Strength training. The foundation of youth you have been looking for.

Strength training. The foundation of youth you have been looking for.

Having strong muscles is directly linked to your life expectancy.

God bless him, my poor grandfather. A perfect but very sad example of what happens as we age and don't train our bodies.

He took a slip about 10 months ago, broke his hip, and lay on the floor for two hours before he was found. having laid up in a hospital bed, his muscles atrophied.

20 weeks on, he's back walking again. Although much less stable and with the support of a crutch.

Only 6 weeks ago, he took another fall. And you guessed it, the other hip shattered.

Now, as hard as it is for me to say this, the chances of him getting back on his own two feet again are pretty slim.

Not to say strength training would have saved him from the inevitable sedentary life that is now to follow, but it certainly could have.

Strength training does a lot of things, but when it comes to living a long and prosperous life, I like to look at the big three

Increased muscle mass, increased bone density, and increased coordination/balance.

Strength training 2-3 times per week for 30 minutes has been shown to improve all health markers. Inflammation lowered blood sugars, lowered blood pressure, reduced risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease so on and so forth.

But we can really see in this instance, which happens all too often, what could have saved him from aging 10 years in the space of 10 months.

He may have taken a slip, but he might have been able to catch himself. He may have been on the floor, but he might have been able to get himself to a phone, saving himself two hours of agonizing pain. He may have laid up in bed for the guts of 6 weeks, but he would have had a much higher reserve of bone and muscle mass.

It's easy to see how this may have been prevented or at the very least, turned into a lot less of a life-altering event.

Now, I'm pretty sure we all know someone to whom this has happened. Ask yourself. Did they weight train??

It's time to break the stigma, it's not about vanity, it's not about showboating. No one in the gym is going to think you are thick because you don't know how to use the equipment.

Listen, you are an expert in your field. And if I landed myself in your shoes for a day, I would crumble. I would give it a good old college try, but by god wouldn't it be easier if I asked you to mentor me. I wouldn't have to make the same mistakes as you did because you would help me navigate the waters. Saving hardship, time, and effort.

Asking for help with your health and fitness is no different.

We arent all jacked up bodybuilders who like to count your reps and tell you that "we all have 24 hours in the day".

Try not to paint us all with one brush, because there is a lot of us out there who really care about helping you become the best version of yourself.

Check out this short clip on the importance of strength training if you want to find out more!

And if you want to enquire about our coaching plans, drop me a DM with "info".


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