Stress Reduction Tips
Melisa Mistler-Yates ??
Virtual Event Coordinator, Connecting coaches and trainers with individuals for health, wellness, immunity and beauty.
What is your favorite stress reduction activity? Mine are (toes in sand - at the beach, feeding ducks or geese and cuddling with my kitties).
It is vital to know what causes you stress - and what activities help reduce your stress. My biggest stressor is technology not working. RIGHT? Like, I paid for the printer, I paid for the ink, I paid for the pg&e to power it, I've taken the time to confirm the ink is full and installed correctly, I've taken the time to verify there is no "jam". Now, may I please have my print out. When I can't have it and there is no reason for it to not print... that is stressful to me. How about you?
Below is copied from the coaches guide of TLS. I became a certified coach with Transitions Lifestyle System and find this to be a great system to help others.
Stress, whether it is physical (being overweight or having inflammation), chemical (taking prescription medications) or emotional (emotional situations), affects different people in different ways.
Whether it is pain in your joints from carrying extra weight or craving sugary foods during an emotional time, stress can wreak havoc on your body. Very often, with emotional stress, people crave unhealthy foods such as chocolate, chips or alcohol. Did you know that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS? No wonder most people crave chocolate and not spinach when they’re stressed out! Unfortunately, whether it is picking unhealthy foods when you’re stressed out or not eating at all, your body can store extra fat when you are stressed.
Having extra stress in your life can cause your stress hormone, cortisol, not to be in balance. When cortisol is not balanced, your body can store fat — and unfortunately, it is mostly in the stomach area. Managing your stress isn’t always easy, especially if you are challenged daily. Your body just isn’t equipped to handle chronic stress. However, the TLS? ACTS (Adrenal Cortisol Thyroid Stress Support) supplement is formulated with adaptogenic herbs that cannot only help enhance your mood, but help you handle stress without sabotaging your weight loss.
1. Exercise. When you exercise, your body releases natural endorphins that help you feel good.
2. Don’t forget your TLS ACTS supplement. The herbs in this supplement have a natural calming effect and help support your stress hormones — which can cause you to gain fat, especially around the midsection.
3. Shut down your mobile devices and social media pages and do something for yourself.
4. Be sure to get your sleep in. Stress may cause you to lose your much needed rest. Keep the room dark and comfortable and if you need some assistance, consider the Isotonix? LTryptophan supplement or the Prime Dreamz? supplement.
5. Find a hobby you like and spend time doing it. Whether it is reading a book, walking your dog, going to the beach or taking a long shower, these stress-reduction activities can help.?