-Strength for Today- “The Perfect Remedy”
Isaiah 44:22 says,?“I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto Me; for I have redeemed thee.”?The Bible sets before us two great facts: (1) Man's deadly disease, which is sin, and (2) God’s perfect remedy.??When sin?entered into?Adam and Eve’s lives, that belligerent response?“stole the relationship God had with them.”??
??When Satan, through the serpent?tempted Adam and Eve to live like gods themselves, (Genesis 3:5), rather than enjoy God’s life through them. In choosing to look to self, rather than looking beyond to the wonderful Giver of Life, Adam and Eve cut off?“the flow of God within them.”?
So, in the fulness of time, (Galatians 4:4),?God sent His Son, Jesus of Nazareth,?in the form of a man to remove “the?blot?of the false pretense”?which separated?“mankind’s heart from the heart of God.”?By entering the world as a man, Jesus Christ,?“passionately obeyed?His Father’s will, “(Mark 14:36, and Luke 22:42),?was able “to take the sins of the entire world upon His?shoulders,” and with?“His sacrificial blood,” paid the penalty that?separated?us from His Father in heaven.?
So, in our sin-sick lost estate, each day on this earth?there’s?an?“ill feeling with in our souls,”?which is the Holy Spirit’s conviction,?“letting us know that we’re in need of healing from a Great?Physician.”?In this case, “healing means”?the?“restoration of wholeness,”?back to?“the Oneness of God.”?Jesus' typical word to the healed is:?“... Your?faith has saved you; go into peace”?- Luke 8:48. Therefore, the perfect remedy for the sin-sick soul is “salvation,” which with “your dosage of faith”?will give you?“The?peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” So, set faith at work on Jesus Christ for the “healing of your sin.” Because His blood?is?“the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls.” So, live with this hope. And “you’ll die a conqueror,” and?“you’ll through the cold?wintry?months of life,”?and?“the providence of God,”?live to see?“your sins”?because of Christ Jesus,?“dead at your feet.”?
??So, by “honoring Jesus Christ as Lord and receiving His sacrifice by faith,?“our relationship with God will be restored.”?So, embrace?the truth that God wants to?“erase all sin,” “all defects,”?and?“all deviations from His design from you”?and?“restore you to?His likeness!”?And?He’ll?do it if?you’ll?just trust Him!?
?Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD