-Strength for Today-   "Jesus Made the Impossible, Possible!"?   - John 2:1-12; 4:50; 5:8; 6:1-15,16-21; 9:1-7; 11:1-44.

-Strength for Today- "Jesus Made the Impossible, Possible!" - John 2:1-12; 4:50; 5:8; 6:1-15,16-21; 9:1-7; 11:1-44.

    The word â€œimpossible,” expresses something that’s, â€œnot able to occur, exist, or be done.”  We all face situations in life that no â€œcounselor,” “friend,” “pastor,” or â€œfamily member” can’t solve. But â€œwe’re all wrapped in a series of God placed opportunities, that Satan disguises as impossibilities.” But within Satan's â€œseemingly uncrackable diversion,” is God’s â€œincredible opportunities” being made â€œpossible” through Jesus Christ! 

   The Gospel of John records seven miracles that show Jesus’ astonishing power over things that the world say is impossible. The first one demonstrated is His: 

         1. Power over quality. At a wedding in Cana, when the wine ran out, Jesus told the servants to fill six stone pots with water and take a cupful to the headwaiter. The waiter tasted that Jesus had not only turned the water into wine, but the best wine - John 2:1–12.  

          2. Power over distance. An official came to Cana to ask Jesus to heal his dying son in Capernaum, about twenty miles away. Without moving, Jesus told him, “Go thy way; thy son is alive..." - 4:50.           3. Power over time. By the pool of Bethesda, Jesus saw a man who had been disabled for 38 years. He commanded him, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk” -5:8. 

          4. Power over quantity. Next, Jesus fed a crowd of over 5,000 people with five â€œbarley loaves” and “two sardine-sized fish” - 6:1–15. How could so little feed so many? The math didn’t add up for the disciples, nor for us. We need to believe that â€œthe lack of enough never limits Jesus’ ability!” 

          5. Power over nature. When a strong wind stirred up the sea and the terrified disciples strained at the oars to make it to shore, Jesus walked on the water and calmed the storm - 6:16–21. 

         6. Power over misfortune. In Jerusalem, Jesus noticed a man blind since birth. And without fanfare, “the Light of the World” turned blindness into sight” - 9:1–7. 

         7. Power over death. When Lazarus died, his sisters’ hopes died with him. However, Jesus transformed their â€œimpossibility” into the perfect â€œopportunity,” when He said with a loud voice, â€œLazarus, come forth” - 11:1-44.    

Humanly, all these problems are as “impossible as kindergartens training to fly jet air planes.” â€œThe things which are impossible with men are possible with God” - Luke 18:27. Jesus lived by Jeremiah’s prayer, ““O Sovereign LORD! You made the heaven and the earth by thy great and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee” - Jeremiah 32:17. 

   So, take a moment right now and pray Jeremiah’s prayer regarding your â€œimpossibility.” Pray, “O Sovereign Lord, nothing is too hard for You regarding my ______________________.” Then commit to surrendering that “impossibility” to the Lord from this day on. 

   Miracles are unexplainable, but they do happen! Because we can't predict when God will sovereignly say, â€œnow,” and transform your impossibility into opportunities. We just have to believe in His power and rest in His sovereignty. 

When Jesus issued the Great Commission, He invited each of us to live in the realm of the â€œhumanly impossible.” At â€œStrength for Today Ministries,” our staff strive on â€œimpossibilities.” If we’re not striving to do the â€œimpossible,” we might be missing an opportunity for God. Our goal is to make disciples in all the countries that this ministry reaches. So, let’s witness Jesus making the â€œimpossible” â€œpossible” today!! 






Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD的更多文章

