-Strength for Today- "Man’s Resetting of the World’s System /Versus God’s Devine Reversal." - Ezekiel 18: 1-4
First of all, Covid-19 isn't a hoax as some would have you believe. Many of us remember the Hong Kong epidemic of 1968 and 1969, which killed an estimated one million people globally. It wasn’t televised as much as what we’re faced with daily through the media, as much as Covid-19.
The reason is because today’s pandemic is a highly a highly “politicized virus,” and with that comes, “political exploitation.” At the forefront of it all is a “call” to reset the world’s:
- Economy,
- Politics,
- Religions, and
- Societal standards.
To date, we’ve still witnessing thousands globally, who’ve succumbed to this tragic virus. But we’re not told about the number of people who’ve survive this virus. The reason being is there’s an “up-tick” to get a “vaccine” in place as soon as possible.
It’s not that those who’re driving this rush is concerned about the most vulnerable, it’s because those at the “gateway” globally, stands to profit exceedingly. But in the midst of this rush, it hasn’t been proven that this vaccine is going to be affective for those who’re the more vulnerable.
The protesting in the streets all over the world, as a whole, isn't about “Black lives Matter”, or “Police Brutality,” what we’re seeing is the “resetting of everything”, in other words:
- Out with the old system, and in with the
- New World Order!
The day is coming when if you aren't a globalist, or have the mark of the beastly system, you won't be able to survive in this new order. Look around, you’re seeing the effects of this “global transition,” in its early stage.
But what politician's calls “globalization,” the Bible shows us that the Anti-Christ is “revving” up to take his place in the prophetic history of mankind. So, wake up people, there’s a change is coming.
In the mist of man’s:
- Political, and
- Religious
Upheaval, God is doing a “divine reversal,” to what has caused this “deadly consequence.” Death is an illegitimate separation from God. And with sin, wickedness has grown so much, that God has intervening with His wakeup call for all mankind to:
- Pray,
- Repent and
Turn from their wicked ways, then He’ll reboot the earth - 2 Chronicles 7:14. But repentance is the master key needed for mankind to experience harmony with God. For only God can make an:
- Illegitimate relationship, one that’s
- Legitimate.
Peter says it this way” The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should some to repentance” - 2 Peter 3:9. Repentance is necessary because of the existence of sin. The same way that we’re opposed to any kind of “disgusting filth,” God hates sin. So, God can’t have any relationship with sin and maintain His holy integrity. S sin:
- Personally, and
- Nationally
Has to be addressed before a reversal of consequences can be addressed!
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD