Dr. KS. Gopi
Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Stroke is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
Aconite is considered in the initial stage, when the haemorrhage?has just happened. It may be due to emotional shock or fright. The person feels restlessness and tossing about. There is great anxiety of mind and body. Face becomes red.?Congestive headaches. Hot heavy and bursting sensation in the head. The pulse is fast, full, hard, tense and bounding. Palpitation with anxiety. Hot hands and cold feet. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, especially left arm. Dry, burning mouth with numbness and tingling. Vertigo, worse on rising.
Opium is indicated where the person becomes collapsed, jaws dropped, pupils dilated, hot sweat and one-sided paralysis. There is coma with dusky red face and oppressed breathing. Slow and laboured pulse.
Nux vomica is suitable to persons who have indulged in wines and liquors. Also occur after heavy meal. It is best adapted to persons of bilious, sanguine, or nervous and irritable temperament. Threatened brain haemorrhage with giddiness, headache, and fullness of head.?It is used as a complementary medicine to Opium for completing the cure.
Laurocerasus is prescribed where the stroke occurring suddenly without warning, with palpitation, cold moist skin and convulsions of the facial muscles.?Sudden cough, suffocation and loss of speech.
Arnica is indicated in the haemorrhagic stage. Tendency to haemorrhage and low fever.?There is deathly coldness of forearm. Complaints due to injury.
Pituitrinum is affective for arresting the haemorrhage. It also helps absorption of blood clots.
Belladonna is prescribed with severe headache with congestion in the head, face hot and flushed. Eyes are wide and staring. Throbbing and hammering nature of headache, especially in temples , which is worse from motion, light, noise and lying down,?better from laying the hand on head and bending head backwards. Eyes are dilated and staring. Throbbing pain deep in eyes. Pulse full and rapid.
Crotalis horridus is best for paralysis from stroke, especially right side. Lower limbs go to sleep easily. Hands tremble, swollen. Cannot keep legs still. The patient is loquacious with desire to escape. Muttering, mumbles, jumbles, and stumbles over his words, tremens. They are agitated, irritable and cross.
Causticum is effective?for paralysis after stroke. Paralysis of single parts. It is indicated for paralysis of the muscles of speech, paralysis of the bladder, rectum and extremities. Numbness of the hands and feet. Right sided paralysis.
Baryta carb is effective for stroke symptoms, especially in elderly. It is indicated for both physical and mental weakness and fatigue following a stroke. There is a sensation as if the brain is loose. The person experiences senile dementia with increasing weakness and difficulty in concentrating. Shy towards strangers, childish in behaviour. Baryta carb person have a tendency to catch cold easily. They experience burning pain in many parts. Tendency to for aneurysms, blood vessels are softened and degenerate, so rupture easily.
Gelsemium is indicated for stroke symptoms with numbness, weakness and trembling?with??lost the ability to speak. The person experiences dullness, dizziness and drowsiness. There is paralysis of various groups of muscles of the eye, oesophagus, bladder, rectum etc. Deep seated pain in muscles of back, hips and lower extremities. Lack of muscular coordination. Muscles cannot obey the will.
Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs. Legs feels so heavy that patient drags them. Pain along spinal cord, with paralytic weakness. Arms feel paralyzed. Spinal degeneration and
Lachesis is prescribed with giddiness with congestion. Pain deep in the brain, especially left side.?Paralysis, especially left side. Speech is very slow.?They are talkative, suffer from hot flushes and?high blood pressure. They cannot tolerate anything tight anywhere. Sensation of constriction, especially in the throat, abdomen and head.
Sulfonal is prescribed for post stroke symptoms, especially for ataxic movements, staggering gait. Legs weak, cold, trembling, seems too heavy. Stiffness and paralysis of both legs. Mood changes like alternation happy, hopeful states with depression and weakness.
Allium sativa is an effective cardiac tonic, it makes the blood thin, improve circulation and cardiac disease. Useful for hypertension and high level of fat in blood. It is considered as a preventive for stroke
Ginkgo biloba is another remedy for the prevention of stroke. This medicine improves the brain blood circulation and corrects memory loss due to poor blood flow. It is considered a good blood thinner.
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1 年Which book that medecine you have given sir totally all descies cure that type of medecine you give book please give mee book name sir
Financial Advisor at Primerica - helping families thrive financially
1 年This is very good ! Thank you for sharing !
Sr project manager at SHV Energy
1 年what precausions or medication to be taken to prevent
Business Development Representative / Regional Sales Manager / National Account Manager / Director of Business Development / Relationship Builder
1 年Thank you Dr. Gopi.