-Strength for Today""It Takes Courage!" -1 Corinthians 16:13
If the truth is truly known, most of us would do anything to keep from being different. Most people spend their time trying to polish away the suffocating memories of where their journey begun. Yet the basis of this suffocating tendency is wrapped up in blatant ignorance. I’ve come to realize that ignorance isn’t divinely opted, but is an inherited opposition brought on by a willful act of disobedience. Therefore, it is here that courage takes place in order to help us step out of the cage of ignorance, that has you boxed in, and blinded so that you can’t see your place of purpose. One of our greatest fears is that of:
· Being ostracized, or
· Being rejected by "the in crowd.”
When the lack of courage is absent, this insuffiecnacy will cause you to wander through life gazing into space, without a plan “wishing upon a star”. But when you come to Jesus, by faith, you stir up courage, you arouse faith. Faith will take that which you can’t see, (Romans) 4:17), and place it upon the surety of Jesus Christ. Hope, even though it is contrary to faith, will take that element of uncertainty, and bring it about so that God is glorified.
· Courage has its strength, and
· Faith has its purpose.
Still it’ll take courage to face the challenges that befalls us. These challenges convinced me that God and God alone brought me through, when Satan’s clean sweep of victory stood at the door beckoning me to succumb to his evil entrapment of evil.
When I look back at life, I’m encouraged how God is still standing alongside His children. I have come to realize that every situation that one experiences is to build you up and teach you stuff that makes you stronger to face the next leg of life.
I’m convinced that life is not for the faint of heart. Because it takes a lot of courage to live this life.
· It takes courage to obey God and take your last few dollars and bless someone else.
· It takes courage to watch a whole community is falling apart, yet you decide in your heart that you’ll not be like them, but take a stand for rigorousness.
· It takes courage to think alone, to resist alone, to stand alone — especially when the crowd seems:
· So safe,
· So right.
Be on guard…
” Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” - 1 Corinthians 16;13.
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD