Strong Economy - Layoffs Disconnect. What it Means for your Digital Marketing.
Last week, I wrote about the waves of layoffs starting about a year ago in tech, and now spreading to other sectors.
CNBC has a greater context video (12 minutes) to support my observations.
The video tries to explain why layoffs started happening at 02:26. It touches on how rising interest rates puts pressure on the need for marketing to perform.
In a higher rate environment, investors like Thiel or Andreessen putting money into a tech stock feel pressure. "Why should I keep putting my money into Metaverse spending (losses), when I can instead put my money into some minimum guaranteed returns (bonds, etc.)", and or "That money I invested into Facebook was borrowed at almost no cost, but now, with rates rising, I have to pull out."
The lessons for digital marketers is to ensure your spending and objectives are disciplined at every phase, or else your department too will join the ranks of layoff waves encroaching into other sectors.
Real Life Best Practices: If you, for example, as a Marketing Director or CMO are put in a pressured situation to take on an expensive, ill-advised campaign, then: