Strong Women in Recruitment
JD Rec2Rec
We specialise in introductions at all levels from Trainee Recruiter - Board Directors across all sectors.
I have worked in recruitment for over 20 years and in that time, I’ve had some amazing roles. Some not-so-great roles & some truly horrible work experiences. I’ve worked through the ranks & have certainly been awarded the ‘been there done that’ badge as far as recruitment is concerned.
In short though, I love recruitment. There’s a vibrancy and buzz about the industry. A hunger & a passion that I don’t think would be there with any other industry. The mixture of people is incredible too & I don’t believe that stereotypical recruiters exist these days as the diversity is too great.
Saying that though, I do see that there is still a bit a lot of old school mentality in the recruitment workplace. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not just the old boys club mentality or a men vs women thing as the world is a very progressive and embracing place these days but at the same time, and from my own experience, being a woman in the industry has certainly got its own complexities & the career path has more twists and turns to negotiate than my male colleagues.
I see it more now as a Rec2Rec than I ever did too. I guess it’s because I have a more diverse overview of recruitment these days. My clients and candidates are all ages, All sectors & from all backgrounds.
For example, having a baby has happened since Adam and Eve ate the apple (and probably even before that!) but it still causes issues in the workplace. Even if the female candidate is stronger in the industry, I have seen the male taken on as a result of the issues caused by a baby being part of the picture. The excuse that she wouldn’t be strong enough is just not true. Motherhood makes us stronger! With the right planning and some flexibility from an employer the results can be phenomenal.
Another example is that of seniority. ‘She can’t be at the same level as him’ is never spoken out loud but that is the general gist of things. Gender pay gaps are in the news and although narrowing it’s still apparent in the recruitment industry. Again, and just ask my husband, a strong woman has an amazing ability to get things done. That is because we deal with so many things, in and out of work on a daily basis.
Then there is the old boys club! It’s very well hidden these days but it’s certainly there bubbling away in the background.
The dodgy handshake to secure the business. We won’t be part of that thank you!
Coercing candidates, I’ve seen clients call up the candidates’ current employer to ‘just find out if they are any good’. Literally forcing them out of the door so they are left with no option but to move. Underhand and not something we will be ever part of Thank you, but no thank you.
Then finally there’s the Bully. And believe me, in my time in the Rec2Rec sector it’s never been a female, but it has happened several times. Ringing up and shouting (swearing) down the phone at me or my lovely staff. Its upsetting & quite frankly unnecessary. Sorry Mr Client, If that’s your default management style then we won’t be working with you. Good luck with your search!
It’s a minority & it is getting better. I feel like our lockdown has changed things mainly for the better too but please take note, Women are strong, We can do almost anything we set our minds too, A Director having a baby? No problem. Bring it on!
Rant Over – Have a lovely day!