Stress Awareness Month: Get Back in Control After Covid
Mrs B Hypnotherapy Dip.Hyp
Clinical Hypnotherapist - How can I help you become happy with yourself?
Feeling stressed is a hallmark of modern life. We juggle work, family life, and a million responsibilities. We wear being busy like it’s some sort of badge of honour. We keep going until eventually mental or physical ill health forces us to stop.
Stress was a huge public health problem before the pandemic, and all Covid has done is turn up the intensity.
April is Stress Awareness Month
This month is Stress Awareness Month and the theme is ‘Regaining Connectivity, Certainty, and Control.’ These are things which were lost because of Covid, and they’re also things that can trigger stress and anxiety when we don’t have them.
We lost connectivity with others: From our loved ones to the people we would usually see when we are out and about every day, hugs, handshakes, and connection was out of bounds.
We lost certainty: Covid pulled the rug from under us in many areas of life including job security, health, and wondering if we were actually going to come out on the other side of it all.
We lost control: Our lives were restricted in just about every way imaginable and we were at the mercy of a virus that was an invisible enemy.
The result was, unsurprisingly, rising stress levels.
Research carried out by the Mental Health Foundation found that 82% of adults in the UK had experienced stress because of the pandemic.
What can we do to reduce stress in ourselves and others?
- Talk about it- We have all gone through this pandemic and regardless of our circumstances, we will have been affected on some level. So be honest, and say so. If you speak up about how you feel, it might make others open up about struggling with stress too.
- Find what works for you: We all have our own coping mechanisms to help us cope with stress, some are healthy and some are not so healthy. If you have found something that really works for you, like spending time in nature or doing a creative hobby, tell other people about it and it might help them too.
- Be kind: We have all been through the mill this past year, so when someone tells you they are stressed or anxious, treat them with empathy. Acknowledge how they feel rather than saying something dismissive like ‘everyone gets stressed from time to time, you just have to get on with it.’ Feeling stressed and having poor mental health is already very isolating and all that comments like that do is make someone feel even more alone.
- Make time for self-care: This often falls by the wayside when we are busy or under stress, but we all need to make time to relax and do the things we enjoy. It’s also so important to eat well, exercise, and prioritise sleep, as these things will really increase your resilience against stress.
Could hypnotherapy help you beat stress?
Hypnotherapy can help you feel deeply relaxed, learn to feel mentally and physically calmer, and even create physical changes in the body where stress has had an impact.
It can also help you address any unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking too much alcohol, smoking more, or overeating.
Want to find out how hypnotherapy can help you conquer stress? Get in touch press 07955356731 for action or here at