HSE Working Minds campaign launches new free online learning for employers.

(Visit Stress and mental health at work - HSE for more information.)

The key to preventing stress at work and supporting good mental health is making it part of routine working life and culture.

To help you do this a free interactive tool has been developed that brings the Working Minds campaign principles to life.

To help employers prevent stress and support good mental health, the Working Minds campaign promotes the principles of risk assessment,

with a focus on 5 steps:

  • Reach out,
  • Recognise,
  • Respond,
  • Reflect,
  • Make it routine!

The new bitesize online learning is made up of 6 short modules that guide you step by step, with helpful tools and relatable, everyday scenarios along the way. There are games and quizzes peppered throughout to keep things interesting and it typically takes no more than an hour to complete. ?

You’ll come away with an understanding of what the law requires of employers and what you need to do to be compliant. We’ll share all the tools you need to get started in one place, and you can come back as many times as you like.

Learn something new, refresh your existing knowledge or share with others to spread the word and help drive CHANGE.

Click HERE to get registered and start today!


  • since 2019, the total annual cost of poor mental health has increased by 25%, costing UK employers up to £56 billion a year
  • over half of working days lost due to ill health are due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety
  • 'stress, depression and anxiety’ is the number one reason for work-related illness in the UK and figures continue to rise.

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, the law requires all employers to prevent work-related stress to support good mental health in the workplace. In practical terms, that means doing a RISK ASSESSMENT, and acting on it!

Working Minds - Work Right to keep Britain safe


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