Stress Relief Tip - Remember The Lottery
Image by Alejandro Garay from Pixabay

Stress Relief Tip - Remember The Lottery

This is one of my favorites, and math enthusiasts in particular will get a kick out of this technique. The next time you are stressing about how difficult life is, remember the lottery.

According to Neil Pasricha, author of The Happiness Equation, there are about 7 billion people on Earth today and 115 billion people who have ever lived in the history of the world. That means 108 billion people are dead. Most people have already lived their lives (14 out of 15 people will never have the chance to experience the little things in life that makes life worth living). Being alive means you have already won the lottery.

You are also among the wealthiest people in the entire world. The average world income is $5,000 per year. If you are higher than that, you are in the top 50%. And if you are higher than $50,000 per year, you are in the top 0.5%. You already have more than almost everybody on the planet. On your very worst days, you have to push out your negative and limiting beliefs. You have to remember the lottery because you have already won.(1)

You can remember the lottery for just about anything – having your health, food in the fridge, hair on your head, a roof over you, a car to drive. Any or all of these are part of a positive perspective that does wonders for your stress relief.


Please note that there is no guarantee a particular stress relief tool will work for you. Thus you must take complete responsibility for using them and for your own physical and emotional wellbeing. Further, Professor Pete Alexander is not a licensed health professional. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of any stress relief technique. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner.


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