Stretching Boundaries
I have always enjoyed new experiences – travelling to new places, trying new assignments, new activities, sports, crossing an emotional barrier - every year I try something new to push my boundaries. I am driven by the thrill of exploration.
We are born explorers. Till I did not understand this inherent need in myself, I would judge my performance rather than celebrate the courage to explore, learn and grow. Now, I use this attitude to unleash my potential consciously. Also, learning new subjects helps me connect with people from diverse walks of life. More importantly, it has awakened my curiosity to enjoy the infinite possibilities that life offers.
Life pushes us towards our potential repeatedly by throwing circumstances in our way. We have also been gifted with free will and awareness to identify and harness those opportunities. It is entirely in our control how we respond to situations.??
We all have the capacity and capability to observe and identify patterns in life. Our fear acts as a veil on the observer. In silence, we can experience our inner voice that guides us on how to act. Through constant practice, we can shed our fears and deepen our relationship with our inner voice.
Stepping out of our comfort zone is one such practice that helps us shed our fears and discover hidden attributes. Couple of years ago, I decided to try my hand at attending a theatre course. It was awkward to make different expressions, dance freely to music, make odd sounds and throw myself into different personas, in front of the other participants. Little by little, I got over the hesitation and started enjoying myself. The experience uncovered the spontaneity that had got buried over the years. I felt free and joyful.
Expanding this sense of joy has become my mantra. Taking leaps of faith into the unknown is scary and exhilarating. When my heart says it’s the right thing to do, instead of constantly rationalizing, I just jump forward because trusting the inner voice opens up my world.