Stressed Out Visual Effects Personnel: Why Use A Performance Expert?

Stressed Out Visual Effects Personnel: Why Use A Performance Expert?

Stress. Is it wrong to believe that all of us feel the closing of the walls at one point or another? Maybe you have a deadline and you're nowhere near finishing, and your boss is just about to explode, again!

Possibly, could your sleep be so messed up because of inconsistent bedtimes? Your hormonal balance will be at jeopardy, as will your sanity if the time you flop into bed varies on a regular basis.

The brilliant colours found in movies like Avatar, Captain Marvel, and so on, are thanks in large part to the Visual Effects programmers in the movie and video game industries. They are notorious for spending 12-18 hours a day in front of a computer, practically living in front of screens (which severely drain the various types of nervous systems). We certainly can't ask one of these hard working individuals to stop doing what they love to do. As any weary-eyed person can attest, they aren't alone on this matter. What we can do is make sure that the root of their issue with lack of sleep is addressed in order to get rid of the problem so that the symptom(s) go away.

Our bodies strive for predictability. That's why the things we do (good and bad) improve and get worse with repetition. If you are continuously struggling to perform better, maybe your body is also struggling to balance your hormone levels. For instance, did you know that your body regenerates its organs while you sleep? If you wake up between 3 and 5am, your lung regeneration cycle gets disrupted. What that means is, you have too many fallout toxins called Free Radicals. When we are stressed, we use up more of our stress-fighting ammunition. If you're tired now, imagine the slippery slope you're on.How old you feel will speed past your actual age.

To make matters worse, if you're waking up between 3-5am again, and again. Very soon, you will feel more stressed out and you will age quicker from the toxins accumulating faster than you can get rid of any of them. Are we doomed to just live with it and look as haggard as we feel?

As a Human Performance Expert, finding the root cause(s) to each individual's health and professional career issues is the best way to significantly reach higher levels, including achieving a good night's sleep to keep us fresher and younger.

We tend to share our symptoms but, how we got there is actually how we find the root of our causes. For instance, if two people are waking up at 3:30am: one is struggling with the paperwork of his growing business, and the other is a retiree who eats fast food and candy a few times a day, their problems are completely different. One can benefit from a better meal plan and letting go of the attachment that he/she can't nurture his/her life. The other would benefit from prioritizing their work schedule. There may be some deeper issues at hand. That's where I can help you. If you want to know how a phone call can help you rebalance your sleep and energy cycles, you can give me a call at (250) 979-8507 or, check out my website at:



