Strip naked to find clarity
Do you know who you really are? No seriously, have you ever asked yourself or contemplated this question, 'Who am I?'
Not just the basic, 'I am Philip, the son of Raymond, 30 years of age, a Product Manager by profession.' But on a deeper level, who am I really?
I was inspired to pen this article after going through the new normal that we're all currently facing worldwide. Be it total lockdowns, partial lockdowns, movement control orders, way or another, we're living in a new normal now and because of this, everything has slowed down to a point it has given us the chance to reflect on our life journey so far.
In the past two months, there were definitely more questions than answers for me. But with these questions, I personally found more clarity into who I really am.
When we ask ourselves the question of 'Who am I?' we should completely strip naked of all our identities.
Strip your name.
Strip your family.
Strip your age.
Strip your title.
Strip your make-up.
Strip your clothes.
Strip your job.
Strip your relationship.
Strip your assets.
Strip your environment.
Strip your experiences.
Now that we're completely naked, Who am I? Who are you?
Of course, individually we're all different so only we ourselves can truly find clarity and answers to this question.
In the book The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK, there was this question asked,
'Values are about prioritization. Everybody would love a good cannoli or a house in the Bahamas. The question is your priorities. What are the values that you prioritize above everything else, and that therefore influence your decision-making more than anything else?'
This got me thinking about the values that I've held for the longest time now and how these values impacted my decision-making to be where I am today and to be who I am today.
After striping entirely, am I happier? Or am I unhappy? Or am I lost? Or do I feel no difference?
Like I've mentioned, there are more questions than answers but hopefully these questions and the many more questions that appear after you've stripped naked will give you more clarity into who you really are. It did for me so I hope and pray that it does for you too.
Finding out who we really are will help in deciding if we want to continue walking the path we're already on or if we want to turn back to our starting point or if we want to walk another path.
The most important thing is, we have the power to decide our own life journey. We have the power to choose how we want to live our lives.
Live. Love. Life.