Stress management is energy management
I have been training teams and managers online over the last few weeks on stress management and productivity. When I ask them the question, “What is stress?” I typically receive answers such as “deadlines,” “finances,” “over-commitment,” “not enough time,” and even “my in-laws staying with us”. These answers suggest that many of us believe stress is something that happens to us. In reality, stress is merely our response to all those external factors.
The stress response is a function of our autonomic nervous system’s flight-or-fight response. Specifically, stress is triggered by a thought or belief that we are in danger—and our body then goes into overdrive producing cortisol and adrenaline to help us get out of danger as fast as possible.
Quite simply – stress begins in our minds via a thought or belief.
I got to live this first hand during this period. I lost a Wednesday – literally. It was during the week of the Easter weekend and somehow with Monday being a holiday, I lost track of the days.
When I woke up that Wednesday morning, I was convinced it was a Thursday. Now the next day I had to prepare for online coaching and complete some writing for a client due Friday. Reflecting on that day – I was tired, drained and I had a terrible migraine headache. My emotions matched the internal angst so I was not showing up at my best for my family that day. I was irritable and snappy.
Fast forward to Thursday morning – I was up early and picked up my phone to put in a calendar entry and when I looked at the phone – it was saying TODAY – Thursday 16 April. I looked in disbelief, so much that I Googled ‘what is today’s date?’ I went to my husband to confirm just in case Dr Google was wrong and it was indeed Thursday. I cannot express the relief and gratitude. It was receiving the gift of time and not just an extra hour but an entire day! My mood shifted instantly – I felt lighter, more joyful and I had the best day. Despite the interruptions from the kids or the day not going according to plan – I was so content. Everything I did that day was driven from a place of ease and enjoyment and love for the work.
Stress begins in our minds via a thought or belief.
On reflection, I never want to experience another ‘Wednesday’ and it was all self-inflicted through my thinking and my attitude. Yes, I was on deadline in my mind but the way I chose to deal with it drained my energy. It was mental fatigue versus physical fatigue; I started the day feeling like my internal battery was in the red with one bar remaining.
Even when you know this stuff – life decides to give you a reminder. I would love every day to be a ‘Thursday’ because it was so enjoyable and light. At the end of the day, I still felt fully charged in the green. Now realistically I know it can’t always be like that – there are real deadlines, financial concerns and consequences as a result of Covid-19. I wrote this article to remind you that despite this- you always have a choice.
‘The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another’.
– William James
The stress doesn’t go away but it is our attitude towards it that will determine how we meet and greet it. You can decide to have a ‘Wednesday’ lens or a ‘Thursday’ lens. Trust me – it’s more pleasant for everyone around you to opt for Thursday. What stood out the most was that my energy impacted the entire house – a bad mood permeates like a diffuser. I could see and feel the difference on the Thursday because I was like a different person and there was a lightness in the house. There is a great quote from Oprah ‘You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others’.
If you find yourself experiencing a ‘Wednesday’ – stop yourself and think of this post. Remember that no matter that you are going through or what you have to tackle that day – you have full control of your thoughts, attitude and the way you will rise to the challenge.
Here’s to only Thursdays,
Warm wishes
Marketing Director & Coach | Talking about Mindset, Marketing & Mastery
4 年"my energy impacted the entire house" - this is so true. "you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others" never thought about taking responsibility for it, i like that. #newawareness thank you for sharing.