-Strength for Today-  "Are You Ready for God’s Divine Shift?"?  -  Deuteronomy 2:2

-Strength for Today- "Are You Ready for God’s Divine Shift?" - Deuteronomy 2:2

Being chained to life’s â€œdisappointing circumstances, and bound in these mental shackles, causes “anger, and bitterness, when you can't see beyond “life’s debilitating storms. Oh, you’ve prayed, and plead with God to deliver you from this evil taskmaster. But are our hearts and minds truly open to God’ directions? 

We need to be true with ourselves. Because even in the â€œwildernesses of our lives;” where we are is “no surprise to God.” Because in His â€œgoverning sovereignty,” there’s a divine shift,” for your life ready to take place.  In other words, this â€œsupernatural move,” about to happen, must extend beyond those â€œthundering hardships of yesteryears,” in order for you to receive the â€œpermanency of God’s eternal promises.” 

God in His â€œomnipotent,” â€œomnipresence, "has seen us going â€œaround” and â€œaround” in life’s continuous cycle of â€œemotional,” and â€œmental frustrating” viciousness.” Now He’s saying as He said unto Israel, â€œYou’ve treaded this “rut” in the wrong direction long enough.”

   I say this because in Deuteronomy 2: 2, Moses stated that the LORD spoke to him and said, â€œYou have compassed this mountain long enough; turn northward...” In other words, God had watched them in the wilderness moving along or around the border of the promise, and He was getting ready to have them turn northward to go and inherit the promise, which was Canaan. 

God’s purpose for this â€œdivine shift,” was to move them back on track, because they’d lost their “spiritual direction.” During this divine shift, God told Moses that they needed to turn â€œnorthward” to complete their 40-year journey (that should’ve only taken 11 days) to fulfill His purpose and plan that He had for the children of Israel. 

   So, despite their “complaining, “disobedience,” “murmuring,” and “sinning,” God’s mercy and grace “guided them to inherit the promise; they were about to walk into their wealthy place. So, God’s divinely shifted them from â€œcomplacency,” to â€œamiable contentment, “emotionally,” “mentally” and “spiritually.” 

God had been â€œwatching them” and “testing them” to see if they’d be faithful to Him before He told them to turn northward. So, could it be that God is watching us to see if we’ll be faithful to His commands and to know what is in our hearts before He tells us to turn “turn-around” and by faith inherit the promises that He has for us? 

  God’s divine shift will cause us to turn, and walk in His favor, but it’ll require our obedience and faithfulness to Him. It’s time for a â€œdivine shift,” but are you ready or in a position “spiritually” to walk into this?  

Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD





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