Strengthen your web application security
Its been a marathon of sprints, and here you are who built an amazing web application which serves the data to your valuable clients, whenever you plan a release there is not much effort needed as you might have a CI/CD tool at hand like jenkins, Devops life is so easy, isnt it?!
We have been building the application and planning its releases periodically, everything is going well until your web application is hacked due to a riddled SQL injection or the a stream of a cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Now your web application might give a key to a cluster of loopholes in your organisation, attack your web application and the bussiness is gone. This is the time where we remember that obvious quote "Prevention is better than Cure"
Find out more of this years top 10 vulnerabilities here
Now you might wonder that your application is non commercial and so is your security scanners, Yes we are living in the evolving world of open-source softwares and its by-products does not lack solid security tools like OpenVas and ZAP.
A secured web application must always have two layers of security scans namely a penetration scan, which is more of a network layer port scanner and a web vulnerability scan for the application itself, running scans periodically before every release, moreover these scans can easily automated into your CI/CD tools, all you need is a deploy script and scan script required for both OpenVas and ZAP scanners.
Please contact me if you need more info on automated way of intergrating these tools into your Infrastructure.
DevOps | Kubernetes | Cloud | Containers | Gateways | GitOps | CICD
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