Stripe Payment Gateway Integration using PHP

Stripe offers a seamless solution for accepting online payments directly on your website or web application. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Stripe is a top choice for businesses looking to streamline their payment processes.

To integrate Stripe into your PHP-based website, follow these steps:

Go to website:

Create a Stripe Account: Sign up for an account on the Stripe website and generate your API keys. Navigate to the "Developers" section and access your API keys.

Generate API Keys: Obtain your Publishable Key and Secret Key from the dashboard. These keys are essential for authenticating your requests to the Stripe API.

Developer/Sandbox Mode: Initially, your API keys will be in developer or sandbox mode, allowing you to test your integration with dummy credit card details. This ensures that your payment flow functions correctly before going live.

Testing Integration: Use the provided dummy credit card details to test your payment flow thoroughly. Verify that transactions are processed accurately and that error handling is in place.

Go Live: Once you're confident in your integration, switch your Stripe account to live mode. Replace your test API keys with the live ones provided by Stripe. Now, your website is ready to accept real payments from customers.

By integrating Stripe into your PHP-based website, you provide users with a seamless and secure payment experience. With its powerful features and flexibility, Stripe empowers businesses to optimize their online commerce operations effortlessly.

Steps to integrate the Stripe payment gateway

1. Create Stripe Payment Form

2. Validate card through Stripe JavaScript library

3. Process Stripe charges in PHP and track the response

Create Stripe Payment Form

Let's create a basic html from to receive payment or make the transaction. You need from fields for card number, card expiry month, card expiry year and CVV. You need to add data-stripe tag to each from fields to our JavaScript can read the form value and validate the form without reloading the page.

Date stripe value for

- Card Number is data-stripe="number"

- Expiry Month is data-stripe="exp_month"

- Expiry Year is data-stripe="exp_year"

Test Card Details

You can use any card from the following and for CVV any 3 digit number and Expiry date any month and year from the current month and year.

4242424242424242 Visa

4000056655665556 Visa (debit)

5555555555554444 Mastercard

5200828282828210 Mastercard (debit)

378282246310005 American Express

6011111111111117 Discover

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Email: [email protected]


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