Strike with Fear Abusers & Accomplices
Time is up. We need a change in law and policies to hold accountable not only the violators but more importantly the accomplices. These adults failed 160 girls. I have experienced first hand when Francis Parker head of school and the principal failed to enforce their own guideline and code of conduct. They have failed not only the victims but also the violator. A boy has taken pictures under girls skirts. The girls were infuriated and scared. Only two girls stepped up to report the incident. These two acted like the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, even when there was evil. Worse yet, the girls reported the incident in confidence. But the principal without the girls consent revealed the girls name to the boy, who has taken these inappropriate pictures. Make things worse, we the parents of the girls were not even informed for two long days. We received a vague email of the resolution with no details. But as I investigated this incident and met with the parents of the boy, I found out that the boys parents were informed immediately and were called to a meeting in the school.
Let me ask you, when a child is harmed, who do you call first? The parents of the violator or the parents of the victim? Why we were informed last over email?
After numerous conversations, I realized quickly these guys are not dealing in good faith. Worse yet, Mr Lang, the principal, called my girl a liar. shame on! And this is where he crossed the line. This is when I understood, that the school trying to intimidate my daughter to silence her. This is when I was confident that I need to push it further.
My gripes were not with the boy or his family. My gripes were with the way the school handled this issue. I tried once again to bring justice and make it up to the girls who felt violated.
I requested to meet with the head of school, Kevin Yaley, he acted like the three monkeys and repeatedly told me "I do not know want to not tell making accusation..." I knew he was useless as well. I already affirmed my opinion of the school and its leadership. Monkeys leading the school.
I approached one of the board members, who is an attorney, the girls are friends in the same grade. He initially was alarmed with the school stand. But after he was "contaminated" by the head of school, he came back with "This school is like a family, we need to protect our family." This is a bunch of BS. I had no idea that it is customary for family members to take inappropriate pictures under girls skirts.
Do you all know that "up skirt pictures" is a criminal matter in California?
Worse yet, I repeatedly was concerned for my daughter safety since the boy knew who reported him. I constantly had to coach her not to be alone anywhere. How would I be assured that he and his friends would not gang against them?
They also failed to file a CPS report.
Stupid monkeys, it would be very simple if justice was done immediately and properly. According to the school handbook and policy, this behavior calls for expulsion or suspension at the very least.
Fact: the boy admitted taking pictures under girls skirts and apologized to the girls with a meek "I'm sorry."
The prolonging of this issue, has put tremendous stress and anxiety on the boy and his family. Had the school handled the issue properly adhering to their policies and guideline, none of this would have been an issue. Trust would have been restored immediately with the entire community. But prolonging the resolution in hopes that I'm going to go away. Only infused agony and trauma to all parties.
If you are still reading this take your test and take action.
Heads of schools, principals, presidents, board members, and those who responsible to protect our vulnerable children.
What do you do when a violation is reported?
1. Do you engage in vague, evasive, and passive aggressive communication styles?
2. Do you prolong the resolution hoping the problem will go away?
3. Do you bully the victims to silence them?
4. Are you scared that scandal will hurt your reputation?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions:
You are guilty! You should be held personally accountable.
You fail our kids. You traumatize our kids. And you fail our society.
If you reading this, here is your wake-up call. Gain insight before it is too late:
- Prolonging the resolution is one of the factors that causes victims suffer trauma. In some cases, it is not the violation itself, but it is your complicit style of leadership that traumatizes our kids.
- If you care more about reputation and donations than our kids' safety and well-being, then you must quit. Become a fund raiser or a public relation advocate. Our kids need to trust you to enforce rules and guidelines when they are violated. But if you are too weak to adhere to your own written protocol and follow the law, then, it’s time to say goodbye.
- Instead of helping develop self-reliant and confident kids, you breach trust and break their confidence.
If You Cannot Lead You Must Quit!
If you want to lead, take action:
- Fulfill your roles and responsibilities.
- Attend to the needs of the victims.
- Report the incident objectively.
- Adhere to rules, guideline, and code of conduct.
- Satisfy victims’ needs to help them overcome pain and anxiety.
- Immediately and justly enforce the penalty on the violators.
Time is up! Step up to the plate to protect the well being of our kids first and foremost. Secondly, invest in hiring better teachers and educators to inspire our kids. Lead with highest integrity, so next generation look up to you!