-Strength for Today- "The Seeker of “That” Which was Lost." - Luke 19:10
The emphasis on the soul is great because it is the eternal part of every human life. The soul is the birthing place of our:
· Desires, and
· Passions.
This being true, what happens when your soul is lost? Being lost simply means that one has lost their way, and on their own, there’s no way of being rescued from that state of lostness. You can't trust your feeling to solve your dilemma. Therefore:
· You need a map,
· You need someone,
Reliable to give you accurate assistance.
One of the terms the Bible uses to describe people who don't know God in a personal and meaningful manner is "lost." The problem with most people is that they may even even feel good about themselves:
· Confident,
· Enthusiastic and
· Secure.
Yet they are spiritually off track. And are unconsciously moving through life, disconnected and out of touch with the living and loving God who made them.
All this reminds me of a business trip I took, a few years ago. I had my GPS directing me as I traveled, but I came to an area where I felt that the GPS was wrong, so I decided to choose the opposite direction. Can you believe that the GPS stop giving me my needed directions?
· The longer I drove,
· The more I realized that I was lost, and
· Headed in the wrong direction.
So you see what "seemed right," proved to be wrong. What happened to me on that road trip back in 2003, is happening in principle every day here on earth. There’re good, sincere, well-meaning, intelligent people who are traveling courses, and are totally unaware of their destiny. That's why when we read of Jesus’ earthly discourse, we read how God sent His only begotten Son, “To seek and save that which was lost” –Luke 19:10. Jesus is our compassionate Shepard who:
· Stepped out of glory, for the purpose of
· Saving those who by no means can save themselves,
So that they can find the right way home!
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD