-Strength for Today-  "Precious Memories."? - Deuteronomy 32:7.

-Strength for Today- "Precious Memories." - Deuteronomy 32:7.

    Each day should be one where “precious memories” are celebrated. Collecting those memories are of great value, because:

·       As we grow older, and when

·       Our minds are at its most relaxed stage,

    Those memories are like savoring the best “nectar” that life offers.

     Growing up, my family wasn’t at the top of the food chain “materialistically,” but there were those “precious moment,” that I fully enjoyed, particularly those spent with my family, sitting around the dining room table. Before we ate, daddy would always say, “Lord, bless this food that we’re about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies, for Christ sake. Amen.” Some of the most precious memories in our home were when we knelt and prayed together:

·       Seeking the mind and

·       Direction of God for our family.

    Therefore, to collect these “precious memories,” our minds must at peace, and at rest:

·       Emotionally,

·       Mentally and

·       Spiritually,

    At its most relaxed stage, and at this occurrence it’s like savoring the best “nectar” that life offers. What I didn’t see then I see now. For what I saw as a daily ritual, was the beginning example of “prayerfulness” and how to be “thankful” to God for all things. Those precious memories were just a:

·       Glimpse of the

·       Lessons to be learned,

·       That would lead me down the pathway to His presence. Things were so much simpler then. Yes, in many ways I think they were. But without the guidance of:

·       Godly parents”, and other

·       Godly men and women,

    It would’ve been easy to get caught up listening to the “whispers” of the world, and lose focus. Therefore, the memories that we all share from yesterday, are in many ways the:

·       Determining principle for the

·       Decisions we make today.

    However, it’s needed to know, “…what is your Life? It is a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away, (James 4:14), but God has gifted each of us, because of our faith in His Son Jesus Christ with the ability to seize our little mist like never before.

    So take time out today for what really matters:

·       Remembering what God has done and

·       Thank Him for every “precious memory.”

    In remembering them, we’ll be inclined to remember our God, who gave us the blessings that fill our minds with these “precious memories”. Psalm 143:5-6 says, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy work and of Thy hands, I muse on all thy work of Thy hands. I stretch froth my hands unto Thee: my soul thirstiest after Thee, as a thirty land.”

 Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD


