU2 or 4th Light Heaven of the Kingdom of Light (Triumphant Church inside it). On the final Judgment, all Angel and saints were part of it as Heavenly Citizens


5.?????? GcU3 or 5th Light Heaven of the Kingdom of Light, and all angels and Universal spirits (Nature spirits or low category of angels) and Animals were part of it





6.?????? GcU4 or 6th Light Heaven (Present Universe introduced by science). All rejected Universal spirits or low category of angels, sinner’s angels of God, Human Souls and Animals were part of it. And on the 181st day of Angelic salvation year, this physical or DARKNESS Kingdom will be shining as 6th LIGHT HEAVEN of the Kingdom of Light




7.?????? This is Holy place or Earth Planet as image of the SATELLITE THRONE of the 3rd Light Heaven to be awarded to all Elders under Brotherhood of Jeus-Christ and Queenhood and Motherhood of Virgin MARY (Revelation 12:1-5, John 19:26-27 and Luke 1:46-48). In the beginning, God authorized the MAN to take care this sacred place and all things on earth under his power. But the woman was tempted by serpent which part of the power of the sinner angel of God. Hence, the sacred GARDEN OF PARADISE became place of the devils


8.?????? God inviting us to go back to his Kingdom as inheritors of the SATELLITE THRONE already promised by his begotten son Jesus-Christ (Revelation 3:14-22). This is the reason why VATICAN calling all religions and states to be united into one direction to be HOLY CITIZEN of the Holy Nation of God called to as UNIVERSAL SOCIETY (See, Dogma of UNIVERSAL LAW)


1.2d) My Personal Life


I was growth under good image and example of my parent were devoted to Virgin Mary and Jesus. But my personal desire brought me to uncomeatable life. when God called me for the unique way of mission under TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES, it was the beginning of gradual condemnations from family, relatives and experts as well as school.


Due to incomparable trials of my life, deeper analysis and comparisons of the great leaders and saints legacies are part of my studies. After all, I found out that obtaining power and wealth and popularity has nothing at all beyond GOD’S CALLING for Prophetic Life. facing the mission wasn’t easy to me, obeying God’s calling caused of gradual condemnations in family and society. But God’s calling brought me to peaceful mind and happiest heart; and opposite to my personal DESIRE with unpeaceful mind and wounded heart.


GOD’S CALLING is to challenge us from closer family as exactly happened to Abraham and Joseph and Moses. Obeying God is facing great obstacles and hindrances of life. even family were not favoring us as Jesus journeyed in life. this is the difference between HUMAN DESIRE and GOD’S CALLING. Amen!!!


Rejection from Catholic Experts

"In my mission, I am also experienced gradual condemnations from Catholic Elders, "2 Bishops and 8 Priests" after confessed them about my VISIONS. Hence, any suggestions from them would be a basis of my Decision either way". Firstly, my Family, parents and relatives, and family and relatives of my WIFE. Even my friends were rejected my Vision after heard about it. Hence, more advised from servants of God must be the foundation of decision. See, below;

  • 1st Rejection: An auxiliary Bishop from Manila warned me to stop stupid Dreams, which was followed by Antipolo City Bishop to be careful that baseless VISION. Instead, focus my family. The BISHOPS has doubted my capacity with question,

1.????? Who are you to argue brilliant Theologians and Philosophers?

2.????? Who are you and trying to destroy the doctrine of the Apostles?

3.????? Why are you cheating the people?


  • 2nd Rejection: A Priest based in Diocese of Sampaloc, Manila has called me as retarded one and a person who has lost mind. Unfavorable advised continued to other 7 Priests of the Catholic Church in the Philippines


  • 3rd Rejection: A great pain and wounds on my part, that there was a time I had waited for 6 hours (9 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon) inside in office of one of the Religious Priests under Salesian order of Priests or Catholic School in Makati City, Metro Manila. It was happened based on the referral of the Capuchin Priest in Pasig City. Again, my purpose to hear good Advice in connection of my VISION. When a Priest arrived, only four Words shared to me, "I DON'T BELIEVED YOU"


  • The 9th Priest's Spiritual Advised. It was 6 am Sunday Holy Mass which was attended by mine at the Sta. Ana Parish Church in Taguig City. And after the Holy Mass, I tried to close the mass celebrant and confessed my Vision. A Priest has advised me the followings,


?"If your vision comes from God, there is no one can stop you, even weaponing ARROW couldn't prevent God. A day will come that His Power will be established in you. And be continued your prayers for God’s enlightenments".


The last Priest who advised me sounds as more powerful than others and his WORD OF WISDOM penetrated in my Heart and continues in my mind. All these things were happened on 2006. If I were discouraged and obeyed their (Bishops and Priests) suggestions to ignore my DREAMS, then, there is no TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES to be heard through UNIVERSAL REFERENCE BOOK will be delivered to the whole World.;


a)????? 1000s of Articles

b)???? 263 Volumes of Book



·???????? 4th Rejection: After 21 years of analysis of both Science theories and Dogmas of religion and finished his first book on 2007. The Author has experienced the ultimate criticisms from the minor Apostles of Christ referred to the 8 Priests and Renown University of Catholic Church in the Philippines, “UNIVERSITY OF STO. THOMAS). It was occurred after his efforts and confessed them about his vision as well as desired to be published my very first book “Mystery Design of God’s Creation”. Historically, on 2006, I was submitted the book for editing purposes, and the University group of editors has accepted it with time period of 30 days or 1 month. After 30 days, I received the noticed as indicated below;



University of Sto. Thomas Editorial Team Rejection with Recommendation:



By: Tito D. Sapetin




1.????? The work needs an overhaul editing in terms of grammar, syntax and word construction.

2.????? No one (or a few probably) will be grossly interested in reading a manuscript about dreams and visions (unless the author is Bernadette, or Lorenzo Ruiz, or Thomas Aquinas).

3.????? This manuscript is tedious to read and hardly offers anything at all, except the self-serving epiphanies of the author.

4.????? Does not contain any reference/bibliography so that the work could pass as scholarly, academic and valid research.

5.????? Mr. Sapetin has yet to carve his name in this field of Ecclesiastical and Theological discipline. The readership of these manuscripts is extremely problematic.




?? After learned the decisioned of the school editors, I was suffered with wounded heart, pains and fully disappointed. I wasn’t expected that recommendations from what I believed as true servants of God caused of unprecedented sorrows. The creed I had has defended against Protestants in exchanged of my first love with daughter. Jesus therefore knows beforehand 2000 years ago about them.;


?? R

evelation 2:1-3. “Unto the angel of the church of Eph’e-sus write; These things and said he that holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walk in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou cannot bear them which are evil:?and thou has tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:?and hast borne, and hast patience and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted?


·???????? 5th Rejection: For a period of 33 years journeys as a couple, I still sufferings as husband. I need respect, and sometimes, my wife listening her friends rather than mine. Some of her decisions beyond my knowledge. In response, I always pray for her conversion to be understood my calling and VISION. This is my life being sacrificial one for God’s WISDOM and GLORY.



Imaginations, Memories and Emotions?


For now, I am still begging your prayers to be overcomes from heavy trials of my life which part of endeavor to be good Author and Analyst for the entire human race benefits. I can’t win this challenge by myself unless your prayers would be part of it. Volunteering myself as founding Author of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STRUDIES and contributing author in social media and other platforms are fulfilling my calling from above.


·???????? By imaginations, my personal desire seems as stage one to reach second level of journey being founding Author of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES


·???????? By memories, my gradual sufferings and condemnations from family and society are part of preparations to reach third level of mission being contributing author on social media


·???????? By emotions, delivering my books and articles are part of fulfilling my calling being Universal Wisdom Interpreter or Wi. U for God’s GLORY through Jesus-Christ; and right direction of the HUMAN RACE?





OVERALL, my mission in life is to protect, promote goodness of SPORTS for entertainment while facing heavy challenges and carrying the cross of SACRIFICE. A RELIGION for Family foundation; and Global alliances of NATIONS with good Leaderships for UNIVERSAL SOCIETY as HOLY NATION of God on earth through Jesus-Christ. Otherwise, any attempt or promotion, endorsement of erroneous idea, maneuvering the results of competitions, story and election should be condemned. And more information to be learned based on the UNIVERSAL REFERENCE, please go to SERIES 2000s.


A)??? 325 Titles of UNIVERSAL REFERENCE Book

B)??? 1000s of Major Articles

C)??? Over 20 million WORDS OF WISDOM delivered on SOCIAL MEDIA



God Bless the World


Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U


·???????? Tito Sapetin: Personal Account: (

·???????? Founding Author: TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES (

·???????? Contributing Author: UN Global Compact (

·???????? MIND OF WISDOM: sapetin@harvard

·???????? Harvard Records:

·???????? 325 Titles of Book:

·???????? Documents Website: https://www.




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