Is Stress Negatively Impacting Your Employee's Overall Health, & Your Company's Productivity?
Do your employees have too much stress? Do you worry about lack of productivity and focus? Too many sick days? Do you worry about their well-being?
Have you heard of MINDFULNESS? Paying attention, in the present moment, on purpose, and without judgement is one definition. Did you know that cultivating a mindfulness practice can increase your employee's focus, awareness, immune function, and workplace morale? I am a mindful living coach who can teach you & your employees a more intentional approach towards work and day-to-day life. My approach is holistic and practical. I offer lunch and learn talks, one-on-one coaching and group classes about how to live more mindfully and make lifestyle changes that can REDUCE STRESS. Contact me today to schedule a talk or class for your staff. #mindfulness #stress #reducestress #worklifebalance