Strength Training for Seniors: What has age got to do with it?
Strength Training for Seniors?
Medical Definition of strength training: A system of physical conditioning in which muscles are exercised by being worked against an opposing force (as by lifting weights) to increase strength. While everyone loses some muscle mass with age, it's possible to slow or even reverse that loss with regular strength training.
We all get weaker as we get older, and our muscles shrink, and this process accelerates as we get older.
It is an unavoidable consequence of doing less and less activity as time passes.
We become weaker because we do not engage in tasks that keep our muscles strong. One can prevent the loss of muscle mass and strength. Furthermore, any muscle loss is reversible too.
There are various kinds of exercises, but the importance of strength training cannot be overstated. It can be weight lifting, using resistance bands, or doing bodyweight exercises. You only need to be regular at it.
Unfortunately, most seniors do not want to participate in this activity because they fear being hurt. Most of these unfound fears are the result of low activity and are unwarranted. If you are doing it properly, initially under a coach's guidance, preferably, you won't get hurt. And think of the positives associated.
We have so many ailments associated with old age that we can easily avoid with regular strength training.
Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass that occurs as a result of aging. It's natural to lose muscle mass when you get older. Sarcopenia, on the other hand, refers to abnormally extreme muscle loss.
Osteoporosis – The term translates to “porous bones.” It occurs when the protein and mineral content of bones, specifical calcium, is depleted. Bone mass, and hence bone strength, deteriorates over time. As a result, bones become brittle and easily break.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term inflammatory condition that affects more than your joints. The condition can harm various body systems, including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels.
Fibromyalgia – Muscle or musculoskeletal discomfort, stiffness, and localized tenderness at particular points on the body define this rheumatic condition.
Type 2 Diabetes is a condition in which cells cannot properly use blood sugar (glucose) for energy. When cells become insensitive to insulin, blood sugar levels rise to dangerously high levels.
What is common in all these illnesses except for these bombastic words?
All these can be cured or kept under check with strength training.
Strength Training for Seniors
Lifting weights is beneficial to people with arthritis. Weight lifting is strength training that keeps your muscles strong, which supports your joints. Lifting weights, on the other hand, would not aggravate your arthritis. Whether you have osteoarthritis or an autoimmune, inflammatory form like rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, muscle-building exercises are an important part of your arthritis management strategy. Your doctor will surely suggest them.
Strength training should help people with fibromyalgia increase their quality of life. Resistance exercises and weight lifting are examples of strength training. It's critical to increase intensity when using light weights gradually. Strength training should help compensate for the loss of muscle mass and strength that comes with aging.
Studies show that strength training is just as effective as aerobic exercise at improving insulin sensitivity. People with type 2 diabetes should begin a strength training program to assist with blood sugar control, according to the American Diabetes Association.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, all adults should do some strength training that targets all of the main muscle groups at least twice a week. That is even more important for seniors.
Why is Strength Training Important for Seniors?
Our bodies change as we get older, and sometimes in ways we don't like. Even healthy, normal aging includes a slower metabolism. Muscle mass, strength, bone density, aerobic capacity, and response time all reduce as you get older. Body fat and bone porosity are also increasing. Our muscles stiffen, and our reflexes slow.
Strength training slows down these processes and minimizes their effect on our body.
Bone Fractures: How to Avoid Them
Because of the loss of bone density, bone fractures are more common in older adults. There is a lot of evidence that strength and weight lifting will help you gain bone density.
Strength Training boosts Muscle Mass
Due to inactivity and disuse, we lose about 25% of our muscle mass when 70 years old. Strength training like weight lifting and resistance training are best for reversing muscle loss and increasing strength.
Functional Movement Enhancement
Regular strength training will help older adults gain more mobility, walk farther, and even decrease canes and walkers' needs. Strengthening the body also helps with a variety of other functional movements. As a result, life becomes simpler and more activities become available.
Body Composition Improvement
In particular, women in their fifties and sixties tend to gain fat while losing muscle mass. They are at risk of developing chronic diseases as a result of this. Strength training aids in the maintenance of healthy body composition.
Improves Mental Health
Mental health is just as critical as physical health when it comes to aging. As you get older, you're more likely to experience loneliness and social isolation, as well as depression and other mental health matters. Building strength improves mood and overall quality of life by increasing mobility and function while also improving overall health.
Reduces joint stiffness and swelling
According to a study published in the journal Rheumatology, strengthening the muscle groups around affected joints increased function and reduced pain in individuals with osteoarthritis.
Improvement in Bone Strength
Inactivity due to joint pain and aging, especially in women, may contribute to bone loss. Strength training increases bone density and lowers the risk of osteoporosis by lightly stressing your bones.
Assists Maintain Healthy Weight
Additionally, when you get older, you lose muscle mass, which slows your metabolism and can lead to weight gain.
A combination of cardio and weight training is required to prevent the pound creep caused by a slower metabolism. Cardio burns more calories during the workout, and strength training burns calories for a longer period.
Improves balance
Strengthening your core should help you improve your balance and coordination and keep you from falling. Being stronger also makes it easier carrying groceries.