-Strength for Today- "God’s Truth vs. Satan’s Deceptions."  -2 Corinthians 5:17

-Strength for Today- "God’s Truth vs. Satan’s Deceptions." -2 Corinthians 5:17

   When you truly understand that Jesus is the only way to the Father, (John 14:6), your convicting perception is based upon, “the way,” which is the way of the cross. There’s no other substitute that can deliver humankind from its state of ruin, and preserve oneness with God, other than through the:

·       Death,

·       Burial, and the

·       Resurrection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    This is the only good news that has been made available for fallen man in order to get him back on track with his Holy Creator. And because of that transfer, all who come to Jesus Christ through faith are under new management -2 Corinthians 5:17! But Satan wants both Christians and non-Christians to be confused about this righteous transfer, for different reasons.

1.    When it comes to unbelievers, the devil’s purpose is to have them think they’re saved by their inclusive good works, in other words, by being a “good” person. His motive is to keep the lost man or woman lost. And because of their good deeds they consider themselves heaven-bound when in reality, they’re actually on the road to horrifying, irreversible disappointment in the lake of fire - Matthew 7:21-23.

2.      For the followers of God, the devil’s purpose is to keep them confused, and filled with the guise of a religions spirit. Because the spirit of religiosity is what hinder the progress of believers. Even though Jesus taught that Salvation can never be lost, (John 10:28-29), the enemy in season and out of season sows seeds of doubt and fear in the minds of believers for the purpose of keeping them off-balanced, and many work exceedingly hard trying to find God’s acceptance through their good works

     More than a few Christians have burned themselves out in this misguided attempt to please God. And to top it off, they’ve willingly fastened themselves to the devil’s slave block, by allowing him to infuse them with fear and short-circuit their effectiveness for God’s kingdom.

    The only solution that can cure this misguided lie, is to know the Bible, (2 Timothy 2:15), and trust what it teaches. Scripture is clear that we’re saved by faith, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9), and that salvation is permanent -Romans 8:38-39. God wants His children reassured about these truths with:

·       Absolute confidence, so that they can be

·       Spiritually productive.

    And here’s the great truth for all believers,

·       Jesus Christ lives in us.

·       He has possessed us.

     Therefore, we’re His purchased possessions, and for that cause, we’re under new management!

Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD


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