Stress & the Professional Driver
Forestry Mutual Insurance Company
Setting the standard is what sets us apart.
A truck driver faces many obstacles in a day that cause stress, such as; physical abilities, last-minute route changes by a dispatcher, the weather and road conditions, traffic, the lack of good sleep,? the lack of home time to take care of family business, hours of service, truck breakdowns, unrealistic expectations from the boss, and I'm sure you can name many more. Just because you are aware of them doesn't mean that they go away. In most cases, you have to find a way to deal with each one. The Four A's of Managing Stress can serve as a reminder that you can have control over lowering your stress level.
? Avoid?????? ? Alter???????? ? Accept????? ? Adapt
Stop and think about these four words when you recognize that you are dealing with increased levels of stress in your life. It seems everyone right now is experiencing additional stress, so know that you are not alone.
You are in control of your surroundings, so by planning ahead for traffic, stops, and routes that are less stressful, you can be proactive when dealing with stress. Learn to say "no" when something is just too much to take on when possible. If possible, avoid things and people that raise your stress level.
You are in charge, and you can alter your surroundings or change situations for the better to reduce your stress level. It's okay to ask others to change their behavior as long as you do it in a respectful manner. Don't be afraid to communicate how you are feeling. Make sure to use the word "I" when stating your frustration. This is a way to communicate without attacking. Don't hesitate to share your personal limits. Managing your time more efficiently will always work to reduce the stress in your life.
"It is what it is," a statement that's been used a lot lately. This is a way of acknowledging that there are things that just cannot be changed. Accepting things the way they are and then striving to improve on the situation is a solid approach to managing stress. Forgiving others and learning from our mistakes can strengthen our character, as well as help others. Find someone you can share your concerns with, and remember to be good to yourself.
The ability to adapt is crucial in dealing with stress. Adjust your standards. When you adjust what you expect, you are less likely to be disappointed, thus reducing the stress in your life. When you re-frame an issue and look at it from a new perspective, things can also seem better. It's helpful to look at the "big picture" and recognize how some issues have little impact in the grand scheme of things. Adopting the attitude that you will make lemonade out of lemons can reduce your stress and create a more carefree attitude. Stress is unavoidable, but utilizing the Four A's can help you be in control of reducing the amount of stress that you actually need to allow into your life!
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