Stress Relief Tip - Listen to Music
Image by Omar Medina from Pixabay

Stress Relief Tip - Listen to Music

One of the positive effects of music comes from its ability to remind us of previous memories and environments. Scientifically, it is tapping into our context-dependent memory. Let’s say college was the happiest time of your life. If you start listening to the music that you were listening to at that time, it can help you feel more connected to that happier time in your life, and reminiscing about it can help reduce your stress.(1)

What’s more, a favorite song that measures about 60 beats per minute, synchronizes the brain to the beat’s tempo. And this synchronization eventually leads to the development of alpha brainwaves, which are frequencies measuring between 8 to 14 hertz per second. According to scientists and researchers, when high-stressed individuals listened to their favorite song that met these specific criteria, they became noticeably relaxed. Beyond that, they experienced a significant drop in their stress and anxiety levels.(2)

If you currently feel like you’ve hit a wall and can’t move forward, sometimes you need to switch up your routine to get going again. One simple change you can make is to listen to different music. If you always listen to the same tunes during your commute or workout, you might be reinforcing your current negative mood or habits. Try finding new music to help stimulate or calm your mind. Classical music, in particular, has been shown to relax the body and reduce blood pressure.(3)

One of my favorite pick me up songs - and extremely corny but fun - is the theme from a 1980's TV show called "The Greatest American Hero (Believe It or Not)” - composed by Mike Post with lyrics by Stephen Geyer, and sung by American singer Joey Scarbury.(4)





Please note that there is no guarantee a particular stress relief tool will work for you. Thus you must take complete responsibility for using them and for your own physical and emotional wellbeing. Further, Professor Pete Alexander is not a licensed health professional. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of any stress relief technique. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner.


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