Stress and Mast Cell Activation: How Does Stress Really Affect Your Mast Cells?
Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed, it’s not just your mind that feels the pressure? Maybe you’ve experienced your heart racing, your stomach twisting in knots, or even a sudden rash appearing on your skin. That’s because, beneath the surface of our daily lives, there exists a remarkable interplay between stress and every cell in our body.
And there’s one type of cell in particular that’s especially sensitive to stress – your mast cells. And when these sensitive cells get stressed, it can spell trouble for your health.
Today we’ll dive into exactly what mast cells are, what happens to these complex cells when you experience stress, and most importantly – some steps you can take to soothe and stabilize these stressed-out cells. Let’s dive in.
Mast Cells: What Are They and What Is Their Function?
Mast cells are highly evolved, highly advanced, and indispensable components of your immune system. You see, these tiny immune cells are designed to serve as your immune system’s “front line soldiers” – standing guard and vigilantly watching for any potential threats. When a threat is detected, your mast cells spring into action and undergo degranulation – a process in which they rapidly release a medley of inflammation-stoking signaling molecules.1
These pro-inflammatory signaling molecules serve as the alarm bells, triggering the immune response and summoning other immune cells to join the battle. As additional immune cells converge on the threat, mast cells continue to produce and release a continuous flow of signaling molecules – continually replenishing their arsenal and perpetuating the cycle of inflammation.2
Now, in a healthy, balanced response mast cells are designed to ramp up inflammation, neutralize the threat, and then allow inflammation to taper off until your body returns to homeostasis. But sometimes, this delicate balance can get thrown off-kilter and cause your mast cells to essentially get stuck in the “on” position – leading to what’s known as mast cell activation syndrome.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: What Causes Overactive Mast Cells?
In mast cell activation syndrome, or MCAS, your mast cells get stuck in overproduction mode – causing your mast cells to release too many inflammatory mediators too frequently. And because mast cells are dispersed throughout your body and their degranulation sparks an inflammatory response, these malfunctioning mast cells can lead to a slew of symptoms that may include:3
But these aren’t the only concerns that can be triggered by misbehaving mast cells. Oversensitive and overactive mast cells play a pivotal role in a wide range of inflammation-mediated conditions.
Conditions Linked to Overactive Mast Cells
Just some of the conditions that involve mast cells and can, at least in part, be traced back to overzealous mast cells include:4
One of the cardinal aspects of these mast cell-related conditions is the cyclic waxing and waning of symptoms with varying degrees of intensity. These “flare-ups” occur because when your mast cells are hypersensitive, there are a number of triggers that can launch them into overproduction mode. And one of the biggest, and most often overlooked triggers is psychological stress.
To better understand this process, let’s zoom in on exactly how your mast cells respond to stress.
The Link Between Stress and Mast Cells: How Do Mast Cells Respond to Stress?
When you encounter psychological stress –? a mental and emotional state typically characterized by feelings of tension, pressure, and discomfort – your body has a distinct response. Your mast cells fit into this stress equation in a process that goes something like this:4,5,6
Studies have found that stress levels can have a monumental impact on both the development and management of mast-cell mediated conditions. So what can we do to address stress in order to stabilize mast cells, alleviate symptoms, and move towards healing this underlying imbalance?
Addressing Stress to Soothe Mast Cells
Addressing psychological stress is a pivotal piece of the puzzle when it comes to helping your mast cells regain some sense of equilibrium. Some ways to manage stress to help soothe your mast cells might include:
Keeping your stress levels in check is a piece of the puzzle you simply cannot afford to ignore when it comes to treating any mast-cell-related condition. However, addressing stress works best when combined with some other big-picture strategies to help your mast cells find stability.
Other Ways to Stabilize Mast Cells Naturally
Some other strategies that can help address and stabilize overactive mast cells include things like:
To learn more about mast cells and how you can address these cells when they malfunction, be sure to check out the following resources:
These resources are an excellent place to start. But if you’re concerned that your mast cells may be overactive and contributing to your symptoms, I cannot overemphasize the importance of working with an experienced Integrative and Functional Medicine Doctor. They can help you navigate the complexities of your condition, get to the bottom of your imbalance, and streamline your path to healing.
Mastering Stress is Key When It Comes to Addressing Overactive Mast Cells
The more we learn about ourselves as human beings the more evident it is that our bodies and minds are intricately connected. There is no separating the body, mind, and soul – they must all be nourished to tap into true healing and vibrant health. And nowhere is that more evident than in the case of malfunctioning mast cells.
The key to stabilizing your mast cells, addressing any other underlying imbalance, or simply taking your health to the next level is finding the sweet spot that allows you to cultivate your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. That’s why I’m so dedicated to empowering you – my patients and readers – with the tools and resources you need to do exactly that.?
I’ve got loads of science-backed resources on my blog and YouTube channel (and I drop new content every week, so be sure to sign up for my email list). And I really dive deep into my personal journey while sharing a repeatable roadmap to create a life full of vibrant health, true connection, and deep purpose in my new book Unexpected: Finding Resilience Through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ? The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician. ?Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.
Senior Projekt- och Utbildningsledare | Verksamhetsledning | Utveckling av koncept och processer
1 年???
Therapeutic Use Exemption & Drug Reference Operations Manager (USADA)
1 年Really comprehensive breakdown of this Jill. Appreciate you taking the time to connect all the dots and help others (including myself) get a better perspective & understanding of all the factors at play.