A Stretch of Blue
I’m almost there now, very near to the water
It’s pulling me to come closer — quickly
I can smell the salty air
See the seagulls circling about
And feel the gentle rhythm of the waves gliding upon the sea
My thoughts float along with the waves
Carrying my cares and all my worries out to the deep
Far, far away from me
I begin to feel lighter immediately
There’s something healing about being near the sea
The lapping sound of the waves
The endless stretch of blue
And the cool and minty sea breeze
Permeates the air as it revives the soul
Cleanses the heart
And stills the mind
You feel happier and lighter when you’re at the beach
The therapeutic effects of the sea
Will always bring joy to me
Ode to the unbounded stretch of blue
That maintains its ancient rhythm
And hidden mysteries
That’s it folks. Thanks for reading. I welcome your feedback and comments. Cheers!
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Thanks Inna