-Strength for Today-   "Today Starts the Next Season for Your Life."?  -  1 Samuel 16: 11-13; 17:11.

-Strength for Today- "Today Starts the Next Season for Your Life." - 1 Samuel 16: 11-13; 17:11.

    God is always getting us ready for something. And it can be viewed as the next “season” He’s preparing you for to accomplish His planned purpose for your life. So, don’t look back at 2020, because this season” will be as contrasting as “spring” is to “summer,” with its own set of challenges life is one continuous cycle of seasons. Every season builds on the previous one, but gives you a new start.    

  One of the most compelling examples on getting prepared for the next season is the story of David. Today, we’ll look at “six phases.” The number “six” isn't not only “historical,” it’s also “biblical” and is the number for man - Genesis 1:31. The number “seven,” represents “completions, whereas the number “six” is shy of that and signifies man’s “imperfection” and the “sin” and “weakness” he has. 

From today’s passages, we’re shown: 

 1. The shadow phase (1 Samuel 16:11). “Deep” lessons in life are “learned” in humble places. David is behind the scenes learning “deep truths” in “the shadows.” of his brothers:   

  • Writing songs,  
  • Taking care of sheep, and learning about the nature of God.  

 1 Samuel 13:14, says, “The LORD hath sought Him a man after His own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over His people...” David will become one of the greatest men of the Bible, being mentioned more than 1,000 times in the pages of Scripture: 

  •  More than Abraham,  
  • More than Moses. 

      Other than the Lord Jesus Christ, he’s mentioned more than any man in the New Testament. It's no accident that Jesus wasn't known as the "Son of Abraham" or the "Follower of Moses," but the “Son of David” - Matthew 9:27. 

2. The Calling Phase (16:13): This verse denotes a fresh awareness of God's “call” on your life and “desire” to use you. 

    Here David stood up “dripping with the oil or royalty” and “anointing.” Listen, you may have: 

  • Nothing in your “outward semblance,” 
  •  Nothing in your “surrounding” circumstances,” to indicate the “true royalty within you;”  

 But if you bare your heart to God, His “anointing on your life,” even though it isn't revealed yet, grants you “authority” and “power” to accomplish His will. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he is in the world”- 1 John 4:4 

   The symbol of the Holy Spirit coming upon David was “the anointing oil on his head.” “The symbol of the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus was the dove that appeared from heaven.” But today, the Holy Spirit today plays a major role in the application of salvation to the individual. By convicting, and causing “unbelievers” to see the “truth of the gospel in a clear light.” Those who respond to this conviction and place their faith in Jesus Christ receive “everlasting life,” and “a new nature.” 

3. The Formation Phase (16:21-23): Even though David has been anointed, yet in the “classroom of the Holy Spirit, we find David 

  •  Holding someone else's “weapons,” 
  • Soothing “someone else's depression” and  
  • Watching over “someone else's sheep –17:15. David is a “servant.” You’ll never learn to lead, until first you learn to “follow well.”  

4. The Stirring Phase (17:22-26) David’s burden and desire to relate to a specific need is shown here. Even today, when the “Goliath’s of this world are “shouting their challenging evils,” the more our hearts should be stirred. Others “fearfully, and ignorantly,” may ignore it, but you can't! This is when your "God energy” kick’s in and you know, “something must be done!” 

5. The Testing Phase (17:28-40): You’re going to be tested, and somehow opposed. All of us run into the "the older brother syndrome" at one time or another. 

  • You don't belong here.  
  • You aren’t qualified.  
  • Your motives are all wrong. 

You may have to exchange the popular “sword and armor,” for a “sling shot you’ve tested.”  The Holy spirit didn’t “anoint” you to be someone else. God will use you and your past. So, embrace it. 

6. The Bold Step Phase (17:45-47): Moving forward into new seasons will require steps of faith. So, as you walk into 2021, keep in mind that only faith can launch you into your call and destiny! 

Author: Plez Lovvelady, Jr., PhD






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