Strolling the Bourbon Trail and Memory Lane
My best friend from college, Joe Blazer, invited our son and me join him and his boys on Kentucky's Bourbon Trail this past week. Our son, Clark, and I are united in our affinity for beer and discovered we have a small challenge enjoying bourbon. But the education we received in visiting 12 distilleries in and near Bardstown, KY was remarkable! Now that I've learned how to enjoy bourbon, for example, trying not to throw it back like a cold beer on a hot day after mowing the lawn, it was a little easier to enjoy. Since Joe and I have been great friends for over 40 years, we had plenty of memories to rehash; possibly at the boredom of our young men!
As Memorial Day approaches, take time to remember our freedom and those who've gone before us to make it a reality. Even if they aren't war heroes, take time to think of those important people, past and present, who've shaped your life and made you the person you are. Maybe their life has given you a new appreciation for all you have. Perhaps your mindset regarding how you spend your time and money has changed. This summer especially, I’m feeling a newfound appreciation for American freedom as we begin to emerge from this pandemic.