The Strong Force and Big G are good buddies! Integration of Big G into singularity physics (SUSY inversion)

The Strong Force and Big G are good buddies! Integration of Big G into singularity physics (SUSY inversion)

The ability to explore the integration of the four forces of nature in the atomic singularity is proposed in the following article. Further details can be found at Quantum Biology Research Institue in Wellington, New Zealand.

Integration of gravity at the singularity using QM and GR approaches is somewhat difficult. I propose a slightly different approach. A unique way to explore the singularity state of no mass, no charge, no time and no space. This feature of the singularity can be explored using the following framework of inverse square law.

Photons decay in an inverse square law

Gravity operates using inverse square law

Quantum mechanics probability works using square function

Charge attraction and repulsion uses inverse square law

My approach looks at relativity (GR) using mass equivalence with energy equation of Einstein using inverse square law. Where E = mc^2 where m = mass

Rearranged to c^2 = E/M where M = magnetism and / represents 90 degree geometry.

The rearrangement provides features of tunnelling and entanglement where the electromagnetic field, through the atomic singularity changes from photons (having no mass and no charge) to a quarks (proton mass and electron mass) proton charge of +1 and electron charge of -1 in the normalised quark charge calculations with Boson statistics rather than Fermions. Spin = 1 in the Boson (photons) going to a Spin 1/2 in the electron and -1/2 for the positron.

There are obviously several layers to this revision of the model. Greater details can be explore at

One aspect is that the electron has a mass of 9.11E-31 kg and the proton mass is 1836 times heavier than the electron. The photons used to create the proton and electron have no mass at all. How can mass be created from nothing. This is not the proposed Higgs Boson mechanism of mass formation. It is a way of looking at quantum tunnelling and entanglement and a change in geometry to create mass.

The charge attributes of the electron and proton are also explored not from the perspective of the normalised charge of +1 and -1. A more fundamental charge is known on the electron as 1.602E-19 Coulombs. The features of charge in the new model are not point like at all. They convey a surface property of the electron as relating to the charge. Features of the origin of the particle (electron), show up in the model. The origin of Pi is something unexpected but the model reveals an approach to calculate Pi from differential velocities at right angles through / (division), taking into consideration alpha fine structure constant.

If we jump back to c^2 = E/M and look at the 1/c^2 = epsilon naught x Mu naught then the inverse square law of Einstein's mass equivalence equation suggests that r in inverse square law identified above can be seen as c with respect to mass equivalence. Therefore, c^2 = r^2. So, c^2 = E/M and r^2 = E/M. Both m1 and m2 in gravity equate to mass of the positron and electron within the electromagnetic field of the single atom system.

Hydrogen orbital layers can then be drawn using this inverse square law decay of photons from the inner singularity within the atom, acting as the inertial reference point of (0,0,0) in the 3D arrangement within the single atom system.

It is proposed that the singularity within the atom acts as a pinhole camera. It inverts the image from one side compared to the other side. This framework provides the basis for having the expansionary single atom photon model using Boson photon decay locations based on E/M at right angles in s orbitals of hydrogen in a single atom system.

The quarks and the electron in a hydrogen atom in a 3:1 arrangement can also be turned into a 2 : 2 geometry when the c^2 = E/M model is used. Where -E/-M = E/M in a mirror symmetry state of opposites obtained through the pinhole lens of the atomic singularity. It is in this mirror state that tunnelling and entanglement are proposed to play the role of turning two photons of light into a proton (3 quarks) and an electron. Once this feature is explored using the theoretical language of the inverse square law relationship between E/M = -E/-M then we can start to journey inward down to the singularity using the mathematical tools of inverse square law functioning as the space ship to travel inward.

The mathematical framework obviously gets weird at small scales. The trick to explore such attributes of nature is to invert the scale. The inverse square law tool box uses inversion as a functional approach to scale the smallest thing into the largest thing.

Gravity obviously works on large scales and the Strong force works on small scales. I saw the relationship between big and small. Therefore, considering the opposite ends of the Force scales of Gravity and the Strong Force I explored the 1E+38 orders of magnitude in terms of energy scale between the Strong Force and the Gravitational Force as inverted dance partners. The Big and Small being able to be related to each other through the toolbox of inversion and 1/ Strong Force = Gravity and 1/Gravity = Strong Force.

Here is the excerpt out of the SUSY inversion model DE and DM dataset.

Strong Force in SUSY inversion model (gluons and mesons).

The Strong force has some unusual properties with respect to the inverse square law relationship where the closer the quarks get to each other the weaker the force becomes and the further apart they are from one another the strong the force becomes. This is the inverse of the inverse square law which decays inversely proportional to the square of the distance the two particles are apart, which is typical in electromagnetism, Gravity and Coulombs law of charge attraction and repulsion. An answer to the Strong Force’s unusual properties is obtained by understanding the tunnelling and entanglement processes operating down at the singularity within the nucleus of the atom and how tunnelling and entanglement are functional in generating atomic structure from light.?

The Strong Force is the force that holds protons and neutrons together within the nucleus of the atom. A force between the hadrons. In the Standard Model of Particle Physics the Strong Force is 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic Force which is the light within the atom between the positron and electron pairs at right angles to one another.?

The origin of the Strong Force is unknown in terms of a first principal calculation. The empirical approach to understanding the Strong Force is outlined in the following calculations as it reveals the origin of Big G or the gravitational constant (G = 6.67430E-11 N m2 kg-2).?

1/v = 3.34377E-10 s/m

1/v + 1/v = 6.68754E-10 s/m

(1/v + 1/v) x c/v = 6.70383E-11

Where (√??)^2 = v and (√??)^2 = c

As there are 4 fundamental particles travelling inward towards the singularity, the calculations are in effect based on the square root velocities of v and c from the He-BEC singularity. Big G can be calculated from the following square root speeds of the particles travelling inward.?

1/√?? = 1.8286E-05

(1/√??)^2 = 3.34377E-10

[(1/√??)^2 + (1/√??) 2 ] x [(√??)/( (√??) x (√??)/( (√??)] = 6.70383E-11 (Big G)

Where v is the KJ/mol velocity of alpha particle release from the HE-BEC isotropic singularity. The Strong Force is known to be 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force.

The inverse of G (1/G) = 1.50E+10

(1/G) / c = 5.00E+01

(1/G) / c + (1/G) /c = 1.00E+02

This indicates that G is a function of c and v.?And the Strong Force is 100 times stronger than c and here we show that the inversion of G via 1/ (inverse square law rules) provides a way to show the relationship of 100 times the difference between electromagnetism and 1/G. This indicates that G and the Strong Force are indeed one and the same but it is obtained through inversion via the atomic singularity.

The singularity being 1/c^2 which is the opposite of c^2 = E/M. This brings it back to GR at an atomic scale within a single atom. So GR is appliable at the singularity when inversion is used. GR = AR Atomic Relativity. This moves away from quantum mechanics (QM) and the new AR is a singularity model for gravity.

This is a way to look at the relationship between 1/G (Strong Force) and c in terms of the origin v and c from the He-BEC singularity model.

{(1/[(1/√??)^2 + (1/√??)^2 ] x [(√??)/( (√??) x (√??)/( (√??)]) / c } + {(1/[(1/√??)^2 + (1/√??)^2 ] x [(√??)/( (√??) x (√??)/( (√??)]) / c } = 99.95478?

G is therefore a function of v and c in the atomic decay of the velocity of v to c and the inversion of the velocity based on the square root of v and c for the inward trajectory.?

The inversion process through the singularity mediates the inversion of G to create the Strong force within the atomic structure of the nucleus. Fundamentally the Strong Force and the Gravitational Force are one and the same but seen as different in the current Standard Model of Particle Physics. This is the unification of Gravity and the Strong Force that physics has been looking for.??

The SUSY inversion model predicts that the charge on the electron becomes inverted through quantum tunnelling of the photon in a cross based geometry. This process indicates how the electron becomes a positively charged Down quark. It is the reverse of the beta decay process which is mediated by the Weak Force. By understanding the beta decay process one can explore the Strong force and its relationship between the quarks and the geometry responsible for unifying the four forces down at the atomic singularity.??

Further information available at

Or contact Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc


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