Strengthening Foundations
Welcome back to another edition of Accreditation Times, your one-stop newsletter for all things accreditations!
In our fourth edition, the theme is Strengthening Foundations. Our idea is simple (just like our accreditation management process). We believe in simplifying educational concepts and explaining them to the common masses. Building an excellent educational system is only possible if the core, underlying reasons for building it are clear. That’s why STUDIUM focuses on strengthening the foundations of our concepts related to education by unlearning outdated process, reprioritizing our goals, and moving towards them strategically.
That’s how we first decided to talk about the history of accreditation, and then went on to touch upon the New Educational Policy (NEP) and its implications.? We then discussed the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), its role and its objectives, before also touching upon Outcome Based Education (OBE) again this month. With these overarching concepts, there is never a dearth of information that can be covered!
STUDIUM also onboarded many prestigious clients this month. In totality, our strong foundation on the core aspects of accreditation management demonstrates our commitment to building a strong foundation – within and beyond. That’s how we thought of sharing our inputs with you for your benefit too!
Keep following this space for broadening your horizons. Learning, like education and accreditation management, must be holistic after all. And we promise that we have got you covered at STUDIUM, where accreditation is simplified.
1) Exploring the Evolution of Accreditation
Exploring the historical evolution of accreditation in education!
Rooted in medieval academia, Accreditations are now global cornerstones of educational quality. Today, a top-notch education that focuses on accountability and on continuous improvement is the one that gets a backing by accreditation, which certifies the efforts taken by the institute in this regard.
Learn more about how accreditations evolved into this format and trace the journey of accreditation through history by watching our short video here.
2) Don Bosco College of Arts and Commerce
Thrilled to onboard Don Bosco College of Arts and Commerce!
We are super excited to welcome onboard a night college catering to students from a low-income background. Don Bosco is shaping young minds by striving for good quality education, and we are happy they chose to empanel STUDIUM on their accreditation management journey.
3) More about NEP
The National Education Policy (NEP) introduced by the Government of India in 2020 is reshaping education as we know it. Curriculums are becoming more student-centric, focusing on specific, measurable outcomes. What other changes are coming along with it?
Discover the intricacies of NEPs and learn more about what MERUs are simply by watching our short video today.
4) Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)
We are delighted to onboard Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Mumbai as our latest client!
STUDIUM’s comprehensive solution portfolio will empower NMIMS to streamline and simplify their accreditation processes. Please join us in welcoming them and read more about our engagement with them here.
5) What is IQAC?
Ever wondered how educational institutions ensure top-notch quality in academics and administration?
Which committee manages the complex interlinking of an institute’s learning pedagogy?
Discover the role of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell in this infographic that we’ve prepared specially for the benefit of our readers! It is a quick overview to bring you up to speed on IQAC. Share this with an institute to help them visualize the whole process!
6) St. Mira's College, Pune
We're excited to partner with St. Mira's College in Pune!
To residents in Pune, St. Mira’s needs no introduction. They are partnering with STUDIUM to elevate their accreditation processes, uphold academic excellence, and nurture future leaders.
7) Learn more about OBE
You’ve heard us talk about it before, and you will hear us talking about it in the future – it’s just that important. We’re talking about Outcome Based Education (OBE), of course!
If you’re wondering where to begin, we’ve simplified it for you. OBE isn’t just a fancy term any longer, it is the basis upon which education systems of the future are going to shape young minds!
Click here to access our specially crafted infographic that will give you a crisp summary about OBE!
8) Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies
We are happy to announce that the Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls (SVIMS), Pune was also welcomed into our accreditation management portfolio! Were you aware about any institutes that conducted MBTI tests for the holistic development of their students? If not, you’re missing out.
If you want to reform your institute’s journey of educational excellence, connect with us here and we’ll get in touch with you! One free demo later, you’ll wonder how a process as lengthy as an accreditation can not just be managed but also be simplified. That is all courtesy the strengthening of our foundations in the essence of the education system.
But we’re not doing this for us! We share our insights freely because we truly believe in the power of the collective. We believe in the power to shape the education system of the future, and thus bring you these updates via our newsletter each month! Looking forward to seeing you in the next one.