STRESS----Think  for  a Moment
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STRESS----Think for a Moment

So you may not think your stressed because, your so stressed,,,sound Familiar?

"Go on “Worry Fasts.”

Worry thoughts are a habit. They act like a poisonous drug on the mind. Learn to remove the causes of your worries without permitting them to worry you. Where the worries and trials of everyday life are concerned, the mind must be like water, which does not retain any impression of the waves that play on its surface.

Shake off your worries by going on “Worry  Fasts.” Go on short worry fasts three times a day to begin with. Take an hour in the morning, an hour at noon, and three hours in the evening.

Absolutely refuse to allow a single worry thought to enter your mind during these periods. Then extend the period to a whole day; a week, and then a month. Soon you will have broken the insidious hold of worry thoughts, and you will be free of them forever.

Once you are free of worry thoughts, you must provide good mental food for the convalescing mind. First you must have laughter and joy. Associate with joyous persons, for joy and laughter are contagious.

There are some people the joy of whose laughter nothing can still. Seek them out, and feast with them on this most vitalizing food of joy. Steadfastly continue your laughter diet, and at the end of a month or two you will see a change –– your mind will be filled with sunshine.

Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. For example, psychological stress is associated with greater risk for depression, heart disease and infectious diseases. But, until now, it has not been clear exactly how stress influences disease and health.

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked,

'How heavy is this glass of water?'

Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g.

The lecturer replied, 'The absolute weight doesn't matter.

It depends on how long you try to hold it.

If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem..

If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.

If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.

In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.

As with the glass of water,

you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again..

When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.

So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down: don't carry it home.

You can pick it up tomorrow.

Whatever burdens you're carrying now,

let them down for a moment if you can.'

So, my friends, Put down anything that may be a burden to you right now,don't pick it up again until after you've rested a while.

Always keep your words soft and sweet - just in case you have to eat them.

Some stress is inevitable and actually beneficial. Stress helps people when they need to grow, attain difficult goals and perform their best. Some degree of stress enhances performance even when individuals are not in immediate danger. An athlete in a race may perform better because of the stress of the big event. Stress can increase performance, but only to a point. When one's stress exceeds a certain limit, additional stress will detract from performance.

You're running late, stuck in traffic, or pushing a deadline. The day seems a bit more out of control than usual and, bam, you've driven past your freeway exit. Whether it's something like this, or drawing a blank during a big meeting, or getting into a fender-bender on the way to a parent-teacher conference, we all have had moments where life's little pressures ganged up on us and we, somehow, made the problem worse by forgetting something or overlooking a significant detail.

Stress can affects what people think. When individuals are very stressed, particularly if they become anxious or depressed, their ability to think clearly and objectively may be affected.

People can easily feel less capable or weaker than they truly are, and think that their situation is much worse than it really is. These kinds of subtle distortions in thinking can be difficult to identify.

When one has a thought such as "I just cannot do anything right" or "this is hopeless," he or she may take it for granted that the thought is true. This is not necessarily so because people's thoughts can be completely untrue.

An exaggerated inaccurate thought such as "I'm totally worthless," may be believed because the feeling behind it is true; it reflects a true feeling of despair or hopelessness. It is too easy to accept distorted thinking that goes along with an emotion and act as if it is true.

People sometimes deny that their thinking is affected by their feelings. Believing distorted or negative thoughts makes it more difficult to work effectively to address one's problems.

 If individuals really believe that everything is hopeless and that they will never do anything right, they are less capable of critically assessing their situation in order to improve it.

 If one is depressed and feels hopeless enough, sometimes it seems easier to throw up his/her hands in despair than to deal with the real problems. The only way to know if a thought is accurate is to look directly at the thought as it occurs and examine it.

Illness and Stress

Remember, it is the immune system that fights cancer and stress is devastating to our immune system. This may be the most difficult area of managing our lives in order to get well. We can be loyal to our relationships at the expense of our health. I have seen it over and over again. Folks just can't convince themselves that certain drastic changes may be in order for them to manage their recovery well.


There is clear evidence that stress will slow wound healing in healthy students.

The study by Phillip Marucha, in 1998 revealed that examination stress in dental students delayed wound healing times by 40% compared to healing during the summer vacation. This study also demonstrated a reduction in levels of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) of 2/3 at the same time compared to unstressed levels.

Interleukin-1 is an important cytokine that plays several major roles in wound healing, including mediation of the keratinocyte response and wound contraction.

Research has indicated that subjects with a high level of perceived stress to certain life events experienced a greatly decreased level of immune response - they had only a third of the level of "natural killer cell activity" of those who experienced the same life events but perceived them as less stressful, for example, they had steep reductions in salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA speeds healing, reduces the danger of infection, and controls heart rate; reduced IGA  is linked with lowered resistance to disease.

Stress Affects Individuals

The long-term effects of stress on one's health are quite significant. The American Academy of Family Physicians has said that two-thirds of office visits to family doctors are prompted by stress-related symptoms. Stress is more than just a nuisance or something that occasionally makes people feel nervous or anxious.

Chronic, ongoing stress, even when it is not so dramatic, can affect one's health in very significant ways. One common example of this is the effect of a very stressful job.

Several large studies have demonstrated that a stressful job more than doubles one's risk of a heart attack. A stressful job might lead to cigarette smoking, obesity and lack of exercise, all of which increase one's risk for a heart attack. It is also the stress itself that directly leads to an increased risk.

Stress has been associated with the risk of many other diseases, ranging from the common cold to chronic pain to some types of cancer.

What do you think ……….?

The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.

Thank you … Very often a primary cause of many health problems relates to stress. Dr. Hans Selye, a Hungarian doctor, documented the many negative effects of stress on the human body. Excess stress is often the pathway to disease and can come from many sources such as toxicity, trauma, allergies, harmful habits, mental states, pathogens, etc.

Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.


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