-Strength for Today-  “The Shade of Humanity.” - Malachi 3:6.

-Strength for Today- “The Shade of Humanity.” - Malachi 3:6.

??Mankind comes in a verity of colors. Therefore, when God took out this tapestry to paint life into mankind, He did so out of the?“sovereign brilliance”?of His?“immutable?knowledge. "Therefore, we must conclude, that the term?“race” is?purely an?“arbitrary term”?used by man, for his own?“selfish reasoning.”?The testimony of the Bible is that?“all men who’ve ever lived in the world are descendants of Adam,”?and are essentially of the same “God who breathed, and formed His creature in Genesis 2:7. And?to further support that truth, Acts 17:26 says,?“God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth”?

??Therefore, because of?“sin,” all across?“the?face of the earth”?mankind is?“unified in unbelief”?with a??“common knowledge,”?and one common cause, of?“arrogance,” that’s leading him down?“a?trajectory path” taking him?“further”?and?“further”?away from the?“righteousness of God.”??So, when?“the shade of humanity,”?is referenced, the concept isn't about?“ethnicity?relating to a particular community,”?but about?“the whole” of all who?“inherited the Adamic nature,”?(Romans 3:23), which includes?“all nations of men?...,that?dwell on all the face of the earth”?

While?“rebellion,” “pride,”?and?“unbelief is evident;”?the greater shade of darkness lies in?“self-preferment,?which is an attempt to receive?the?“honor”?and?“give glory to themselves,”?“which properly belongs to God.” But even in mankind's?“state of selfishness,”?and?“a longing to control that which has never been rightfully?his.”?But sin is a?“satanic blinder,”?that he uses to “hide the light of God’s truth,” which is?“shaded by the horrors of his wickedness.”?But even here, Satan’s evil?intentions,?“back on Calvery’s cross”?was?“curbed by divine intervention.”??

??Because “all?nations are alike before God,”?in that?“sin”?had left a crimson stain?“on the souls of mankind.”?And for that cause,?“all?are?in need of?a Savior,”?and in that “all can come to the Savior if they will.”?“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” -?John 3:16.?

?Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD









