-Strength for Today-  "Our All-Sufficient God."?  - 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.

-Strength for Today- "Our All-Sufficient God." - 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.


God never waste anything. Because in every?way, and under all circumstances,?in spite of?Adam’s horrific fall from righteousness,” “standing on the platform of eternity was God’s?eternal plan.?So, to get an understanding of His eternal plan, is to “understand that it was from eternity,”?that?“God’s ultimate desire was to save as many people as possible,”?out of?“the fallen human race.?So,?“out of the womb of a woman,?God’s?“redemptive?plan”?was conceivably?“set in place,”?when?He?“sent His holy Son into a broken and hostel world,”?as?“the sin-bearer for fallen people.”?

??Jesus?“would go to the cross and die”?for all who would,?“at some point in their span of life,” “put their trust in Him.”??The plan of God was eternally arranged, so that “all who’ll believe in it,?“will come to the fount,”?and take advantage of “Jesus’ reconciling blood,”?that was?“spilt?at?Calvery’s cross.”?

??Jesus died potentially for everybody, but?theoretically, due to?“inherited evil,” “every lost?person in the world would reject the work of Jesus,”?and “choose to remain dead in their trespasses and sins.”?In other words, the?“un-generated mind,”?can’t?“conceive the fact”?that?“Jesus died for everybody?provisionally.”?So, whether salvation happens in the life of a person, depends on?each individual’s?faith,?pertaining to?the?“death,” “burial,”?and?“resurrection,”?of Jesus Christ,?

But?in spite of?what one’s faith might be lacking,?“God sent His Son into the world,”?with the?“specific aim,” and?“design”?of accomplishing?“redemption for the human race.”?In John 6:44a Jesus said,?"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draw him..."??the word?“draw”?that the KJV uses, literally means to “compel.”?Jesus also said in verse 37a, of this chapter,?"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me..."?

Jesus’ point was that?“everyone whom the Father designed to come to His Son would come, and no one else.”?Therefore,?it’s?conclusive, that?God is “all-powerful,” “ all-ever present,” “all knowing,” sovereign,” “holy,” absolute truth,:?“righteous,” “just,” “love,” “ merciful,” “faithful,” and “never?changes, thus yours and my?salvation,?“from start to finish,”?rests on?“the sovereign decree of God,”?who decided, “in His grace,”?“to have mercy on us,”?not?“because of anything He saw in us that demanded it,”?but?“for the love of the Son.” So, today, “We’re gifts of the Father, because of His Son,”?not because of anything?we’ve?ever done or could do.?

Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD





