-Strength for Today-   "Stop Being Satan’s Victim."?   - Ephesians 6:10-18.

-Strength for Today- "Stop Being Satan’s Victim." - Ephesians 6:10-18.

   Yesterday, I described racism as, being an “evil practice,” driven by the “fear” of a “biased, blind  rejection,” of seeing the “human race” as “one whole creation,” made by God – Genesis 2:26. To eliminate this “inhuman, victimizing accusation,” in this “systemic society,” one must recognize the “concept” of “privilege.”  

“Racial,” privilege plays out all across the “cultural environments,” in this “nation,” as well as throughout the world. So, to change that mindset,” one must acknowledge their “privileged conclusiveness,” starting where these “biases,” originated. They could’ve been taught “at home,” or “unbiblically” enforced, through churches about people whose "ethnicities” were different. 

   Without the “love” of the “unprejudiced Jesus in your life,” this “satanic,” accusation will continue being your descriptive mind-set toward “racism. "Because you can’t fight against one form of “injustice,” and not fight against the inclusive of whole of it all. 

   The strategy of Satan is to keep you “victimized” with his iniquitous “thoughts” of “immorality.” His natural language is “lies.” Revelation 12:9 refers to him as "the one who deceives the whole world," which he does by “counterfeiting” and “camouflaging” God’s “truth.” His purpose is to “divide.” He doesn’t know the meaning of “unity.”  His whole purpose is to “dishonor God,” by “deceiving the mind of man,” into think that he’s a figment of their “over-active imagination.” But 1 John 5:19 says, “...the whole world lieth in wickedness”. Now, the Bible couldn’t be clearer about the existence of “the devil” and the reality of the “spiritual conflict” going on all around us.  

   So, to overcome being “victimized” by his practice of “wickedness,” is to, "put on the whole armor of God and stand against the wiles of the devil," (Ephesians 6:11), because “... we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” -V.12. 

You need to know that Satan works through “intimidation.” But when you accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal Savor, you have the Holy Spirit living within you and, Satan can’t defeat you if you’ll walk in the “Spirit.” In Christ, we’re living in the presence of God’s “promises,” of “victory,” and not as “victims,” of Satan! 



Our Father and our God, we pray that you will awaken our hearts and minds, and tear away the delusive veils by which we’ve allowed ourselves to be defeated and weakened and rendered powerless and ineffective in this great battle. Help us to understand that we’d have no possibility of fighting in this battle of “racism” were it not for the delivering work of Jesus who, came to bind the power of darkness. We thank you that the victory is already won. Thank you for the privilege we have of moving into Your Kingdom, and for the faith to stop fighting the battle already lost and stand by faith in the battle already won. In Christ's name, Amen. 

Author" Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD


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