Stress = Success
Lynn McDonnell
ICM certified mastery method life coach, ICBCH certified hypnotist, twin mom, dog lover, 3/5 emotional generator, enneagram 8 challenger
“There is more to life than increasing its speed” Mahatma Gandhi
For most of my life I associated stress with success. I know it sounds utterly nonsensical to some and to others it’s a way of life. I considered myself a type A personality, overachiever, fanatical frenzied freak, perfectionist, a go getter, and a doer of all things. If my to-do list wasn’t ten miles long, or I wasn’t running 100 miles a minute, I was slacking off. My modus operandi was “bring it on bitch, I got this.” The more plates I had spinning at one time, the more victorious I became...until the plates were spinning out of control. A few years ago, I sought out parenting counseling because I felt overwhelmed as a single Mom mismanaging life. During one of my sessions, the therapist asked me "Why do you think you always operate in overwhelm?" Wow, that was eye opening. I just thought that’s what life was supposed to, do, do until you die. I was so obsessed with doing that I ended up in do doo. It was time to make some serious changes.
Consider a deer grazing in a beautiful clearing. It’s calm and peaceful, just BEing in the world. Then, all of a sudden it senses a predator. It’s body then immediately switches to fight or flight survival mode, putting all its energy into running. We as humans tend to live in this cortisol crazed mode all day, everyday, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s no wonder we are overworked, over scheduled, overweight, depleted, bloated, brain fogged, fatigued and unhappy. Chronic stress is the main cause of disease. Look at the word itself - DIS- EASE - we are uneasy and living out of balance. According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, “As long as we are living by the hormones of stress, we are living as a materialist, because the hormones of stress cause us to believe that the outer world is more real than the inner world.” So how does someone who prides themself in DOing, shift to just BEing? We need to work from the inside out, not the other way around.
It all begins with awareness. Slow down, notice your patterns of behavior that are contributing to your feelings of stress and overwhelm. What thoughts create the feelings? I encourage you to get a small notepad and spend a week writing down the thoughts in your head when your body is feeling tension. Then ask yourself “Is this thought getting me closer to or farther away from the outcome I desire?” Where your attention goes, energy flows, so be conscious of the thinking that leads to the doing, that leads to anxiety. Also, it’s important not to judge yourself, look at the collection of thoughts as data. Be the objective observer collecting evidence for a perspective shift. Once you become aware, you cannot be unaware.
When we operate in overwhelm, the energy is so frenetic that we are literally depleting ourselves of oxygen. How often do you actually think about taking a breath? Set an alarm on the device that’s glued to your appendage 3x a day. Practice a four-square breathing exercise. Count to four while taking in a deep breath, hold it for four seconds, let it out for four seconds, wait four seconds then repeat. Try this for a few rounds until you feel more grounded.
Spending time in silence not only slows down the crazed pace that you live in, and gives that monkey mind a rest, it also allows creative ideas to blossom, generates a sense of flow, and a feeling of lightness. Have you ever had a light bulb moment, epiphany or insanely amazing idea show up when you were in the shower or on a long drive just taking in the scenery? There are countless platforms that can guide you in the practice of meditation. Commit to 5-10 minutes a day, then build from there.
Despite working your ass off, you can’t seem to get ahead, and crisis is the name of your game. What if you took your foot off that pedal to the metal, gave yourself some grace, and figured out how to do less better?? Lisa Carpenter, a fabulous coach, stellar human being, and host of The Full-Frontal Living Podcast preaches this model of living. She says it’s all about the energy and attitude you bring into the DOING. It’s time to stop pushing your way to success. Love what you do but love yourself more. She’s the queen of boundaries and self-care, that leads to a life of thriving not just surviving. Check out her website @ for more keen insights.
Since I adopted a more calm, peaceful mode of living, life’s gotten so much sweeter. I am still an accomplished, productive member of society. I just choose to create space for inspiration and introspection. My new self proclaimed nickname is “Yin Lynn.” Yin energy is softer, it’s about allowing and being open to receiving. My upgraded moniker sure beats some of my former terms of endearment like “The Cherub Faced Pitbull” and “Nails.” I still have a fondness for the former baller version of myself, but I’m really digging the new me. I hope this has served you as it has for me. After all, it’s always an Inside-Project.
“What way of Being must I commit to, to get the outcome that I want?” Jim Fortin
About The Author
Lynn McDonnell
Lynn McDonnell here! I am a 30 year Music Industry Executive turned Life Coach and ICBCH certified Hypnotist at the Inside-Project. I converted myself from a corporate control freak to a self-employed spiritual geek. I’m a coach, a hypnotist, a paradigm shapeshifter & agent of change. Helping people transform into the best version of themselves is my jam. I’d be honored to serve you!
Phone: 818-257-0634
Website: Email: [email protected]
Customer Success Manager | Client Engagement | Retention & Growth | With Extensive Background in Sales
3 年Lynn McDonnell Yas queen!!!!