Structure and process change to turnaround business performance.
Gibsons Consulting Pty Ltd
We work alongside our clients to solve problems and deliver sustainable business improvements.
It’s rare that we are approached by a company requiring assistance where there is clarity about why business performance is not as expected, and what should be done to fix this. We may enter our work with a client having been given one brief, only to find that other issues come to light as we investigate the problems that are taking place.
A manufacturing and installation company supplying the construction sector reached out to us for support with cited business performance issues. We conducted a thorough review of the business’ operations and in addition to the problems with sales levels and Earnings Before Interest and Tax, identified an issue with their margins for quoting and pricing. The company simply were not running at a level of margin that was long-term sustainable.
Without the right business structure and processes in place, it becomes very difficult to identity the ‘why’ when things go wrong. Clarity is missing, and as such appropriate actions are unlikely to be taken to turn things around.
Our business review identified the key areas to address, and we initially focused on implementing management review practices and reporting within the business to build an understanding of why these difficulties were occurring. A thorough review of the sales team and sales processes was conducted, and we established a sales management program with a priority to refocus the sales team. Alongside this, pricing and quoting margins were reviewed with a new pricing and quoting policy agreed. After 6 months of working with this organisation we saw sales return to their normal levels, and after 9 months of sustained implementation of our recommendations, profits returned to 12% of sales.
Business change takes time, and modifying structure and processes doesn’t immediately impact the bottom line. It is with consistency and perseverance that business transformation is possible.
The question we often get asked is “why can’t a company just do this for themselves – why do they need an external advisor?”. In the case of this company, the management structure and processes were not in place to support the company to prevent these issues occurring. Often it takes someone outside of a business to identify the change required, and once initiated, it can be easier to align with business priorities to meet, and often exceed, performance goals and success indicators. It’s also never an easy and quick fix. Read the full article on our website.
Find out more about our strategic approach to unearth the challenges within your business and set you on the right path for success. Reach out for a no obligation, informal chat with one of our Senior Consultants today to chat about how we could help you and your business, call us (07) 3025 3220 or email [email protected].
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