-Strength for Today- “Our Ministry is to Bring Light to Our World.” - Matthew 5: 14-16.
The only One who can break through the darkness of the World is God. Genesis 1: 2c says, “And the Spirit if God moved upon the face of the waters, and verse 3 says:?“And God said, let there be light”: and there was light”.?He’s?the One who created the “sun,” “moon,” and the “stars.” And since?He’s?holy and dwells in “unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16), all spiritual understanding originates from Him as well.?
Even though He shines all around us, only those?who’ve?had their eyes opened by the?“convicting,”?and?“transforming ““work of His Spirit” can see the full revelation of spiritual truth. At one point in His ministry Jesus said: “I Am the Light of the World: he that follow Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of the world”?- John 8:12.??
So, being light in this?dark world,?isn't?something that we can?“intellectually strive to achieve,”?but is?“a spiritual conception,”?that only a?“born again”?experience?“can reveal.” Because all who receive Jesus Christ as?Saviour, can?be?“...delivered from the power of darkness…"?- Colossians 1:13.?
In Scripture the figurative?“use of light”?has two aspects (1)?“The intellectual,”?and (2)?“The moral.”?Intellectually?“it represents truth,”?whereas?morally?“it?represents?holiness?Again, the figure of darkness has the same two aspects. Intellectually?“it represents ignorance?and?falsehood,”?whereas morally?“it’s the very essence of evil.”?
So, our mission is to?“walk in the Light of Jesus Christ.”?And?not?“conform to the ways of the world,”?which are saturated with the dimness of Satan’s?“sinful?soot?shaded lanterns.”?Which he uses?“to defuse”?the?“effectiveness of Jesus’ Light.”??To this Jesus commands us saying:?“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify: our Father which is in heaven”?- Matthew 5:16. So, as God's children, 1 Peter 2:9 says:?“... you are?a chosen race, a royal priesthood,?a?holy nation,?a people for His possession,?so that you may proclaim the praises?of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”?
Although?“we have no power,”?when?“left to ourselves to give spiritual sight.” But because of?“the indwelling Spirit of God,”?we can?“shine forth the truth of the gospel”?with our?“words,”?and?“lifestyles.”?And diligently?pray that?“God in His mercy” will open?“blinded eyes to see the truth.”?
Being light in the world may “seem like an impossible challenge. “But God’s deliverance?“is more potent than that of Amazon,”?in that He’s already supplied?“the resources we need?in order to?obey Him.”?And we have a great resource, at our fingertips,?“which is His Word:”?“The entrance of Thy Words giveth light’ it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130. So, the more God’s Word transforms you” to Jesus Christ image,?“the more brightly?you’ll?shine.?
Autor: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD