Stress, Emotional Eating & EBT
Deidre Dickens
Certified Health & Life Coach I Habit Change Specialist I Individual & Group Coaching. Providing Support, Proven Strategies, Feedback & more.
Do you or anyone you know have challenges with emotional eating, binge eating, overeating, compulsive eating or dealing with an insane amount of life stress?
If so, then “Emotional Brain Training” or EBT may work for you. It's a Neuroscience and Stress Physiology based method to rewire patterns of unhealthy habits. We digest more than just food every day. As a Coach, I find that this modality helps my clients reliably and consistently “digest” their emotions so they can get into a relaxed state, especially before each meal.
EBT is a science-based program that was developed over the last 30 years by Laurel Mellin, PhD. It integrates advances in neuroscience and stress physiology that rewires patterns of anxiety, depression, overeating, and unhealthy habits by using practical, easy-to-implement tools.
I've found EBT to be remarkably effective for overcoming my own struggle with emotional eating, using it as a sort of "emotional housecleaning" to clear away negative feelings and then allowing me to become aware of the positive feelings that are underneath them.
It's important to note that when you're in a state of stress, your digestion slows to a halt, making it very difficult for your body to absorb nutrients efficiently or for you to lose excess weight. You could be eating all the best, organic, wild, unprocessed foods but if you're in a state of stress when you eat, then you're efforts may be in vain.
Try this Simple yet Powerful Brain Training Check-In Exercise BEFORE your Next Meal:
Take a deep breath, and check in with your feelings.
Ask yourself: Right now, what is my stress level?
Am I:
State 1: Feeling Great
State 2: Feeling Good
State 3: Feeling A Little Stressed
State 4: Feeling Definitely Stressed
State 5: Feeling Stressed Out
Select one of the following options:
1. Accept your current state; please scroll to the bottom.
2. Use a tool; please scroll to the corresponding tool.
State 1: Feeling Great
Sanctuary Tool (Deepen and strengthen that state of being present and with joy)
Take a deep breath.
Maintain good posture. Lovingly observe yourself.
Connect with your sanctuary, the safe place within.
Feel a wave of compassion for yourself.
Feel a wave of compassion for others.
Feel a wave of compassion for all living beings.
Feel a surge of joy!
When you have finished scroll down.
State 2: Feeling Good (You are at State 2, aware of your positive and negative feelings.)
Use the Feelings Check to get to State 1!
Ask yourself...How do I feel?
Angry, Sad, Afraid, Guilty, Tense, Tired, Hungry, Full, Lonely, Sick, Grateful, Happy, Secure, Proud, Relaxed, Rested, Satisfied, Loved, Loving, Healthy (Select three)
Which of those is my strongest feeling?
(Your strongest feeling points to your most important need)
What do I need?
(What is my corresponding need?)
Do I need support?
(To meet that need what support could I ask for?)
When you have finished scroll down.
State 3: Feeling A Little Stressed (Emotional Housecleaning)
(You are a little stressed. Use Emotional Housecleaning to clear away the negative feelings and to become more aware of the positive feelings that are under them.)
Complete the following sentences:
I feel angry that...
I feel sad that...
I feel afraid that...
I feel guilty that I...
I feel grateful that...
I feel happy that...
I feel secure that...
I feel proud that I . . .
When you have finished scroll down.
State 4: Feeling Definitely Stressed
(You are in the Brain State 4, definitely stressed.) This is a moment of opportunity to weaken stress circuits and to build circuits that bring you joy.)
Just the Facts... (State the facts about why you are feeling stressed. No feelings. Continue until your feelings become very strong, then continue on. This stress offers a moment of opportunity to change the way you process the daily stress of life.)
Begin the Natural Flow of Feelings. Express your feelings strongly for optimal rewiring. Feel your anger in your body, and then express it, using short, choppy statements (e.g., I feel ANGRY that... I CAN’T STAND it that... I hate it that...)
I feel AFRAID that...
I feel GUILTY that I...
My unreasonable expectation is...
An unreasonable expectation is an old circuit that was encoded early in life or later on during stress. Once you know what it is, you can begin rewriting it.
My reasonable expectation is...
The new circuit is the opposite of the old one (e.g. “I have to be perfect” becomes “I do not have to be perfect.”) Your brain is very open to change now.
This is a moment of opportunity!
Say (aloud or to yourself) your new expectation 10 times.
When you have finished scroll down.
State 5: Feeling Stressed Out Damage Control Tool
(You are in Brain State 5, stressed out. Use a nurturing inner voice and repetition to quiet that circuit and to ease your stress.)
Say the following three lines over and over to yourself until you feel your stress fading.
Do not judge.
(I will not judge myself. I will not judge others.)
Know it will pass. (Repeat)
When you feel the stress fading scroll down.
You Completed an EBT Check In!
Feel a surge of Joy!
Each time you disrupt your current pattern of processing the daily stress life you are improving the way your brain works.
Keep up the great work!
Use this exercise as often as you need to help regulate your nervous system, to feel less stressed out and more in control of your thoughts, to better digest your emotions.
Let me know how it works for YOU!
If you would like to know what it's like to work with a coach or to find out if we'd be a good fit to work together...schedule a short Complimentary Consultation Today.
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