Stress Attracts… You Guessed It — Stress!

Stress Attracts… You Guessed It — Stress!

Have you ever felt that when you are stressed out, every small thing seems to tick you off and add to your pile of stress?

Even when the thing is not related to what is causing you stress, even when it doesn't make sense, you are left feeling stressed out by it.

If you want to better understand the situation, imagine this — Your stress is basically a giant magnet that grows stronger with new stress that’s added to it.

Under stressful situations, you put this magnet out in hopes to receive help, but all it does is attract more stress to grow stronger.

Not all stresses are good, especially when it is not contained and utilized right.

You attract more stress in situations like these.

Everything and Everybody seems to be out to get YOU!

As time passes things seem to worsen, your mental state fragile and the smallest thing could lead to you having a meltdown.

So what can you do to come out of a situation like this?

Get out of the situation that’s causing you the most stress. Sounds simple right?

But I bet that the moment you heard this solution, your brain came up with objections such as -

  • That doesn’t make sense!
  • We have a lot of work to do, this advice is just making us procrastinate!
  • What does Madhurima know about our stress?
  • That’s bullshit advice! etc, etc.

But here’s the thing, separating yourself from the trigger, even if it is momentarily is like —

Sitting inside a stuffed room worrying about feeling suffocated, and finally opening the door that has always existed to step out and breathe in the fresh air.

When you separate yourself from the stress, you break the cycle of chemicals that pump in your brain telling you that the only way to survive is to fight/flight/freeze.

Your brain is reminded that there is no danger and that the trigger doesn’t warrant your reaction of fight/flight/freeze.

Here’s why — during stressful situations, you are hardwired to make short and quick decisions. So when your stress attracts stress, you are forced to make a lot of quick decisions. And oftentimes, at least in workplace situations, these solutions don't tend to be the ones that you need for your problems.

When you put some distance between yourself and the trigger, you allow yourself to slow down, break out of the fight/flight/freeze response cycles, and make decisions that come from the logical part of your brain, that can work in the long term.

Now, this is a very basic and generalized solution to your stress, but it is important to make note of this solution because get this - A lot of times stress is very sneaky, building up and attracting small stresses until you finally blow up in a way that leaves you scrambling to get back up, something we like to call BURNOUT.

So here’s the deal, if you are someone who is aware of the stress they are in and would like to take action on it before you burn out, I have an offer for you!

I invite you to join my container AGNI, which is created using a 7 step coaching process, built with the intention of taking you from burnout to a space where you thrive!

If and only if your answer is a HELL YES, I invite you to fill out this?application form. This form is a way to screen clients as I only take 2 new clients every month. Plus AGNI is a dope-ass coaching container that is created with a lot of love, patience, presence, and energy! That combination, along with you, can’t go wrong!!

So let’s go let’s go!!!!

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Madhurima Sappatti?is a Freedom Soul Coach and she is amazing!! As a Freedom Soul Coach, her aim is to guide people, especially coaches, to get Freedom from Burnout and Limiting Beliefs, and go from being Burnt Out to Thriving. The intention, in the end, is to create a sustainable space that will help the coaches grow, expand, and experience Freedom. She brings together inner work, burnout, and spirituality to enable as many people as possible!


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