-Strength for Today- "You Were Born to Tell His Story" - Philippians 1:6
One of the biggest struggles that people face today is that of feeling insecure in this world of angry and pathetic people. They find themselves putting on facades in order to hide their inner feelings of inadequacy. All this is due to the fallen human nature which strives to present a perfectly together picture in in this sinful spiritually sick world.
And day after day it becomes increasingly burdensome to keep up this fa?ade. But I want you to know the truth that, because of Jesus you are more than just a hopeless creature occupying space on this earth. In Him you are more than enough because you are:
· Worthy, and
· Invaluable.
And when you forget this, which I would wager most of us often do, there is the tendency to replace God’s view of yourself with the self-worthiness of the world, which is much smaller than your new position of Christ-worthiness. The world tells you that you need its approval in order to grasp your worth. It says that you need its identifying idols such as:
· Money,
· Fame,
· Intelligence,
And a number of fictitious secret groups the world says you need. But to concur your insecurity, you must get beyond the need of having your ego massaged, and elevate your mindset, so that it rests securely in God’s enablement,
and not on the need for approval from this hostile and pathetically fallen world. Because not for one moment does Jesus wants you to think you’re inadequate, or not enough. Your worth comes from Jesus Christ and this secure fact is our hope for glory! For in Him, we are loved more than our finite minds could ever dare to imagine.
Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”
· What God starts,
· He finishes.
· Where God guides,
· He provides.
And where God leads, He will meet your needs. He never called you to be popular in the world, but to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, the story of His Son, how that He died, and was buried, and rose from the dead, so that whosoever believes on Him will have everlasting life.
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD