Ankit Khandelwal
Founder & CEO of Aratani Wellness | Weight Loss & Lifestyle Coach | Trainer
WHY PEOPLE HAVE STRESS? - Stress is a natural warning that danger is near and it is useful in helping you avoid an accident. However, when stress goes on long after the incident that caused it, it triggers many negative changes in your body and is associated with obesity and other chronic diseases. The Stress reaction evolved to avoid predators in ancient times. However, in modern times you may have imagined or real future bad events that have not happened but cause worry. This stress activates your nervous system to raise your pulse, tense your muscles, and disturb your sleep. Stress can disorder your brain function and lead to overeating.
HOW STRESS AFFECTS US? - Stress is an adaptation of the brain that can be lifesaving in an emergency. The normal brain patterns that support thinking and judgment are stopped temporarily to address the danger so you can steer away from a car accident or run away from an attacker. If the stress is simply due to anger, you can lose your temper, shout, and say things you don’t mean. Signs that can warn you that you are stressed include muscle tightening, a rapid pulse, sweating, and dry mouth. You can use these signals to alert you to use stress reduction or simply walk away from a stressful situation. Chronic repeated stress leads to headaches, chest pain, fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, poor immunity, lack of focus, and stress-related illnesses. You can reduce your stress by taking charge of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and setting up a daily schedule of Balanced Nutrition and a Healthy Active Lifestyle to reduce stress and live a healthier and happier life!!!
STRESS AND WEIGHT GAIN - Stress is connected with Weight Gain through Trigger Foods that are eaten in response to stress. We have a well-developed system for surviving starvation involving multiple organs and hormones that enable you to survive 6 months with no food as long as you have adequate water, vitamins, and minerals. However, at the same time, we are not able to compensate for thousands of added calories eaten out of stress or pleasure, unless we burn them with exercise. This is difficult since you have to run 3 miles in 30 minutes to burn 200 Calories. Reducing stress can also reduce the hormone Cortisol that promotes fat gain in the abdomen where it causes insulin resistance leading to increased fat storage. It is also crave Trigger Foods high in fat, sugar, and salt. Craving is driven by one of the chemicals in your brain called Dopamine. Dopamine is released into the space between nerves and the binds to a specific Dopamine receptor that activates the next brain cell in the Dopamine pathway. Dopamine gives us the energy to take on a new project, exercise, or do something constructive. However, Dopamine release also motivates bad habits like overeating pleasure full foods in response to stress. Dopamine drives the desire for drug and alcohol abuse.
- EXERCISE - One of the best things you can do to Cut Stress is Exercise!! All forms of regular exercise reduce stress by increasing blood flow to the brain bringing natural hormones like endorphins to the brain. These hormones and others reduce stress by creating a pleasant sensation called a “Runner’s High”. This pleasant feeling of letting go of worries will bring you back to your exercise over time. Increased blood flow to the brain also delivers vital oxygen and glucose to the brain while removing waste products.
- HELPING OTHERS - Helping Others is a great way to reduce stress. It gives you a purpose greater than simply satisfying your desires. You get the satisfaction that comes from the gratitude of those you help and the changes you see in them. Research shows that Helping Others activates the Pleasure and Reward Centers in the brain. Helping others is also a great way to change your own attitudes towards the challenges in your life. Have compassion for the pain and distress of those around you. Compassion leads to connecting with others which will enrich your life and give you a greater sense of purpose. The satisfaction you get from the gratitude of those you help will add to your Personal Health and Happiness.
- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - No One takes Better Care of You than You Do!! Treat yourself well each and every day and take some Personal Time for Meditation, and Relaxation!! Go to a quiet space and sit. Then relax your muscles from head to toe slowly. Focus on breathing in for 4 seconds through the nose and out your mouth for 8 seconds. Think of a Relaxing Image and you will over 10 minutes Reduce Stress and feel refreshed. The Relaxation Response can lower blood pressure and pulse, and calm the mind.
- DON’T WORRY - Worry is a major cause of Stress and Anxiety! Don’t Worry about the future or dwell on the past. They help you solve real problems but worrying cannot help you solve imaginary problems. Some anxiety may improve your attention and motivate you to work harder. Don’t worry about what you cannot control, but accept those realities! Don’t worries about you can control, because you can control those things! Worry about tomorrow steals the joy from today! Just don’t worry and concentrate on what you can change. You can reduce your stress by taking charge of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and setting up a daily schedule of Balanced Nutrition and a Healthy Active Lifestyle to reduce stress and live a healthier and happier life!!!