-Strength for Today-"He Touched Me."? - Mark 7:32.

-Strength for Today-"He Touched Me." - Mark 7:32.

     During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He touched many people physically. But even greater than our physical need for touch is our spiritual need to be touched by the One who still offers:

·       Healing,

·       Forgiveness and

·       Wholeness.

     In 1963, the Gaither’s gospel song, “He Touched Me,” beautifully expressed Jesus’ purpose for saying, “For the Son of man is come to seek to save that which was lost and,” (Luke 19:10), because due to our inherited sin nature, each of us came into the world, “Shackled by a heavy burden, Neath a load of guilt and shame,” and there I stood that day in Missouri in the mix of that maze:

·       Unclean, and

·       Unworthy,

    Because the death sentence had been laid upon me but, “Then the hand of Jesus touched me, and now I am no longer the same.” He’s still touching each of us today, through the divine communicating power of God’s Word. In addition, He touches lost sinners through the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit.  

And after we’re saved, He continues to touch us passionately, through the caring gestures from other believers and in many other ways. The beautiful part about our savior is that:

·       No one is too sick or too

·       Unclean for Him to touch. 

    Not you, or me, or even the worst sinner you may know. Therefore, as we allow Him to transform our lives, let’s remember to encourage those around us who may need a:

·       A reassuring touch, 

·       An outstretched hand or,

   A hug, which can go a long way. So may you feel the Savior’s caring touch today, and every day, and seek His out stretched hand. In this fast-food society, we long for:

·       Quick fixes and

·       Easy answers.

   But apart from our savior, there’s no worthwhile goal that’s:

·       Easily reached, or a

·       Deep spiritual life to behold.

     So reach out to Him, because by communicating with Him, it opens up a whole “spiritual sense” of communication with, “Our Father who art in heaven…”

     Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD


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