STRONGER SALES APPROACH: Do You Need A Stronger Sales Approach? Here is Our Sales Script
What would you do to improve the lives of your family?
Do you want to make enough money so that your daughter or son can go to whatever school they want to?
Do you want to go on vacation with your spouse without having to worry about which restaurant you eat at or the hotel you stay at?
You shouldn't have to worry about any of that.
Your livelihood relies on a LEGENDARY sales approach. Sales scripts are a crucial part of that legendary process.
Ask yourself, can your family and/spouse depend on you to create the most LEGENDARY sales script?
First, let me share with you an example of retail sales. Some stores may think they have a better approach - or let's say a unique approach - than other retail stores. Because of the way their employees communicate with their customers or the way their store is set up; but look at the communication between them and a competitor (a smaller store, a more luxurious store, etc.). If you take a walk around the mall or into other stores you'll see that they have a similar approach.
The one thing that you do as a sales leader & coach is that you have to come up with rules and guidelines for people to follow.
Consumers don't want the feeling of being sold. Here's what they do want, they want the feeling of being understood and to understand. Let me explain, as a salesperson we must understand their needs completely and they need to completely understand what we, as salespeople, are pitching. - JOE SEMAAN
Our sales script has been extremely effective. And, although we've been mentored by one of the best sales coaches in the nation, Joe Semaan, we still modify our script weekly. If you don't know Joe, he's worked with some of the most recognized Fortune 100 companies in the world to help them increase sales team effectiveness & profitability (i.e. Microsoft, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Equinox).
Credit: Souter Consulting
Here are the 18 parts of the sales script we've put together [YOU MUST have a unique offer that separates you from competitors - i.e. podcasts you record (bring that company on). Find out what your competitors need and find out the most unique approach to tapping into that - that makes them stand out without much effort on their part.]:
- Begin with a greeting "Good Morning/Good Afternoon". Then introduce yourself and ask them how their day has gone.
- Acknowledge their response and move into telling them the reason for your call. Keep it concise and then ask them who would be the best person to coordinate with or talk to in the company.
- Ask the operator/gatekeeper about who you're being transferred to i.e. what their position is.
- Ask for the transfer.
- Greet the person personally then ask if [Gatekeeper] told them about who you are or why they're transferring the call over.
- Recap the conversation you had with the gatekeeper about why you're calling. Keep this short and exciting. You need to keep their attention and make the time they're spending on the phone with you valuable.
- Get their email so you can shoot them examples of what you just spoke about. If they ask for more info, question their intentions i.e. People ask me for more info because they are not interested anymore, is that the case here? If everything is smooth at this point let them know that you have a few questions you want to ask and want to see if they're a fit for your [offer].
- Ask about how long the company has been active for.
- Ask about their intentions for growth. Do they have any plans to grow over the next few years [choose a particular number i.e. 1-5 years]?
- Ask if they've already incorporated the services you're trying to offer. I.e. has your company created video content before?
- Ask if they're thinking about creating that video content or any of the other services you're offering.
- See if they've noticed their competitor's results from the services you're offering. Make this about value, not you.
- Ask if they're comfortable talking about their growth so others can learn from that [apply this to the unique offer. This is for podcast approach.].
- See if they're open to talking about the general services more [social media/internet]. Highlight several benefits of your services and include that in the conversation like leveraging social media for example. Would they be open to discussing how they are using it or adapting technology or social platforms to leverage social media?
- See if they're currently working with another company. Do it subtly. We want to make sure that we provide the best advice and want to make sure that our service [offer] fits your brand. Are you guys currently working with another group on [service]?
- Acknowledge the person for their time being on the call with you. Then say, thank you it seems like you're a good fit. Let them know that you need to come in to discuss the direction of your [whatever unique value add like a podcast or consult or free work] with them.
- Give them 2 options for when you do the office visits and have them choose one. See which works.
- Be like "Great, I'll shoot you a calendar Invite." Show them energy so that they're excited to work with you.
NOTE: This was adapted for us, for our podcasting approach. What's your unique proposition for these companies? Let us know in the comments below.