String Formatting WITH Problems and Solution
Rushikesh J.
Software Test Engineer @Vinz Global | Robot Framework | Manual Testing, Automation Testing | Python | Selenium | GIT | JIRA | Immediate Joiner | API Testing Using Postman | Jenkins
What is String Formatting?
It is the way to insert custom string or variable in a text (string).
Using string formatting, a developer want required output in different style.
Why need of formatting a string?
To display string in proper understanding form, We need to format a string properly.
To display content dynamically, because we use different variable to format a string.
If we did not use string formatting, then we will be unable to display dynamically content.
Different style to format a string
Different styles are used in Python to format a string:
NO#1: Formatting with % Operator (Python 2).
It is the oldest method of string formatting. We use the modulo % operator (“string-formatting operator”).
So, ‘%s’ is used for string, ‘%d’ for integers, ‘%f’ for float, ‘%b’ for binary format.
print("%modulo operator" % variable)
name = "Faisal"
age = 434
price = 243.43
print("Hi, %s" % name)
print("My age is, %d" % age)
print("Product price is, %f" % price)
print("My Name is %s and my age is, %i" %(name, age))
NO#2: Formatting with Format() (Python 3)
format method introduced in Python3. It easy way to format string than modulo operator. We used curly braces and specific number (0,…) of variable as we used.
print(“{0} {1} {2}”.format(variable1, variable1, variable1))
print("{0} {1} price ${2}".format(100, 'rushikesh', 2.14)) # positional arguments
print("{quantity} {item} price ${price}".format(quantity=10, item='rushikesh', price=2.14))
# Keyword arguments
100 rushikeshprice $2.14
10 rushikeshprice $2.14
NO#3: Formatting with f-strings (3.6+).
This method is introduced in python3.6+ version which is advanced method to format a string in Python.
print(f"Hi I am {variable} and my age is {variable}")
print(f"Hi I am {expression} and my age is {variable}")
name = "Rushikesh"
age = 323
print(f"Hi I am {name} and my age is {age}")
Hi I am Rushikesh and my age is 323
NO#4: Formatting with Template Class
Template class in string module, added since Python 2.4. To use Template class, we need to use $ValidIdentifier as placeholder in template string.
from string import Template
str = 'Hi $name, you age is $age'
template_obj = Template(str)
template_obj.substitute(name=‘Rushikesh Reddy', age=34)
'Hi Rushikesh Reddy, your age is 34'