Stress management – simple techniques that help
Utpala Joshi
Consultant POSH | Company Director | Outsourcing expert | Global Delivery | Global payroll | PEO | Volunteer teacher | Blogger
Voices were raised. Tempers were raging and expletives were thrown around. Someone was in tears, and someone was shouting. A proper brawl had ensued.
It was towards the end of a long day at work. I got a call informing me about the situation. I took a deep breath. The first thing that was to be done was to create physical distance between the two brawling teammates. I spoke to the one who was crying, and told finish the work day and go home to sleep on the problem. “We will discuss the situation tomorrow in person,” I said.?
In such cases, it is very important to separate physically from the situation. Taking a walk or even moving from one room to another helps. Just walk away from the stress and its effect will start reducing. Deep breathing is another option. Start concentrating on your breath and take deep breaths. The adage of counting ten still works!
Then I spoke to the other teammate, who by this time had calmed down a little. I did not go into the reason for the brawl, I just asked how he was feeling. To my surprise, he said, “Apologetic”.? It was clear that in the heat of the moment, harsh words were used and the situation had escalated. I told him that we would also discuss it in person the next morning.
The next day, in a face to face meeting, the teammate who had shouted apologized to the teammate who was feeling hurt. The apology was sincere and was accepted. A healthy work atmosphere was re-established.
You would have noticed that I have not mentioned the actual issue that started the brawl. In most cases, the triggering incident is not the cause of the conflict.The actual cause is more likely to be the emotions running high in the moment and many times, physical tiredness towards the end of work days.
Some simple tricks that work: talking to other people, practicing deep breathing, apologizing if required and to not carry the stress with you when you go to bed. If you are stressed, create physical distance from the stressors, calm yourself with music, exercise, drawing, reading, cooking – whatever that you like doing.
In the current global pandemic when everyone is uncertain of the future, there are many stressors. Don’t let them get the better of you.
Be in charge of managing your stress and continue being a valuable member of your team.