Yogesh Kumar - General Manager - Corporate HR, OD and ER
Uniparts Group II Mahindra II Escorts II Hero II Delta Electronics II XLRI II SHRM
Structured collaboration refers to a systematic approach to working together, typically involving well-defined processes, roles, and communication methods. It helps teams or individuals achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively. Crafting clear agreements at the beginning of new collaborations and having a process for getting back to agreement with team members.
?·??? Intent and Vision: Big picture of what you want. Make it clear and specific.
·??? Roles: What is each person responsible for?
·??? Promises: What each person agrees to do and by when.
·??? Time and Value: The time the agreement will be effective. The value each person puts in and gets out, ensuring enough incentive for everyone.
·??? Metrics: Clear and measurable evidence you achieved your intention.
·??? Concerns and Fears: Challenges you are concerned about.
·??? Renegotiation: An understanding that it will become necessary to renegotiate because things change, and everything cannot be anticipated.
·??? Consequences: For breaking promises, and the value lost if the project is not completed—for the individuals, the organization and society.
·??? Conflict Resolution: Agree to an "attitude of resolution," and an agreed resolution process when conflicts surface.
·??? Agreement: When you have discussed these issues ask whether you "trust" moving forward. Move forward only when you can say yes. We both believe we can collaborate effectively and be joint problem solvers. Everyone is responsible for Results.
·??? Tell the story, deal with the emotion and create a new agreement: # Attitude of Resolution – A mindset I have come to call Resolutionary Thinking. Essentially it means, "Let's work this out!" #Telling Your Story – Getting the facts and listening to all stories. When you listen with a careful ear and honour everyone's story about a situation, you take a big step toward resolution.
·??? Kick-starting the process of knowing each other allows teams to quickly know each member's role; what expertise, experience, and work style each brings; and each other’s work context such as other work assignments or extraordinary family pressures.
·??? What's in it for me? – Make sure the audience understands what is in it for them. Collaboration has been shown to have a positive effect on organizational productivity but remember that individuals provide the content. Establish rewards for top contributors through ratings, featured content, and top 10 lists. Above all, keep the needs of the members first.
·??? Investing in relationships: connecting people and ideas so new collaborations might flourish.
·??? Celebration is the universal need that transforms people and things every time it's applied. The more we celebrate our collaborations, the more fun the collaborations are. The more fun the collaboration, the more we enjoy the work and the more success we have. To ensure successful collaboration, celebrate!
·??? Encourage people to brainstorm and critique creative concepts throughout the development phase of a project and Design interesting, flexible environments that encourage creative thought.
·??? Managing collaboration is more about promoting and enabling the benefits of collaboration, making people achieve together what they cannot achieve alone and it is about making people more productive at what they do. Manager should focus on facilitating and fostering a constraint-free environment for any productive interaction that help the collaborators achieve business and project objectives.
·??? Collaboration leadership provides direction and guidance, is more process-oriented and is related to demonstrating the benefits of collaboration, motivating others to work in new, smart ways, and inspiring collaborators and others to use collaboration as a pathway to be improved team effectiveness and productivity. Collaboration leadership can be described as the attitude, mindset, values, productive interactions, and behaviour key personnel possess that enable them to engage themselves.
Group CHRO | Culture, Strategy, Technology & Transformation | Executive Coach | Organisation Design | Leadership Development | Succession Planning | Great Place to Work | Employee Relations | ESG/EHS/CSR/DEI | Startup HR
1 年Very useful insights. Abbhay Kapoor